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18-03-2007, 15:39
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Re: OSC Open Day.
Originally Posted by Gayle
That's insane.
Is there nothing that the licensing dept at HBC can do for you? Could you hold it all on the car parks and put in portaloos?
I dont know about HBC but I wouldn't imagine they can overturn an LCC rule. As far as anything else is concerned the whole point was to get people on the ground and having a look around at we have to offer.
Just seems like everybody wants to run you down or get a slice of the action.
18-03-2007, 17:29
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Re: OSC Open Day.
That's a bloody shame especially after all the work thats been put in. Damn the council and their red tape
18-03-2007, 18:17
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Re: OSC Open Day.
Macca I'm gutted for you buddy, all that hard work for a bunch of real jobsworths to come up with that is ridiculous. It's like they don't want anyone to do anything any more, they would prefer it if we all stayed home and didn't move.
What a load of cobblers.
Absolutely gutted.
18-03-2007, 18:25
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Re: OSC Open Day.
I have to agree with all the previous posters re LCC's kick in the teeth.
Macca, you put a hell of a lot of work into this idea, as did everyone involved ( Spud, Harwood Red etc), Im just sorry it has'nt come off as planned.
Will PM you re the music side mate.
18-03-2007, 22:58
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Re: OSC Open Day.
Originally Posted by Gayle
That's insane.
Is there nothing that the licensing dept at HBC can do for you? Could you hold it all on the car parks and put in portaloos?
Gayle, I asked the same question yesterday, and basically the answer is yes, but and it is a huge BUT, the costs of the portaloos would have been prohibitive and we cannot open the gates to allow people to use the loos on the ground or we would have to cough up the 1.5K for the licence. It stinks, I know, it now means undoing all the things that the members have done up to now.
Macca I'm with Harwood Red, Sparkie, UkCowboy etc, its a bummer this hasn't come off, but do not let it put you off other ideas. Keep the stiff upper lip in the good old British manner.
Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
18-03-2007, 23:37
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Re: OSC Open Day.
Couldn't matches be arranged at the stadium for the youth teams, womens teams etc with free admission so the stadium could be open and the toilets used? Would that be a way round it as it would then be used for football purposes only. Once your in there isn't any thing to say you have to watch the whole game so come back out.
19-03-2007, 08:17
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Re: OSC Open Day.
there would be possibly be underhand ways of doing it as above, but, neither the club nor the OSC would be willing to do anything that would upset LCC or possibly incur further fines and or penalties. We've upset enough people this year without adding to it.
19-03-2007, 11:28
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Re: OSC Open Day.
This Sucks.
Its a shame Macca after all the work you have put in to be told at the last hurdle.
Happen they are scared it will out do the carnival.
Everything is OK
19-03-2007, 11:48
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Re: OSC Open Day.
Such a shame Macca, I got granted the requested day off and was looking forward to running a stall. At least now I have that day off, it means I can let my hair down at the Supporters Club do the night before! 
19-03-2007, 13:26
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Re: OSC Open Day.
silver linings and all that?
the presentation night would have been on the sunday as we could not have asked the players to be here all day and night saturday and then come back sunday for the open day followed by a do at night.
We discussed this at length at the OSC meeting last week, the options were to hold the presentation night a fortnight earlier after the Grimsby game (vetoed - wouldn't know whether we are safe or not), a fortnight later which would be a week after the end of the season (vetoed as players may be on holiday by then and a lot of fans would have ignored it) or to switch the usual saturday night after the game do to the sunday. I appreciate this would not have been the most popular of decisions but it doesn't matter now does it ?
Anyway, have to contact all those that voted to shift it to sunday and ask if we can shift it back to saturday and then we'll cart on regardless.
Still looking to do something on the sunday regarding the music but we now have inforamtion to suggest we cannot have more than 1 or 2 artists on stage at one time or we will be contravening the regulations of our events license. Anybody got any blue tape cos I'm sick of red!
19-03-2007, 21:06
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Re: OSC Open Day.
This must really P everyone off. Do THEY want communities or not, obviously not.
If you think it does any good see your councillor, or Greg Pope, it won't really help though.
Annoyed in sympathy 
Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
19-03-2007, 22:33
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Re: OSC Open Day.
Not a lot that can be said that already hasn’t been said. However, like the rest I’m gutted for you Rob. But come on, look on the bright side all this work is hi profile stuff it keeps the OSC alive and the thinking fresh. Sooner or later you are going to win out.
What I would suggest is pull some of the comments off this thread and outline the intentions of the OSC and what you are trying to achieve and get it into the press, at least the people of the Borough will know that some people are prepared to get up and be counted even if the result is to be put down by an over zealous county council.
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
19-03-2007, 22:50
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Re: OSC Open Day.
think you should still do kids 5 a side getting the club into schools .. plus could do a osc/ultra /stanley stall at the local scout and brownie fete at peel park dont know dates but i could find out for you and even borrow fraser the eagle.......gradually build the osc into the community lay foundations first..............and again sorry about sat will be joining supporters club soon 
19-03-2007, 23:39
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Re: OSC Open Day.
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
think you should still do kids 5 a side getting the club into schools ..
only 4 schools responded to the invitation to play due it being a sunday. Now we are left with a sponsor for no event and some trophies to pay for with no fundsraised  . Will be looking to resurrect the tournament under a different guise  that will be more suitable for th eschools but less fun for the kids and less fundraisy for us but higher profiling for the club
20-03-2007, 19:28
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Re: OSC Open Day.
 so much for community spirit most schools these days are not run by headmasters/headmistresses but managers people with no community spirit just career movers. why dont you make it open to all teams not just schools just a thought .......its like banging your head against the wall. anyway ill be joining supporters club soon  saturday was just a start for stanley getting in the community it just takes time gradually build it up .build the foundations first 
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