27-06-2007, 21:27
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Re: OSC meeting - date change
Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
logistically I could imagine Saturday being a nightmare TBH.
What time would you start? where would you have it? how many people would (not go to) be there with little or no interest in proceedings? What if away fans were present?
Too many little things that add up to a big fat no really.
The other concession is that having it on a monday night is supposed to be a way of getting a bit more money into the club on a day when there wouldn't otherwise be any. I know from years ago they had tried to change the day, the time of start and the venue all in separate goes and noe ever met with any noteable success. Monday nights suit more than it doesn't so will stay for the foreseeable future. I'd love you to come Pendle but moving from monday would not suit the majority of the present attendees.
What about a fans forum instead say maybe once a month or once every two month start it with the OSC and if it takes off get the club involved. It would hopefully attract more interest for you guys get a few more volunteers and make supporters feel that they can play a part no matter how small similar to this site!! (I know that's what the OSC is all about but it would not jepordise what great work you guys already do and like I say it might just spark a few more people to become involved or let them know what you are all about as not everyone has accsess to the internet)  
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