Not sure if this is what the workers want, however can this be "pinned(?)" to be kept at top?
Reading the 1st thread ideas are welcome

If ideas are "floated" on here, the "idiot ones" can be discounted before time, effort and cash are wasted; so here goes!!
1) Get on board the young at heart to be stewards/ curators: these fine people are Accrington born and bred. Jack Barrett, Tony Clements, Jack Hudson, Dave Baron, Ian Wilcox, Dave Hargreaves, John Law, Don Bramley, Dennis Cook to name a few. These people have been associated with Stanley for most of their lives. The know the history, their personal stories are fantastic.
2) Get a major campaign to ask people to offer donations of Stanley items. Old programmes, shirts, memories etc. Until we ask we don't know what is out there. Many years ago in a resteraunt in Bury, a wonderful gent came up to me with an old Bury FC cup final medal,(from the early 1900's) just because I was wearing a Bury tie. It belonged to his father and he was so proud to tell his story.
3) Listening to the ideas of where to locate the exhibition. Surely the aim is to celebrate the old but promote and drive forward the present?? Surely it has to be at the ground??? Part of the idea will be to view the exhibition, then a ground tour, a visit to the shop ( suitably stocked) and refreshments in the lounge or Crown ( sorry Hazel!) We should be (IMHO) be bringing EVERYBODY, old, young and working to the FES to say very loudly COME AND JOIN US. Portacabins may be less than perfect, but with pressure applied to the Council to improve the access, then tarmac the clubhouse carpark and locate the cabins to the rear of the John Duckworth stand??. Bring in the people and everthing they need to view is there. Exhibition, ground, shop, refreshments and send them home with a voucher for a discounted ticket?
4) Finally the exhibition will be in the right place for maximum useage on match days, to ensure our visitors also have a reason to come early and spend time and money in Accrington.
Sorry to ramble; if you have better ideas, post them, so the steering committee can work with debated suggestions