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Old 22-02-2005, 09:45   #16
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loweiy's Avatar

Re: O'Neil number 20

I support
Stanley on Saturday
Stanley fans on Sunday
England while I have breath in my body
Lancashire when the sun is in the sky

Clubs I dislike
Stockport (Long time ago involves plum on a train)

is that OK everybody?

Stephen Lowe PROUD to support Stanley
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Old 22-02-2005, 10:40   #17
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Re: O'Neil number 20

Originally Posted by MikeA
Sorry to shatter your illusions, Kitch, but they lost to Bolton Wanderers in the final. I was at the same school as Nat Lofthouse's son and he brought the match ball in on the Monday morning.
Of course you're right, Mike.... either dementia is setting in, or maybe I should cut back on the old 'vino tinto'!!
Was that the game where Nat bundled Ray Wood over the line for a somewhat controversial goal?? Never be allowed these days!
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Old 22-02-2005, 13:00   #18
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Re: O'Neil number 20

trying to take any bias out of it, there is a certain magic about the name Accrington Stanley - even hate-footie women down south know the name. Monday morning and several people in the London borough council offices where I work sought me out to congratulate Stanley on the Barnet result and our second place.They all support various top flight sides - but they always look for Stanley's result ! Amazing really, I mean, I don't give a monkey's wotsit for how united, arsenal,chelsea and the other foreign teams get on.
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Old 22-02-2005, 13:22   #19
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Re: O'Neil number 20

I support Stanley because it's in my blood.

My Dad was one of "the faithful 3,000" at Peel Park, I'm one of "the faithful 1,000" (a figure which hopefully will be going up soon) at the IES.

Clubs I dislike...Dingles and Walkers because they take fans away from us.

I could never imagine supporting any other club; I am, quite literally, "Stanley Til I Die" - I intend to have my ashes scattered on the Clayton End (but no for a long time yet!)
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Old 22-02-2005, 13:39   #20
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Re: O'Neil number 20

I could never imagine supporting any other club
There ya go.. thats what they all say mate. thats what Kitchener said, thats what I said.. Thats probably what 70% and upwards of current stanley fans said at some time then went onto prove themselves wrong..

All I can say is. It's a good job people do change there minds or there would be hardly any Stanley fans as most kids at school or either man utd, arsenal or worse blackburn and burnley.. Its up to us to get them to cange there mind and realise there is a team in there home town
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Old 22-02-2005, 13:51   #21
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Re: O'Neil number 20

Totally agree...I'm more than happy when people are changing their allegiances from someone else to Stanley. I even reckon Fearon'll change one day!

As for me, well, put it this way - if you can still support the club when gates are down to around 50 (as I did in '65), then it'll take a lot to shift my allegiances!
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Old 22-02-2005, 13:57   #22
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Re: O'Neil number 20

I'm more than happy when people are changing their allegiances from someone else to Stanley.

Its a same the club don't hold the same foresight and start doing something to get them to change.. I have tried.. But thats another debate we have had many times

I even reckon Fearon'll change one day!
Do we want him?

Sorry.. bit childish that last comment... hehe but curiously left in
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Old 22-02-2005, 15:11   #23
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Re: O'Neil number 20

I don't know if you know but fearon has gone from online pain in the arse enigma to regular coach traveller & striker for the fans team

Top bloke & we need more like him although he has a tendency to "carry on" at the motorway services (somethin I nor any other stanleyites would EVER do!)

COme on Stanley 3 Points tonight........................................... ...........................


The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 22-02-2005, 15:39   #24
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Re: O'Neil number 20

pass the puke bag someone
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Old 22-02-2005, 15:43   #25
stanleyclaret's Avatar

Re: O'Neil number 20

did this acu#tually startas a matt o'neill thread? lol
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Old 22-02-2005, 15:50   #26
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Re: O'Neil number 20

...and just to digress a little further, could you please change your avatar? How could you mutilate a sacred emblem like that?
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Old 22-02-2005, 16:18   #27
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Re: O'Neil number 20

Originally Posted by KIPAX
pass the puke bag someone
OK he's a pleb that better

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 22-02-2005, 16:30   #28
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Re: O'Neil number 20

no.. i have nowt against him.. i can forgive and forget the same as the rest... i even upped his karma the other day... he seems ok in real life and i aint about to say anything bad about him....i even went to bat for him regarding his banning and thats why he is still here under a differnt name

what makes me sick is in the last 24 hrs he says he is 100% burnley with a liking for stanley.. then you post the above drivel telling us all how he is a top stanley man..
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Last edited by KIPAX; 22-02-2005 at 16:32.
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Old 22-02-2005, 22:52   #29
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Re: O'Neil number 20

Originally Posted by KIPAX
no.. i have nowt against him.. i can forgive and forget the same as the rest... i even upped his karma the other day... he seems ok in real life and i aint about to say anything bad about him....i even went to bat for him regarding his banning and thats why he is still here under a differnt name

what makes me sick is in the last 24 hrs he says he is 100% burnley with a liking for stanley.. then you post the above drivel telling us all how he is a top stanley man..
Did I miss this?? Did Fearon1 get banned, then reappeared under a different pseudonym? How can that be so? Surely he has the same e-mail address?
Got nowt against him personally, took issues with some of his posts, but not enough to reply to them. What did he do to get banned??
(PS, unlike Kipax, I don't know him 'in real life'!)
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Old 23-02-2005, 00:03   #30
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Re: O'Neil number 20

if you can still support the club when gates are down to around 50 (as I did in '65), then it'll take a lot to shift my allegiances!

What was happening in 65? Thought it restarted in 69 I know I didnt start to follow Stanley until I played a friendly against them as an apprentice in 1971 and that was when I realised they were starting to put effort in to getting the club going, I say follow as I wasnt around Accy much in the seventies but allways looked for thier result and have stood a fight or 2 to protect the name. As for surporting 2 clubs Accy werent around much between 1960 and the 1980s and as everybody at school surported one of the other 2 has beens in the area it was taken as granted you would follow one of them, I was taken to Anfield to see Liverpool play against Burnley and have followed the reds ever since. I will still follow Stanley with pride and continue to follow Liverpool if it makes me less of a surporter then anyone else I will try not to lose to much sleep over it.

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