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Old 06-02-2007, 12:47   #1
God Member
maccawozzagod's Avatar

OSC meeting Monday 12th Feb

Just a reminder that the next meeting is this coming monday at 7pm in the sportsbar.

As you may have noticed this year the new committee is making every effort to try to turn the OSC into a success and we need your backing every step of the way.

Unfortunately meetings will always be the same type of format and aren't the greatest entertainment around unless we find something fun and constructive to talk about. This month we will be discussing monthly events (artists) that we need to book for every month next season. We will also be trying to fit in a couple of nights for the remainder of this season, as well as updates on the Open Day and any further input that is required (and it is).
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Old 06-02-2007, 20:53   #2
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Re: OSC meeting Monday 12th Feb

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
Unfortunately meetings will always be the same type of format and aren't the greatest entertainment around unless we find something fun and constructive to talk about.
They don`t last all night anyway so there`s time for fun and chat afterwards.

Is there an Open Day meeting on Sunday the 11th. If so where and when ?
Panjenix -> Nuff Sed!

No-One is completely useless........
They can always serve as a bad example.
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