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Old 20-01-2011, 14:06   #91
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Re: Open Forum Event

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
It's the 20 January and already the club has had its first CCJ of the year.
Has it?...what for? this something else that my impending senility has caused me to forget?
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Old 20-01-2011, 14:45   #92
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Re: Open Forum Event

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
It needs working at, long term and openly.
Every man and his dog knows how that can happen

If I was in charge of the club and blocking it's progress going forward a few keyboard warriors wouldn't worry me.

However if a group of people were to get in my face before and after a match, causing me major embarrasment in front of visiting directors, football league officials and the press ( while still supporting the team during the match ) I might actually feel the pressure and think twice about hanging on to power.
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Old 20-01-2011, 15:07   #93
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Re: Open Forum Event

Doug you mention in your post that the club has accrued a CCJ already, where did you hear about this?

The rest of your post makes for interesting reading and has a good few pertinant (sp) points.


Messrs Khan and Marsden I thank you

Thursday 31st. March 2011, a new dawn over the Crown ground.
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Old 20-01-2011, 15:08   #94
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Re: Open Forum Event

being a stupid git, whats a CCJ?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 20-01-2011, 15:14   #95
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Re: Open Forum Event

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
being a stupid git, whats a CCJ?

County Court Judgement
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Old 20-01-2011, 15:19   #96
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Re: Open Forum Event

Good to hear from you TM. Certainly Stanley's future is currently cursed by the ownership nonsense between EW & Do'N. At the very least those two people know why the impasse exists and are not willing to resolve the situation. It also seems that both do not wish the truth of the matter to be made public, probably because it would reveal that Stanley are not first priority with either. Anything other than satisfactory resolution on ownership is just like using a coat of paint to repair a leaky ship. Until they are ready to act like honourable men the club ain't going anywhere we would want it to.
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Old 20-01-2011, 15:23   #97
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Re: Open Forum Event

Originally Posted by LongLostSon View Post
Good to hear from you TM. Certainly Stanley's future is currently cursed by the ownership nonsense between EW & Do'N. At the very least those two people know why the impasse exists and are not willing to resolve the situation. It also seems that both do not wish the truth of the matter to be made public, probably because it would reveal that Stanley are not first priority with either. Anything other than satisfactory resolution on ownership is just like using a coat of paint to repair a leaky ship. Until they are ready to act like honourable men the club ain't going anywhere we would want it to.
That my friend is spot on, shame some are too dense too see the fact.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 20-01-2011, 16:49   #98
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Re: Open Forum Event

The Annual Return should have been at Companies House by 14th Decemberd 2010. It is now marked as 'overdue'. What a surprise.
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Old 20-01-2011, 18:19   #99
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Re: Open Forum Event

Do note that they read Accyweb intently, some people noticed last nite and some will noticed the PDF back the boys which has quoted some accywebbers posts - did they ask permission off the people who posted to use quotes for the bid ? Tho least they didn't use usernames or real names luckily.


Last edited by Stanleymad; 20-01-2011 at 18:22.
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Old 20-01-2011, 18:27   #100
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Re: Open Forum Event

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
What I'd like to see is a multi disciplinary working group focusing on the problems at the club.
Who would chair such a group? If it were to be one of the so-called powers-that-be, there would be so much suspicion and antagonism that many of those who ought to be on such a group would refuse. If it were not one of the powers-that-be, it would be ineffective because they would be unlikely to accept the opinions of any working group.

I think any "multi disciplinary working group" would be a talking shop and a failure.

What this club needs is something much simpler than that. It needs a leader with integrity, dynamism and vision. No more and no less.
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Old 20-01-2011, 19:15   #101
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Re: Open Forum Event

So many good & valid points being made as there was last night.

It is always difficult when we perhaps are not in view of full pictures of what is going on behind the scenes and where things are at?

I understand people's frustrations and why some have chose to stay away I can imagine it not being an easy desicion for any fan, LD mentioned something earlier on which I have seen which is fan power up close and in action at Anfield & Turf Moor in the past and what it brought about.

The Clouds have gathered for too long over the Club it needs time to breathe and space to grow by that I mean the ownership issues needs resolving once and for all.

I am not sure what I can offer if anything to help that come about?

Moving back to last night
The Club itself had some good initatives
with the game for a fiver
three for two offer
taking the Club out to the Community
players being more involved
as Sparkie has mentioned with the Community Trust development side of things which will bring so many people into contact with the Club across a broad range of age groups and spectrum of people

It may be the first of a few steps but the Trust side of things has to be rebuilt with fans & community etc. first & foremost to become something that people want to be part of whether that's fans coming back through the turnstiles or new fans coming along to support their "Town" or "Community" club.

This may just be a starting point and I hope it grows the more people who become involved in the Club & take an interest the more chance at some point down the line of the Club becoming self sufficient.
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Old 20-01-2011, 19:52   #102
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Re: Open Forum Event

I hope not but maybe Ilyas is as fed up as some supporters with the way things are going off the field ?

At the end of the day two of the people that run the club turned up empty handed in court after the people of Accrington raised a large amount of money in the clubs hour of need and were willing to let it die. I admire the work that JC and JB have done with the team regardless of working for these people however until the ownership issue is sorted I don't think a lot will change, but good luck trying there has been a number of good posts and ideas.
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Old 20-01-2011, 19:53   #103
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Re: Open Forum Event

Originally Posted by Pendle Red View Post
The Clouds have gathered for too long over the Club it needs time to breathe and space to grow by that I mean the ownership issues needs resolving once and for all.

Maybe the message isn't getting across enough ?

I am not sure what I can offer if anything to help that come about?
The statement at the top doesn't name names or take sides. It states what all Stanley fans want regardless of which side of the fence they sit.( and non Stanley fans with an affection for the club )

Maybe if a group of people delivered that message clearly where it can be seen, and do it often it enough the message may be more powerful
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Old 21-01-2011, 00:40   #104
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Re: Open Forum Event

Originally Posted by Stanleymad View Post
Do note that they read Accyweb intently, some people noticed last nite and some will noticed the PDF back the boys which has quoted some accywebbers posts - did they ask permission off the people who posted to use quotes for the bid ? Tho least they didn't use usernames or real names luckily.
******, third attempt at typing this out so forgive me if it sounds rambling - it was better structured the first time!

why luckily SM? I couldn't give a toss if they had put my name next to my quote. I dont actually get what is the point of the PDF though. I downloaded it expecting to get an 8 page document outlining what the club proposed to do in this campaign, what I got were 8 quotes on 8 pages. Is the point to show that Accyweb (as a proportionate cross section of the support) is negative? each of the quotes contains a modicom of hope though, so maybe they are emphasising the point that not all is lost?

I didn't attend because i fully expected to a) come out of the meeting none the wiser than I went in and b) fully expected all the hard questions to be fully swerved. I would have been right on both occasions. I have read all the posts on here, the fishy site, Facebook and press release in the Observer - none of which carry any particular meat or substance of what will happen other than a) the Community team will continue to do what it already does but under the headline banner of 'Back the Boys'. b) the commercial team will continue to do what they do but under the same banner - and hope that the business community will be more receptive because of the banner. c) the club will look to its fans to give them the ideas to move the campaign forward. Does that sound about right to those that attended?

As most have already pointed out in this thread and elsewhere for the past three years, the inherant problem at the club is the lack of trust. That wasn't O'Neils fault, it was Whalley's. Can't dress it up any other way. When O'Neil took over it was an opportunity to sweep clean, remove the cobwebs, sweep out the crap and start again. To some extents that happened, but the lack of trust remains. Firstly through inaction and secondly through a web of lies or silences. The questions remain. If I was still financially sound i'd still be on the games, still buying the merchandise and still drunk every match but I still wouldn't be willing to bust a gut to help out with ideas or proactivety. Because I don't know what the motives are behind anything that goes on.

Right, so thats covered.

Moving on. I do really hope that this campaign has some success. I want my club to do well and be succesful within its own environment. I want the community to love us whether they attend matches or not and I want JC and JB to enjoy the successes that they undoubtedly deserve. I do have some ideas that may or not be taken onboard so I will email them across to Martin as soon as, whether they are looked at or not I'll have done my bit and will continue to try to do a bit (as opposed to a lot) and they'll have my best wishes to go with them. I hope that anyone else with any kind of idea will do the same, be it big or small let them know and see if they can expand on it. Let's give them that help and that 'push' and see where it gets us.

Moving on further. If the campaign does not meet with any success then that leaves the club, the hierarchy, and its fanbase in the gutter on their own. We'll know whether there is any hope to be gleaned from the community soon enough, and we'll move on in accordance with that knowledge.

Best of British chaps and I'll see you on the other side
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Old 21-01-2011, 06:18   #105
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Re: Open Forum Event

Good Post Rob and a fair summary

Highlighting the pro's & con's

As you say through the OSC & other voices in the past few years ideas have been floated at the Club and usually do just that float past them.

Now is the time if they are serious to take them onboard and look to move them on to the next level.
Working Towards Change

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