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Old 27-10-2009, 18:41   #1
Senior Member+
Willie Miller's Avatar

O'Neill OUT!

****in sick as ****....

We have been lied to for 8 weeks.

We are now left having to beg again for our future at a Public Court Hearing.

The football world will be laughing at us. The main worry I had about all this was losing the immense pride I feel for MY football club. Will I ever get it back after this bollocks!

The players & management will be looking for the first way out of this ****in shambles. If we survive I see 4 or 5 "!Anthony Barrys!", just letting there contracts run out & leaving....

I personally, have attended an ASSF meeting & publically stood up for O'Neill & Rob Heys. What a fool!

I urged fans to chat to O'Neill & Heys for the truth.....


Bull**** for weeks, thats me I am afraid.... If we survive then I want a change....

I have spoken to many of the Ultras & should we have a football club after tomorrow then there will be the direct action that many of my fellow fans asked for.

I publically apologise for not seeing the current regime for what it is. But, I believe now that the club are using the optmistic fans to keep the wolves from the door.

No more...................

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 27-10-2009, 18:48   #2
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Re: O'Neill OUT!

Wiilie you have nothing to apologise for, You have along with every other Stanley fan have contributed to trying to keep the Club alive. You are the one's who have been on the front lines collecting, coming up with ideas and then actioning them to raise money for the Club we love.

All of you are very special & an amazing bunch of people and make me proud to tell anyone that.......

I support Accrington Stanley
Working Towards Change

One thing I can give and still keep: my word.

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Old 27-10-2009, 18:51   #3
God Member

Re: O'Neill OUT!

Jase do not beat yourself up man, you were not the only one.

19 Years in the Football League

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Old 27-10-2009, 19:01   #4
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Re: O'Neill OUT!

Thats signed sealed and delivered, if we were to survive the heads of stanley have just lost its fan base and no doubt they would have to go, certainly without the hard core support its doomed. I know everyones feelings are really high as am i but can we be mind ful that its a family forum please watch the language and make my life easier than have to edit certainly obvious one's, cheers.


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Old 27-10-2009, 19:01   #5
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Re: O'Neill OUT!

Jase, you and I have locked horns on this situation on more than one occasion, but I have NEVER doubted your passion and feeling OUR club..................I do not consider myself an 'Ultra' and at times I have been non complmentary about the group, however no one can doubt the passion with which the 'Ultras' support Stanley.............kudos to you all for that.

You were not the only one to be taken in by O'Neils lies, and neither will you be the last Im afraid.

I am in full agreement with you should we survive then its time for ONeil to go,and I WILL stand (well sit!) with you as well!!


Messrs Khan and Marsden I thank you

Thursday 31st. March 2011, a new dawn over the Crown ground.
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Old 27-10-2009, 19:03   #6
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Re: O'Neill OUT!

Jase you are definitely amongst many true supporters of Accrington Stanley. If we get a reprieve tomorrow, what I would like to see is total honesty, not the bull**** that has been spouted this weekend not by O'Niell but others. i.e. The tax bill will be settled on Monday in full, yet they have not got the necessary funds. Let us hope that the judge and the attorney representing ASFC get a good hearing and we can have that stay of execution. But I fear a few pieces of paper and 10 pieces of silver will not sway HMRC or anyone else. I fear that I may see my team go under for the 2nd time in my life. This will be disastrous for the fans of the club. We can only hope and pray that we are still in business tomorrow afternoon.

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 27-10-2009, 19:06   #7
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Re: O'Neill OUT!

ASSF weren't quite embraced by everyone but we were the first ones to see what lies were coming out of the club and how regularly. We tried to force our way in where there wasn't a way in, and we tried whatever we could to force the board to step down - which may have brought Ilyas back into the game.

Unfortunately possession is 9/10ths of the law and O'Neil was in possession of the club (or was he - EW?), whatever O'Neil came out with was backed by the majority because there was no reason not to trust him. This has catagorically been dismissed now.

Should we still have a club by tomorrow then I agree fully and to the hilt that direct action must be taken to force O'Neil to admit who actually runs the club and that it is time for that person or persons to hit the road.

Should anybody reading this have a direct line now to the real owner then please beg them to pick up the phone and speak to the only man who can save this club.

email [email protected] for all window cleaning quotes
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Old 27-10-2009, 19:13   #8
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: O'Neill OUT!

Originally Posted by ukcowboy View Post
Jase, you and I have locked horns on this situation on more than one occasion, but I have NEVER doubted your passion and feeling OUR club..................I do not consider myself an 'Ultra' and at times I have been non complmentary about the group, however no one can doubt the passion with which the 'Ultras' support Stanley.............kudos to you all for that.

You were not the only one to be taken in by O'Neils lies, and neither will you be the last Im afraid.

I am in full agreement with you should we survive then its time for ONeil to go,and I WILL stand (well sit!) with you as well!!
Willie like U.K. we have also locked horns a few times, but ya are spot on mate, do not apologise fer having trust, thats loyalty,n cannot be condemed, the truth always outs in time, the man is a Charlatan.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 27-10-2009, 19:14   #9
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Re: O'Neill OUT!

jase dont beat yourself up mate its not your fault we all know over the last 8 weeks we and all the fans around the world that have donated to the appeal put so much time and effort into saving our great club have been let down by mr o neil i agree with you he must go if we get through this the way forward i think if we survive is with a suppoters trust run by the fans for the fans
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Old 27-10-2009, 19:22   #10


Re: O'Neill OUT!


On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 27-10-2009, 19:28   #11
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Re: O'Neill OUT!

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Old 27-10-2009, 19:54   #12
Senior Member+

Re: O'Neill OUT!

im made up you have seen the facts among the spin.

Rob Heys is a puppet who spins the crap
O'neill is the idiot who wants to be in charge

The only time he seems to talk is to remind us how he put £100,000 of his own money into the club.
Forgive me, but £100,000 into a league club is pennies.

The ASSF and Ilyas was the only option.

the other offer seems to only have existed in O'neills head.

I talk as someone who has worked as a commercial QS and dealt in a few small sub contractors who owed less than stanley; who ended up in court with HMRI seeking more time. In all honesty, its likely we will be wound up unless they can provide 90% probably 95% of the cash and a guarantee of a creditor or bank for the remainder.

O'neill told my friend how he has changed the running of the club and how its so much better, If the SOS campaign is an example of the O'neill and Heys management - then we need new owners.

Rob Heys is way out of his depth in terms of ability
Oneill is finacially out of his depth.

There is no shame in admiting you cant do the job, but there is shame if you continue to live in denial and destroy a football club.

The real sick thing is - the 2 idiots and Lazarus will be hoping a fan is so desperate they will come up with the money tonight/tommorrow.

I still laugh at Lazarus 'we need someone to come in and give us £200,000 for nothing'.
The more you think about the stupidity of the club leadership, it starts to make you cry.

Jase - if you need any help with banners, get in touch.
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Old 27-10-2009, 20:06   #13
Full Member

Re: O'Neill OUT!

Jase, I too was at the ASSF meeting before the Cheltenham game, and even though you stood up for Mr O'Neil I never doubted your well meaning intentions and passion for our club. I admire that.

As long as there is a group of people with Accrington in their hearts, united in their love of football there will always be a STANLEY and the need for fans like yourself.

Keep the faith..
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Old 27-10-2009, 20:17   #14
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Re: O'Neill OUT!

I think the whole route of the problem has been a lack of acceptance from the DON that the club needed outside investment, he has buried his head in the sand and let momentum get the club into this mess. The one thing that really angers me is the fact people will have bought some of the "B" shares and will not get their money back: these are hard working fans who have basically been robbed blind. I said in of my earlier posts that I didn't think it was a good idea to be doing a share issue at this time, I hate to say it but it looks like I was right.

I think the writing was on the wall the moment Peter Marsden resigned, the only hope that we might have is perhaps getting an extension of a week but I would not expect the club to trading this time tomorrow. If the club survive it is of paramount importance to get the supporters trust up and running, we need to do this in order to get the club back running as a much steadier ship.
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Old 27-10-2009, 20:31   #15
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Re: O'Neill OUT!

Originally Posted by bdc View Post
I think the writing was on the wall the moment Peter Marsden resigned
Correct, though that was only one item in a long list of defining moments. Rob Heys should have resigned at that time, too. He claimed that he empathised with Peter Marsden. If that was true, he should have resigned and forced the issue, especially as he is Stanley through and through as we have been told so often.
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