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01-11-2006, 22:50
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OSC meeting november 13th
anybody got any ideas they would like proposing? Keep it real, we have already tried proposing that we nick a spare roof from Halifax.
Please feel free to come along, even if you aint interested in the meeting the bar will be open and you would be helping the club to reduce the deficit from segregation. Also feel very free to make yourself a member on the night, there is currently a problem with supply of cards, but the badges are now available for you to take upon registration, you can be issued with your number there and then and we can post the cards on to you if they ever turn up! The membership numbers will be discussed at the meeting along with ways of enhancing our numbers significantly. For a club of our supposed fame and standing the numbers are currently woeful. Last year we had around 240 paid up members, I would like this to be 1000 by New Year. If we manage that we will be 5% towards a roof!
13-11-2006, 15:16
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Re: OSC meeting november 13th
Thought I would reply to move this to the front page. Yes ladies and gents do not forget the meeting tonight. Bars open questions to the new committee and the forming (hopefully) of an entertainments committee. Be there or be square as they say
Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
13-11-2006, 15:41
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Re: OSC meeting november 13th
thanks Ozzy, I've been meaning to do this for the last couple of days and forgetting every time I get online.
Yeah, be there people. Plenty to discuss tonight. Update posted tonight or tomorrow for those that cant make it.
13-11-2006, 16:31
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Re: OSC meeting november 13th
Sorry can't make it tonight - cough, sniff, splutter - but if junior reds is discussed my offer to help try and get it off the ground again still stands
13-11-2006, 17:12
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Re: OSC meeting november 13th
Unfortunately i cant make it tonight either (very sorry) due to little monsters, one not back till later so cant be in 2 places at once
Will hopefully make the next one if poss mind u ive my card & badge to pick up - so theres my incentive thats if the kids dont mocker my plans again. Please send my opologies.
13-11-2006, 17:12
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Re: OSC meeting november 13th
cheers Accymad, mention will be made.
13-11-2006, 17:22
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Re: OSC meeting november 13th
MACCA; any chance of looking into the payment side of things re membership? PAYPAL had a bit of negative publicity over here(awhile ago) and would much prefer to go with straight forward VISA/MASTERCARD payment myself.Others may feel the same.
13-11-2006, 17:26
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Re: OSC meeting november 13th
Me and Julie are no shows.. but please do bring our badges on sat to pick up as offered matey.. ta 
13-11-2006, 17:42
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Re: OSC meeting november 13th
Originally Posted by Kiwi John
MACCA; any chance of looking into the payment side of things re membership? PAYPAL had a bit of negative publicity over here(awhile ago) and would much prefer to go with straight forward VISA/MASTERCARD payment myself.Others may feel the same.
the club shop can do this cant they? surely a word with someone at club could set this up nice and easy?
The Voice of the Terrace
13-11-2006, 19:40
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Re: OSC meeting november 13th
I'm not there, I'm here. Still barking like a old sea loin. Not fit to make the drive, looking forward to the potted verstion later and a gander at new badge, any chance of an pic of one so I can see what it looks like?
If Possible I'll pick the badges up on Saturday at the match, who's on memberships and where will they be sat Post match?
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
13-11-2006, 23:58
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Re: OSC meeting november 13th
Originally Posted by Doug
I'm not there, I'm here. Still barking like a old sea loin. Not fit to make the drive, looking forward to the potted verstion later and a gander at new badge, any chance of an pic of one so I can see what it looks like?
If Possible I'll pick the badges up on Saturday at the match, who's on memberships and where will they be sat Post match?
Hope you're better sat. doug, I will be down on sat. taking memberships, i wil let you know a bit later, but it's looking like it could be in the clubhouse BEFORE kickoff...
Watch this space bud.:engsmil:
14-11-2006, 18:57
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Re: OSC meeting november 13th
Cheer's Spud, I'll be there hell or high water Saturday. 
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
14-11-2006, 19:40
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Re: OSC meeting november 13th
rightio as brief a resume as possible as to last night:
membership update - informed that badges were now available and that we had no membership cards whatsoever. It was proposed that we drop the laminations due to unnecessary extra cost, further delay of getting cards issued and the fact that with the laminate the card does not fit into a standard sized credit card holder. Terry Slinger will be printing off some cards shortly and it is hoped they will be available within the week. Both ideas were passed.
Treasurer reported that funds were ........ and that the exhibition planned for lottery funding was still going ahead and that after a meeting with the money giving dudes everything was looking rosy and both parties were positive that funding would be given upon reapplication.
Christmas Party - It was agreed that OSC and Ultras will SHARE the christmas do this year. Ultras have donated the services of a DJ and discounted supper and into return both Supporters groups will share any funds raised on the night. This was unaminously agreed as a good idea. Christmas do will be held on sat 9th December after the Milton Keynes franchise game and admission was set at £3 including pie and peas supper.
Childrens Christmas party. Malcolm is to contact entertainer and caterer from last years party and will report back next month for final arrangement. Last year their was a bucket collection on the ground where the faithfull raised £92 towards christmas presents for the kids. Stanley Ladies have agreed to go around the ground this saturday (wearing full kit hopefully) to try and raise money again for the same cause.
Social club formation is yet to happen. We had one volunteer already (Stannerlee) but nobody else was forthcoming from the meeting. The new stewardess, Hazel, said that she was planning plenty of events in the coming weeks and this takes a little immediate pressure of us to do so. We had originally intended to plan events for a thursday night. This was because although saturday nights would undoubtedly be busier, we would be taking away potential income for the bar from booked events. Rob Heys, confirmed that the club has not been as busy recently on saturday nights, other than the christmas do rush, so we have agreed that sat nights will be used until outside bookings increase again. Zero confirmed that Celtic Cross will be performing, free of charge again, on the 28th December. Also mentioned was that Gridlock have offered their services at a greatly reduced rate and we will look to book them sometime soon.
Secret Event - We have a secret event in the pipeline but as yet I have had no response from the necessary parties required for the event to go ahead. Rob Heys resubmitted a counter signature on the necessary paperwork and the letters will be sent out again this week. Update on this will go online as soon as all the i's and t's are dotted and crossed.
Several ideas were offered regarding the Supporters Club website. This will involve the creation of a forum, accessible by all (deffo) and a sub section requiring OSC memberships to gain entry (maybe) that will contain slightly more sensitive information such as funds in the bank, numbers of members etc, that we would rather the world and his dog dont have access to. This is not about secret society but I would rather that fans of other clubs are not aware of our relative poverty or wealth. Ideas gleaned from this site over the past few weeks were also briefly mentioned such as race nights and curry nights. It was agreed that these kind of items will not need to be discussed as whether we need to give it a go ahead or not. We will just do them and get on with it. Notice will obviously be given on this site as well as others.
Questions to the Club was not the bloodbath anticipated as Bagpuss was absent on this occasion. Rob confirmed that the club was losing a lot of money over not being able to get fans in the bar on matchdays. After various ideas were bandied around he said that he would look into a feasible way of making it work and hopefully an announcement will follow this week with regards to this saturdays game. For those who cant understand why it is not so easy to just let everyone in the reason mainly comes down to facilities. The clubhouse is the main toilets for men,women and disabled. As these bogs are on either side of the club doorway, then people in and out of the bar will need to access them. Some people will have paid to get in the ground and can obviously get in the bar, but those who have just walked into the bar would be able to gain access to the ground through either of two doors without having paid. Rob then further explained that they are actively seeking solutions to building a new bar, within its own perimeter but outside of the ground perimeter. This will be available to all and half-time would require a pass out scheme. No timescale was put on this but it is understood by all that the club will drag it out longer than necessary because of the amount of revenue being lost.
There was probably a good load more but due to the new committee not having a pen between them there wasn't a lot of notes taken last night.
Oh yes, and it was agreed by all members that the OSC should offer to buy the Kipax collection when the Haworth Art Gallery exhibition is finished. Kipax has accepted our offer. ASFC had also offered to buy the collection but when they heard that we had offered to buy it, they agreed to stand aside. This collection will either be offered for sale to a collector which could create a very good profit for the OSC, or it will be stored somewhere so that it can be exhibited again at some point in the future. This could also tie in with the planned lottery grant exhibition.
14-11-2006, 19:54
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Re: OSC meeting november 13th
The exhibition will be bought by the OSC from me at exactly the price it costs me to create.. I will keep all reciepts from the people doing the mounts and the ink paper and the final backing of the pics after the exhibition... the OSC will simply cover the costs ONLY ...Dont know final amount yet either..
Sorry just wanted to make that bit clear 
14-11-2006, 20:11
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Re: OSC meeting november 13th
Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
they are actively seeking solutions to building a new bar, within its own perimeter but outside of the ground perimeter. This will be available to all and half-time would require a pass out scheme. No timescale was put on this but it is understood by all that the club will drag it out longer than necessary because of the amount of revenue being lost.
Is this a typing error, Macca? Do you actually mean that the club WON'T drag it out longer than necessary? I really hope so because I am getting increasingly resentful of the fact that I can't have a drink at the match. As far as I'm concerning the club should be doing more than "actively seeking solutions". They should be submitting plans, ordering materials and starting work on TWO bars - one at the Clayton End and one at the Coppice End, as we also want to take as much money as possible from opposition fans. There really is no excuse for continued inaction - there are toilets there and thus water and power supplies and the club have been complaining about losing money on this right from the start of the season, but have done nothing about it. Come on, Eric and Rob, get on with it - we want to give you our money (and I'm fed up of spitting feathers at half-time!).
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