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09-05-2010, 19:10
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OSC AGM monday night
tomorrow night (or tonight if you're reading this tomorrow(which would be today)) is the annual general meeting for the Supporters Club.
As far as I can remember there is only one item on the agenda, after brief discussion of other items, and that is the election of a new committee.
I am fairly sure that Bill Nuttall will once again seek re-election as treasurer but all other positions, as of tomorrow night, are vacant. Operations this year have been minimal as we have operated without a secretary, membership officials, and a vice chair - and I am stepping down as Chairman.
I have heard nothing to the contrary yet but no confirmed nominations have been received for anybody wishing to have a go at running the Supporters Club. So if any of you guys or gals would like to get involved and see if you can make a difference then please attend tomorrow night at the clubhouse from 7:15pm
Active members this year have been very minimal therefore nothing happens. Maybe you dont fancy running the thing but would like to get involved? If so then tomorrow night could be your last opportunity to say so.
Should nobody step forward to take on the club then my recommendation will be a suspension of the OSC and it will exist in name only until such time as a group of people wish to restart it.
09-05-2010, 19:29
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Re: OSC AGM monday night
It will cease to exist and will be a past thing, i do recall very well at the supporters trust meeting last year that people expressed that such an organisation should be able to fund raise etc, but that would only be possible thro the osc, and not directly as a supporters trust as osc can be an umbrella arm of a possible supporters trust. If those people who attended that meeting feeling as passionate that a funding arm should be kept then i urge u to attend the meeting.
The osc have played important roles in the past upto now, ie a big role in supporting the club thro hardship as in 62 era and before. They have organised events, osc end of season presentations - huge success other week, fans way to appreciate our players, staff and fans. The exhibition few yrs back and backing of sos appeal. Also funded mini projects at the club and still much more to do.
Many hands make light work and thats needed at the osc. This is a plead that the osc doesn't resign to ashes.
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09-05-2010, 19:41
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Re: OSC AGM monday night
A worthwhile cause not just for club but also for the community and town. I for one will try and be there tomorrow night! As I see it, loads of people turned out in forces for the SOS campaign so obviously people care about the club and want to support it. The more ideas and the more people involved then the better we can make it!
09-05-2010, 19:47
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Re: OSC AGM monday night
I'll be there as an observer + "opener upper" only.
I believe there are youth games on and a public bar. On that basis we may have to relocate to the Gazelle. If the front doors locked, don't panic I'll be around to advise where the meeting is.
I echo Macca's views, let's adjourn and re-group with next years awards do??
09-05-2010, 19:50
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Re: OSC AGM monday night
I second all the post's so far
The OSC has played it's part in the History of this Great Club of Ours and it would be great shame for it to become just that "A Part of History"
The Supporters Club does still have a future and a role for everyone, whether that's by supporting events, helping to organise events, coming up with ideas to help fund things for both the Supporters & The Club mutual benefit.
If you want to see the Supporters Club continue & prosper then if you can please turn up tomorrow evening, it may just make a difference.
Working Towards Change
One thing I can give and still keep: my word.
Last edited by Pendle Red; 09-05-2010 at 19:53.
09-05-2010, 20:00
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Re: OSC AGM monday night
All it asks is a small commitment once a month to attend meetings and get new or old ideas working positively towards clear goals.
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09-05-2010, 20:03
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Re: OSC AGM monday night
I can assure everyone they are a friendly bunch, they even make me welcome 
10-05-2010, 00:27
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Re: OSC AGM monday night
I will hop my way down 
I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
10-05-2010, 23:53
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Re: OSC AGM monday night
will post more tomorrow but the OSC lives to fight another day! yay!
thanks go to:
new Chair, Neil McGuinness
new Vice-Chair, Mel Mackie
new Secretary, Adele Steen
Still Treasurer (after 154 years) Bill Nuttall
I sincerely hope that the new committee get every bit of help that I have had over the last four years (minus one year off that Lesley abley filled in for).
The OSC is something that is worth fighting for and worth keeping on and thankfully there were people there tonight who were willing to stand forward and have a go. PLEASE give these people your utmost support and backing because they really deserve it.
Will post more tomorrow about what was said and done.
11-05-2010, 05:34
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Re: OSC AGM monday night
A Big thank you to Rob (Macca) for all his time, motivation & stewardship of the OSC over the course of his involvement with Supporters Club.
As Rob said it was good to see people willing to get involved, hopefully we can make a difference for both Supporters & Club alike.
We have a few ideas that we will look at over the close season with a view to rolling them out over the coming months and season, if anybody would like anymore information, perhaps have any fund raising ideas or would just like to become actively involved in the OSC please either reply on this thread or send me a pm.
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11-05-2010, 08:44
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Re: OSC AGM monday night
Congratulations on the new post!!!
19 Years in the Football League
11-05-2010, 10:17
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Re: OSC AGM monday night
Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
Still Treasurer (after 154 years) Bill Nuttall
Do you reckon he will cope with a lack of experience like that ? 
11-05-2010, 12:56
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Re: OSC AGM monday night
Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
will post more tomorrow but the OSC lives to fight another day! yay!
thanks go to:
new Chair, Neil McGuinness
new Vice-Chair, Mel Mackie
new Secretary, Adele Steen
Still Treasurer (after 154 years) Bill Nuttall
I sincerely hope that the new committee get every bit of help that I have had over the last four years (minus one year off that Lesley abley filled in for).
The OSC is something that is worth fighting for and worth keeping on and thankfully there were people there tonight who were willing to stand forward and have a go. PLEASE give these people your utmost support and backing because they really deserve it.
Will post more tomorrow about what was said and done.
Thanks Rob, you've been major influence over the past couple of years and I for one wish to thank you for taking the OSC on in the first place and for ensuring for us now that it will continue to live and flourish. I know I didn't renew last year, but I will be doing this year. Many thank to the rest of the team who have worked so hard of the last few seasons in our and the Clubs name.
For the new incumbents; Good Luck and I hope you and the Accrington Stanley Official Supporters Club flourishes in your care and keeping.
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11-05-2010, 15:52
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Re: OSC AGM monday night
Good news. good luck to the new committee 
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