16-05-2010, 18:54
God Member
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OSC accyweb Community Group
Have set up a communities group within accyweb:
Hope to utilise this service in order to have online OSC, where people can participate in. Where ideas can be put forward, discussed as an online osc for club projects, volunteering and help. Be beneficial to our national & international members whom want to be a more active in what happens within the osc and those that cant get to meetings but have wonderful ideas/suggestions etc on how to move the osc forward in helping our asfc. As many stanley fans use accyweb they dont have to go off the site to be involved with the osc.
We have a new committee whom want to take OSC further this coming year and need help with ideas on how to do that and also OSC can update on whats happening should anyone wish to become more involved and hopefully reach more supporters and members as addition to our regular monthly meetings 
Last edited by Stanleymad; 16-05-2010 at 19:00.