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30-10-2009, 11:13
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Re: O'Neill OUT!
This Article/Letter states in a much more accurate and appealing manner just what we are all trying to say in our own various way's on the Forum.
Mr o'Neil must have read it...probably over and over by now !...if he has then he must surely have grasped the depth of feeling within it, and cannot fail to have made a rapid and in-depth appraisal of any future value he might have as far as Accrington Stanley is concerned..
We all know that 'the only way is up'...and as the writer says this must be 'the Ilyas way !!'
This article impresses me to say the least!!..
30-10-2009, 11:34
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Re: O'Neill OUT!
YES O.Neill out but for gods sake leave rob heys alone,he was only doing what he was told to do by the previous owner,who was apain in the arse to work for and who,s word was LAW,rob has been with asfc since the bad old days like going to horwich rmi, marine or even knowsley fc on a cold and wet wednesday night, yes he has made mistakes but it goes even further than that up to the very top of asfc,what about all these quotes from mr EW that the club is solvent and we owe nowt to the taxman, rob was employed on a need to know basis,and the former chairman is at fault for all this debt,fact the inland revenue bills were not paid when mr EW was in charge as the amount that asfc now owe to the IR now shows,Rob Heyes has done a hell of a lot for this club under a lot of pressure from the last owners to keep quiet,so give the lad abreak,would any of you lot have wanted the pressure and the job that he had,
30-10-2009, 11:46
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Re: O'Neill OUT!
Great read that is.
Iyas way or the HIGHWAY DON, get that into your head!
30-10-2009, 12:21
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Re: O'Neill OUT!
[quote=alan7554;758502]....the previous owner,who was apain in the arse to work for and who,s word was LAW,....what about all these quotes from mr EW that the club is solvent and we owe nowt to the taxman, rob was employed on a need to know basis,and the former chairman is at fault for all this debt,fact the inland revenue bills were not paid when mr EW was in charge as the amount that asfc now owe to the IR now shows,....quote]
O'Neil is either a patsy or fool like the rest of us, but it's the cardborad millionaire who remains the obstacle to any change.
30-10-2009, 13:41
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Re: O'Neill OUT!
so now mr EW has jumped ship and gone to Chester City FC will he now relinquish all ties with asfc as chester city seem to be going down the pan as well,Mr EW was one of the most stubborn,ignorant,bullying and self righteous person i ever had the misfortune to work with,in every company he has owned his word was law,even in the clubhouse before and after the match the whalley factor was there,doors being sllamed people being frozen out,you cant put all th blame on rob heyes who was at the end of the day just employed by Mr EW,possibly a yes man but then again when confrunted with Mr EW who was,nt.As long as the past and current people are dipping their fingers into the coffers at asfc this club will continue to founder,My thanks go to jase and all the people behind the scenes who have worked their b**llocks of to raise funds for the club but at the end of the day they are all p**sing into the wind unless there is a substantial change of management at the highest level,so give Illyas Khan a chance,i have personally known him for over 25 years and at the end of the day we cant do any worse at the present time,
Last edited by alan7554; 30-10-2009 at 13:44.
Reason: misspelt words
30-10-2009, 15:50
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Re: O'Neill OUT!
[quote=Exile on Spencer St;758513]
Originally Posted by alan7554
....the previous owner,who was apain in the arse to work for and who,s word was LAW,....what about all these quotes from mr EW that the club is solvent and we owe nowt to the taxman, rob was employed on a need to know basis,and the former chairman is at fault for all this debt,fact the inland revenue bills were not paid when mr EW was in charge as the amount that asfc now owe to the IR now shows,....quote]
O'Neil is either a patsy or fool like the rest of us, but it's the cardborad millionaire who remains the obstacle to any change.
Still can't understand why the protests haven't been directed towards Eric Whalley,as it is he and his elected accountants who are ultimately reposible for this debt.As I have said previously,if Dave O,neill wasn't "in the wrong place at the wrong time" as he put it,I feel we would have been in a much worse position. Perhaps a protest at the junction of Whalley Rd & Hyndburn Road,just past the Hyndburn Bridge Pub might be on the agenda?
30-10-2009, 16:12
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Re: O'Neill OUT!
[quote=Fourth official;758550][quote=Exile on Spencer St;758513]
Still can't understand why the protests haven't been directed towards Eric Whalley,as it is he and his elected accountants who are ultimately reposible for this debt.
The cynical amongst us may thinking that the cardboard millionaire's garnd plan, if one ever existed, was simply to appear to disappear, but continue to allow as much debt as possible to be run up for as long as possible without any one party being owed so much that it prompted them to pursue things in the court (they forgot that the Taxman is a public servant and doesn't care how much it costs in lawyers' fees). When this cunning business plan reached breaking point, let the company go belly-up, put the club into administration, and then ride back into town to 'save' his beloved club, no doubt to the shouts of joy from the grateful fans. And start the same game all over again for as long as he could get away with it.
30-10-2009, 17:31
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Re: O'Neill OUT!
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Great article 
19 Years in the Football League
30-10-2009, 19:07
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Re: O'Neill OUT!
Here is my two penneth for what it is worth, the one person who I feel for in all this furor is Jack. After all in '68 he pleaded, begged and cajoled the people of Accrington to reform the football club into its present guise. He must be having nightmares, like those of us who saw the death of Stanley in '62. It must not be allowed to happen again, but let the talking start and let there be a natural progression to a new and hopefully brighter future for the club and its players and fans.
Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
30-10-2009, 20:43
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Re: O'Neill OUT!
Originally Posted by alan7554
YES O.Neill out but for gods sake leave rob heys alone,he was only doing what he was told to do by the previous owner,who was apain in the arse to work for and who,s word was LAW,rob has been with asfc since the bad old days like going to horwich rmi, marine or even knowsley fc on a cold and wet wednesday night, yes he has made mistakes but it goes even further than that up to the very top of asfc,what about all these quotes from mr EW that the club is solvent and we owe nowt to the taxman, rob was employed on a need to know basis,and the former chairman is at fault for all this debt,fact the inland revenue bills were not paid when mr EW was in charge as the amount that asfc now owe to the IR now shows,Rob Heyes has done a hell of a lot for this club under a lot of pressure from the last owners to keep quiet,so give the lad abreak,would any of you lot have wanted the pressure and the job that he had,
look at the actions and facts.
Rob Heys has no place at this club as chief exec.
He must go.
He has failed us all, he went down to face the tax man with no more than a plea for an extension.
He is meant to be the chief exec!
If he didnt like what was happening behind the scenes or was being pushed - he should have stood up for his principles.
His actions prove he is not chief exec material.
If your point about him being pressured from the top is true, then it means he is a yes man, a sheep, not a leader and certainly not a football league cheif executive.
You live and die by your actions in a public role
His actions have been appalling
He should do the honourable thing and fall on his sword aka resign.
Sadly, it seems he is going to keep a low profile; 'sympathise with the fans' and weed his way back into the club.
We need a new start, with new fresh leaders with new intiatives.
Rob Heys is not the future.
30-10-2009, 21:56
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Re: O'Neill OUT!
Oh it must be lovely to know things with such absolute clarity ........
Zero Tolerance of Intolerance
30-10-2009, 22:54
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Re: O'Neill OUT!
I think that the DON has to go, he has lied to the fans too many times. I think his position is untenable, if he stays it will create a negative image of the club to the outside world. I think that people would think twice about investing time and money into the club if he is still in charge and thus would stop the club becoming self-sustaining. I know a lot of people think that a clean sweep is required throughout the club, however I think that would be wrong. The only people that need to go are the DON and the Commercial staff, in my opinion they don't seem to be coming out with any great ideas to help move the club forward. I would personally keep Rob Heys on at the club, I know he has made some mistakes but I think he as an important role to play in the future of the club. I think the most obvious way to secure the clubs future would be to set up a supporters trust as it would involve the fans and hopefully give them a voice. I would like to say thanks to Ilyas and Peter for stepping in and saving the club.
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