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Old 02-10-2008, 21:42   #1
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OSC 'branches'

I've been mulling over an idea for a few weeks now and wondered what the general consensus of opinion is.

The OSC has a few problems that are pretty much unrectifiable ie your time constraints and the 'officialness' of proceedings etc. Time is something that I now find increasingly pressured and I can further sympathise with people who would like to get involved but can't.

One idea is the formation of an Internet Supporters Club. The basic principle is that it runs as part of the OSC so that any officialness can be taken care of externally such as banking and stuff like that. The measures are already in place so should be utilised.

Meetings would be a thing of the past. Agendas could be set via a messageboard system on this or the OSC board. You can add to the discussion when you have had time to digest the information and have a think - rather than having to instantly process your thoughts in order to contribute to a meeting. Obviously there would have to be a certain time period with which to respond. It allows the 'silent' people to speak up as they frequently do with their thoughts on Coleman, Whalley, ground, club shop etc. Everybody can contribute. Anything that we want to do could be done via the internet - it could be 'our thing', for example if we wanted to sort out a particular function then Mustapha in Soweto could still organise the event (DJ, caterer, booking the room) via email.

Also it allows the whole Stanley community (the ONline one at least) to get involved without the geographical problems

It would allow for better communication to members as mass emails can easily be sent regularly.

Part of this was brought on by the failure to nail down the Beer festival. Not enough people on hand, or not enough with the right contacts or knowledge to secure 15 individuals or companies to pay £70 to sponsor a barrel. If we had 100 members would any stump up a tenner and the World Wide OSC sponsors the whole event? Or would the 100 members stump up £11 each and we sponsor the kit of the whole 1st eleven next season? Possibly not no, but the idea is there that maybe the Internet is the way forward as we can quickly gather info or send info in order to make a quick decision. The club would not exist just to beg money though they are just examples

All monies could be stored in a paypal account. The only bank account that would be linked to it would the OSC one where only the treasurer has the details thus ensuring that nobody can tamper with the money (as with the current ebay set-up) . A handful of people can have access to the account to make sure that nothing untoward has happened at any point.

The FC could be invited once a year to submit a wish list that they require money for and we could then decide which of them we wish to fund, or we could just turn over the whole amount on an annual basis (paypal to OSC, OSC cheque to FC).

Just a few ideas as to how it could work, but are any you interested? Should the Accy webbers do something a bit more contributory to the club rather than just discussion/debate/gossip/rumour mong?

Out of the people that use this forum we have many people who are prolific on their field of work - unfortunately Power Tools don't contribute much to the football club, but we have designers, Google Page Ranking people, tradesmen, importers/exporters, webmasters, computer specialists etc etc etc all of which could play a massive part in shaping how our fans can contribute to the club.

As a subnote, just to clarify, this is NOT intended to replace the OSC. It is intended to work alongside the OSC which has an important part still to play in the future of the club, as events like the Exhibition proved.
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Old 03-10-2008, 08:11   #2
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Re: OSC 'branches'

Sounds a great idea, Macca. Looking forward to Mustapha's disco, too!
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Old 03-10-2008, 08:38   #3
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Re: OSC 'branches'

It does seem like a great idea Macca..yea,I like it.
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Old 03-10-2008, 16:02   #4
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Re: OSC 'branches'

Great idea it would mean more involvment on my part as meeting are hard to get to with work comitments
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Old 03-10-2008, 17:26   #5
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Re: OSC 'branches'

Sounds a good idea. I'm in the OSC and accept that living down here I'm not going to get much out of it or make any significant contributions, I'm happy just to pay my sub. A parallel organisation that was more internet-focused might offer more possibilities both to benefit and contribute.

Only thought - Do we have any idea how big the active AccyWeb (Stanley forum) community is, or how many of them are already OSC members ? I suppose we've got a rough idea how many people post semi-regularly, but I guess there will be others who only drop in as guests. They're probably the people that would take most convincing to join, but getting them on board would be a bigger step forward than getting people like me (i.e. already commited nutters) to sign up to another group.

Best of luck with the idea, watching with interest ........
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Old 03-10-2008, 21:53   #6
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Re: OSC 'branches'

Yes, I like the idea. It has great potential. The only specific I'm uneasy about - and I realise it was given just as a possible example - is the idea of the group possibly sponsoring the kit of the entire first eleven (do we have a first eleven??). I think that sponsorship should be available for individuals if they so wish.
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Old 04-10-2008, 17:43   #7
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Re: OSC 'branches'

Sounds a good idea to me to, as i to can not get to meetings because of working away alot,this would allow me to take part, i think that sponsoring the entire team would be posible if X amount of people decided to cough up.
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Old 04-10-2008, 18:13   #8
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Re: OSC 'branches'

The idea is a good one

It would have to be kept fresh though otherwise it will just end up with the same problems as already exsist?

It could also be a chance for a re-brand and taking it in a whole new direction but that's down to the members
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Old 04-10-2008, 18:28   #9
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Re: OSC 'branches'

Sorry was going to add to help broaden the appeal in the hope of attracting potentail new members
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Old 05-10-2008, 07:40   #10

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Re: OSC 'branches'

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
The OSC has a few problems that are pretty much unrectifiable ie your time constraints and the 'officialness' of proceedings etc.
So is this a break away group or a section of the OSC?

Do you not need the 'officialness' if you are going to be successful in obtaining future funding grants like for you recent exhibition.
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Old 05-10-2008, 18:09   #11
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Re: OSC 'branches'

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
So is this a break away group or a section of the OSC?

Do you not need the 'officialness' if you are going to be successful in obtaining future funding grants like for you recent exhibition.
Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
As a subnote, just to clarify, this is NOT intended to replace the OSC. It is intended to work alongside the OSC which has an important part still to play in the future of the club, as events like the Exhibition proved.

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