What a great day it was today!!!! Fantastic crowd in the town centre & good spirited

..................what was Craney on????? he was ace & great at getting the crowd going - even started the ultra's off [what a refreshing change] pmsl!!!!!

Shame about not hearing Coley much im sure he had a gag going but couldnt hear it with the rubbish sound system...was Eric speachless? tho a great sport in showing the trophy to those of us that was round the back luckily didnt drop it lmao
Shame about the ground though - not as packed as i thought it might be rather disappointing - bar shut due to christening even had bouncers at the back door

- even Cookie was disappointed about the bar shut he told me lmao. Having said that there was great spirit there & we have a good bunch of fans [nice to talk & laugh with people i haven't met before lol] Craney again on form running about on pitch with the ultra's big flag lmao - i want whatever he was drinking

lol. Had a fab memorable day & even got a pic of my kids holding the trophy - very nice of stanley to do that - thanks
So what a day to celebrate a very warm sunny st georges - mind you i think Accy Stanley definately overshone the day:engsmil: .
Thank you at all at Accington Stanley well done & all the very best in the football league
