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Old 17-01-2007, 22:56   #1
Senior Member+
Oggy's Avatar

Oi! Liner

It was a pleasure to welcome all the refugees from the Clayton End into our shed last night. Spot of rain, and suddenly you think you're Disprins . (You're a very excitable lot, aren't you, and why not?)

Anyway just thought I'd let you into the etiquette of cajoling a liner (linesman, assistant referee). This is something us on Whinney Hill have been working on for many years, and, how can I express this, shall we say the balance was slightly upset last night.

1. Try to engage him with humour
2. Support Leam in his dialogue with the liner, but dont be afraid to shout, "Leave it Leam", Leam does know what he's doing but can get a bit theatrical at times. (Nice game last night BTW)
3. Be familiar with the "Offside Rules", it does help, and they have changed in the last few years. e.g. when the ball goes through to Rob there is no need for a flag, look towards Welchy, he will have checked that the liner had seen it, a good liner will nod or mouth agreement. He did last night, but it was rather drowned in a sea of needless abuse.
4. Try and engage him with humour, similar to point 1, but the match is half an hour old and he's made a few mistakes, just remind yourself that despite appearences he's human underneath.
5. It's the second half now and Toddy is on our touchline, we need a slightly different approach here. The liner, if he's half decent, will recognise Toddy's whole-heartedness and he will usually get the benefit of the doubt. If things get heated they both need distracting. Toddy, because he believes in justice, and the liner because he'll follow one bad decision with another to spite Toddy.
6. It's more complicated than you think, a liner has many decisions to make, involving intricate thought processes and an unnerving need to "get things right".
7. By this stage you know how bad he is, but still you bite your tongue. Think about it, if you call him anything, and they've heard it all, what's he going to do. Think,(a) "yes, they're right", and flag a penalty at the first opportunity; or (b) "it's marginal that, let's give it to the Reds". I would say (c). Got it?
8. Try and engage him with humour, it may be worth a consolation goal, or a dodgy winner.
9. There's a minute to go, he's been utterly useless, just remember, he'll be back!
10. If the humour worked in the first place you'll have probably not noticed the liner, yes he'll still get things wrong, but don't we all.

In all my years on this planet, I've never known calling someone an "F", "C", "B" or any other capital letter make them change their mind, why should it be different at a football match.

Sometimes to help your team, even in the slightest possible way, it helps to engage your brain . Cart On Stanley .

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Accrington Web
Old 17-01-2007, 23:09   #2
Full Member

Re: Oi! Liner

I remember Eric having his own particular brand of etiquette when he used to stand over there.
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Old 17-01-2007, 23:14   #3
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Re: Oi! Liner

heheheh seems wimps who cant stand the rain have a lot to learn....a) stand on the Clayton end and shout what you like at the liner (he cant hear you)


if you are too wimpy to stand in the rain be nice to him it will pay dividends

love it oggy!!! sounds like youve got your jobs sorted....who plays bad cop who plays good cop???
The Voice of the Terrace
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Old 18-01-2007, 00:30   #4
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Re: Oi! Liner

Originally Posted by Bradshaw Boy View Post
I remember Eric having his own particular brand of etiquette when he used to stand over there.
I wish he would go back over their !!!!! some of his rants in the main stand are laughable to say the least
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Old 18-01-2007, 00:49   #5
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Re: Oi! Liner

Originally Posted by Give us the old gree View Post
I wish he would go back over their !!!!! some of his rants in the main stand are laughable to say the least
Tell us more, I can't afford the 3 quid.

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 18-01-2007, 04:08   #6
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Re: Oi! Liner

Lovely post that OGGY.
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Old 18-01-2007, 08:21   #7
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Re: Oi! Liner

Hear hear. Great post!
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Old 18-01-2007, 08:38   #8
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Re: Oi! Liner

Originally Posted by Kiwi John View Post
Lovely post that OGGY.
Yeah, it is a nice post; made me chuckle quite a bit. However, John, I feel that when you finally make it to the Field of Dreams, you will find the heady atmosphere of the Clayton End makes it your true spiritual home!
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Old 18-01-2007, 09:16   #9
I am Banned

Re: Oi! Liner



Can you do a NVQ course in this and take as first students the gatemen and their friends who stand on the opposite diagonal to you ( near the dressing room).

Its no wonder we never get anything from lino's on this side as they constantly abuse him for 90mins.

Another "classic" from Tueday night was to Shaun Whalley, "ur Bl**dy useless" and 30 seconds later he scored the winner!!

Apologises to this fine band of ladies and gents, your contributions to the club are magnificent BUT please take a leaf out of Oggy's book and humour the officials.
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Old 18-01-2007, 19:48   #10
Resting in Peace

Re: Oi! Liner

Oggy, you're obviously a man of great wit, wisdom, culture and diplomacy. Were you ever an ambassador in real life?
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Old 18-01-2007, 19:57   #11
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Re: Oi! Liner

I wish there a few of you around when I used to do the line on the North West Counties League Oggy. I often thought of taking my Dad to all the matches to prove them wrong about my parentage
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Old 19-01-2007, 08:20   #12
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Re: Oi! Liner

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
Yeah, it is a nice post; made me chuckle quite a bit. However, John, I feel that when you finally make it to the Field of Dreams, you will find the heady atmosphere of the Clayton End makes it your true spiritual home!
When I do get to the Hallowed Turf (and I will oneday) I intend to be no where else but the Clayton end,shouting,singing,swearing,abusing etc and generally making a complete cock of myself,or as some might say, confirming it. (Bannana doing a haka.)
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Old 19-01-2007, 12:47   #13
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Re: Oi! Liner

Originally Posted by Redraine View Post
Oggy, you're obviously a man of great wit, wisdom, culture and diplomacy. Were you ever an ambassador in real life?
No, it's just my scouse birthright shining through .

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 19-01-2007, 12:55   #14
Resting in Peace

Re: Oi! Liner

I take it all back then.
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Old 20-01-2007, 11:20   #15
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Exclamation Re: Oi! Liner

Is it me or am I the only one who thinks sod that? You seriously think 'humouring' a linesman is going to make decisions go our way??!!! TOSH!!!

So if it doesnt make any difference why be nice?? They chose the job and all the crap that comes with it....

Jimbo T blower

Born and Bred in Accrington - You cant BUY class

"We invented the big time now we're back in the big time" ( Loweiy circa 2006 )

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