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19-11-2009, 18:00
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Re: Nothing Is Ever Going To Be Perfect!
19 Years in the Football League
19-11-2009, 20:23
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Re: Nothing Is Ever Going To Be Perfect!
The thread title is correct... however there's nowt wrong with aiming for it 
19-11-2009, 20:29
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Re: Nothing Is Ever Going To Be Perfect!
I would like, respectfully, to say something on this thread please.
Given where we have all come from, and the experiences we have had, I believe that open dialogue is essential. Criticism, ideas, complaints, etc are to be welcomed.
My approach and belief here is that as a community club, we owe it to you all (fans, volunteers, neighbours, squad) to be the ones to make the steps to address issues. I therefore absolutely believe that if we can be open to and aware of the ideas (even if we might on occasion not agree), then we are more likely to improve. Things will take a long time before they get to the point where all the positives add up to the thing that matters most - a winning team, a strong squad, a healthy bank account and a healthy crowd.
So, from my point, i encourage all this feedback. we dont always need to agree, but you can be sure that i will not react immaturely or badly to criticism. if on occasion someone goes too far, or is being unfair, then i am sure they will find out !
thanks and sorry for trespassing on this thread.
19-11-2009, 21:22
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Re: Nothing Is Ever Going To Be Perfect!
Originally Posted by Exile on Spencer St
Good on yer grimps, and all others who help out.
It's easy for me to say as I'm down amongst the heathen on missionary service but I'd hope the new regime is more welcoming to people who offer to help rather than, as did happen in the past, regarding them as fools to be abused.
There must be quite a few folk who would help out on a voluntary basis, or for a modest recompense, but it needs respect and a bit of organisation from within the club to make the most of the goodwill that is out there.
From what I've read elsewhere, this is now nearer to the type of club we all thought it was.
Give that man with the paintbrush a medal .
I've not been on this forum for quite a while,grimps,stanley convert and myself are the only volunteers that have turned up over the last 7 or 8 weeks.Although the club asked if anyone could spare a few hours to help out at the club apart from the regular 2 or 3 who are there all the time we were the only ones who answered the call to help.I'm the man with the paint brush and thanks for recommending me for a medal but i did it to help the club so i'll pass on the medal.And just let me add that David O'neill payed for the paint etc out of his own pocket,give the guy a break,he's a decent guy.That's my opinion of Mr O'neill,most of you won't agree but i stick by what i've said,a lot of credit should go to grimps and stanley convert who have done 90% of the work on the seating etc,even i've pitched in with different aspects around the ground.I was asked by David if i would decorate the clubhouse,the gazelle lounge and the board room,i have and i hope the fans like it.Probably won't come the forum again so i hope everyone enjoys the facilities and Stanley have a good season.
19-11-2009, 21:32
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Re: Nothing Is Ever Going To Be Perfect!
Nice to have you back my friend, after doing all you have done, I think it is time you came back to the Clayton End and see what you have been missing  Starting next Tuesday against Macc.
19 Years in the Football League
19-11-2009, 21:42
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Re: Nothing Is Ever Going To Be Perfect!
sorry Lee I disagree. I'll dissect the post and it will sound petty in places but it kinda proves the points made by the various people who you think are moaning
Originally Posted by fc:stanley
Theres a difference between ideas and moaning and for some reason theres alot of moaning on this forum!
its the most 'popular' forum and in every walk of life there is more moaning than praising - its just how it is. The trick is in trying to embrace the negativety and turn it around into a positive. The only people who can do that are club officials. Ignore the criticism and it gets louder - acknowledge it and the shouting fades to a dull roar
Originally Posted by fc:stanley
Shouldnt we be still be happy and celebrating that we still have a club,
we are.
Originally Posted by fc:stanley
who cares if the beer tastes awful in the clubhouse,
me for one, its rank and many, many people have voted with their feet. For my part I have changed my drink to at least try to work around the people. but a lot won't. Should we keep quiet and stay away?
Originally Posted by fc:stanley
who cares if the club shop didnt have a xl t-shirt in stock!,
the people who didn't get what they wanted!
Originally Posted by fc:stanley
For e.g , if the clubshop wasnt open today then why not try tomorrow,
its been shut for months! Most of us on here realise that you can just walk into reception and someone will take you through. But visiting people wont realise that and wont come back tomorrow.
Originally Posted by fc:stanley
if they didnt have a shirt they wanted in your size why not try at a different time! Instead of coming on here and complaining about it all!
there's no need to come on here and mention it but for the same reasons as above you might not be able to try a different time. Occasionally I have had an excess one week and gone into the shop to try to buy something. I'd end up just chatting to Lee instead because there was nothing in stock, he'd say that something was coming back in next week but by next week I wont have the surplus money. You've got to be in a position to take the money whilst they have it
Originally Posted by fc:stanley
Ideas are great, petty moaning about little stuff is just rediculous.
you gotta take the wheat with the chaff matey! People get frustrated with the same problems over and over and over again. When the time comes that people stop whinging on here or in the pub then we have a problem - it means they are past caring. Posters on this forum change all the time. The people who are regular posters now might not have been 18 months ago, where are the regular posters from then? Sometimes you just give up on posting, or give up on Stanley?
Originally Posted by fc:stanley
Onwards and Upwards!....but in time  ..... lets get behind the club and realise things are never going to be perfect!
best part of your post Lee  . As you say in the thread title, things never will be perfect, but we can always strive for it! We all want what is best for the club and we all have ideas on how to acheive this - its just a good job that we dont all get chance to do it!
19-11-2009, 21:58
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Re: Nothing Is Ever Going To Be Perfect!
valairian hes been back for the last 4 games . then he miss the daggars game . im trying to get him to come to bra
19-11-2009, 21:59
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Re: Nothing Is Ever Going To Be Perfect!
19-11-2009, 22:16
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Re: Nothing Is Ever Going To Be Perfect!
Originally Posted by afrikaaner
I've not been on this forum for quite a while,grimps,stanley convert and myself are the only volunteers that have turned up over the last 7 or 8 weeks.Although the club asked if anyone could spare a few hours to help out at the club apart from the regular 2 or 3 who are there all the time we were the only ones who answered the call to help.
I'll probably get told off for being pedantic but I would suggest the club has had hundreds of volunteers over the past 7 or 8 weeks
Out of curioisty when did the club ask for volunteers to spare a few hours. Was it something in the match programme ?
19-11-2009, 22:29
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Re: Nothing Is Ever Going To Be Perfect!
Originally Posted by lancsdave
I'll probably get told off for being pedantic but I would suggest the club has had hundreds of volunteers over the past 7 or 8 weeks
Out of curioisty when did the club ask for volunteers to spare a few hours. Was it something in the match programme ?
I've been at the club on and off for the last 7/8 weeks along with grimps and stanley convert,so if there were hundreds of volunteers then where were they.I can assure you there wasn't so how did you come to the conclusion that there were that many volunteers (were you there)obviously not or you would have seen for yourself.
19-11-2009, 22:34
God Member
Re: Nothing Is Ever Going To Be Perfect!
Originally Posted by lancsdave
I'll probably get told off for being pedantic but I would suggest the club has had hundreds of volunteers over the past 7 or 8 weeks
Out of curioisty when did the club ask for volunteers to spare a few hours. Was it something in the match programme ?
Help requested - club by stanleymad 
ACCRINGTON STANLEY FC We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
19-11-2009, 22:38
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Re: Nothing Is Ever Going To Be Perfect!
Originally Posted by afrikaaner
I've been at the club on and off for the last 7/8 weeks along with grimps and stanley convert,so if there were hundreds of volunteers then where were they.I can assure you there wasn't so how did you come to the conclusion that there were that many volunteers (were you there)obviously not or you would have seen for yourself.
I didn't say the volunteers were all at the club . I was referring to the fact many people have given there time in other ways. The collection buckets didn't travel around the various locations on their own etc etc
Originally Posted by mab
I assumed that was a one off and had been done. 
19-11-2009, 22:40
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Re: Nothing Is Ever Going To Be Perfect!
Originally Posted by VALAIRIAN
Nice to have you back my friend, after doing all you have done, I think it is time you came back to the Clayton End and see what you have been missing  Starting next Tuesday against Macc.
Thanks my friend,i've been on the clayton end for the last 4 out of five games but missed daggers because of the fuhrer giving me the job of decorating our bloody bungalowlol!.I enjoyed helping the club out and still want them to do well,but alas i don't think i'll be back on again albiet maybe occasionally.Theres no point in me posting on here because i'm not a fan of a certain person connected with the club and never will be,i will continue to get to some games and wish the team all the success they deserve for what the club has gone through,and i will get to have that pint with you mr V.
20-11-2009, 20:15
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Re: Nothing Is Ever Going To Be Perfect!
Originally Posted by lancsdave
I didn't say the volunteers were all at the club . I was referring to the fact many people have given there time in other ways. The collection buckets didn't travel around the various locations on their own etc etc
I assumed that was a one off and had been done. 
I know there were plenty of people who volunteered to carry collection buckets at various grounds and they are to be commended for their efforts in helping asfc in it's hour of need.I was refering to the request for people to give a few hours a week to help within the ground,with all respect dave you should read the post i put on properly before you reply.No wonder i stopped posting on here.
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