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Old 29-12-2006, 18:24   #1
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maccawozzagod's Avatar

OSC Open Day.

Right folks, I've been sitting on this one for quite a while now whilst trying to sort out whether we can do it, legal issues etc. Everything appears to be in order now so we can finally go public with it. On the 29th April we will be holding an open day/fun day at the club. Eric and Rob have okayed the date and venue, the police and LCC are happy with the venue and events. We want to put on as much as possible, funding may be available to pay for various things but in the main we need to organise things based on NOT paying for things unless we need to. This is what we have so far for ideas:

The open day is going to be huge. Plans now gathering pace in the ideas department and there is a good chance that we can secure thousands of pounds worth of external funding. The plans are coming together, the ideas are there, the funding is there, local businesses are starting to come round to our way of thinking and I have two additional printers onboard to make sure that flyers etc look thie biz. The club are happy at what is happening, the poilice seem happy, LCC seem happy. What I dont have is volunteers to help bring it together.

So far we have me, Spud, UK Cowboy, Kipax as definites. Rob Heys will help where possible and hopefully Mick Schultz will get hopefully get involved in an advisory capacity for H&S. Various from the OSC will man the various stalls and stuff.

What I need is people who can help bring everything together from planning to fruition. I can't possibly deal with everybody from start to finish so it needs sub-committees forming to bring the individual plans in.

CATERING - Burger vans, ice cream vans, pop stalls, possibly European Food Market.

GAMES - Beat the Goalie, wet sponge chuck thing, kiddies fairground rides

STALLS - Car Boot Sale, cubs/scouts/churches/schools/arts&crafts whatever, OSC merchandise, ASFC merchandise, ULTRA merchandise

TOURNAMENTS - Ultras v Legends, kids 5-a-side, Human Table Football, pool knockout, darts tourny
with special guest star (book Bristow or summat)

SOCIAL CLUB - We need an event to round the day off such as an auction or a comedian jacket event. Bear in mind it will be a Sunday so the typical late night type event would be a no-no.
There needs to be stuff going on during the day as well to keep people in the bar.

LIVE ENTERTAINMENT - Already planned are at least three bands who have volunteered their services to perform a gig. Preliminary idea is to have them on the terraces at the Accy end (closest end for unloading gear) and playing between events on the field so that folk can stand in the penalty area to watch). We could possibly get a radio station to do a roadshow on the day.

KIDS ENTERTAINMENT - Face painting, jugglers, fire eaters, MASCOT RACE (cheers Tony).

EXTERNAL STALLS - Army recruitment van c/w mini-assault course, poss building society/bank giving away freebies to the kids.

Thats eight basic areas that all need one volunteer to head up and chase people for. I aint got time to ring for quotes for every idea in each category and then compile cheapest/free-est/best quality etc. I need to know that if I want to find out how many stalls we have booked I can just ring ??? to find out. You may need to enlist a couple of mates to help you out, whatever.

This could be massive if I can get enough definites to help out. Banking on not spending a penny to secure the services of suppliers/acts etc but funds may be available closer to the time. But remember we need to budget things. I dont want to raise five grand for OSC on the day and then find that we owe 4.5k out on suppliers. We want people to pay us to be there. Stuff like Human Table football costs up to £600. So we would need 30 teams at £20 to break even on that, but it would be fun and would make for a really memorable day for everybody who takes part. BUt to try and recoup and maximise costs can we secure a sponsor for that tournament to provide a prize and cover some or most of the expenditure?

Companies have been falling over themselves to sponsor ASFC in some way, can we tap into that for this event? Does anybody know how to go about it? Everything we do can be sponsored so that when we send out invites for pubs/clubs/works to enter something it will have the name of that company on th etop of our professionally printed flyers. The RILEYS pool knockout, ASH's Scrapyard Car boot sale, Flights of Fancy Darts knockout Ma Scots' Mascot race, Burger Kings weightwatching Comp.

Please post your ideas and offers of help in the Open Day thread and leave this one alone.

Remember people that all money goes towards the club at the end of the day. I would like this one event to raise enough money to tarmac the car parks and turnstile entrances. I dont know how much that will cost but it will mean plenty of graft required.

So, what I need is people to put their hands up now for things. By the second week of January I want to have 10 people sat round a table putting things into place. Anybody?
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Old 29-12-2006, 20:06   #2
I am Banned

Re: OSC Open Day.


Sounds good stuff:

Some initial thoughts:

1st SPACE: Car Boot sale Where?? if you put that on the Coppice car park early morning there will be not a lot of space left for other things. If you used the tarmac car park outside the offices, there's not a lot of space there.

Catering: currently the club "sells" the catering rights to an outside sourse. From memory i'm sure Rob Heys has said the deal runs out at the end of this season. So technically you shold be able to get a fee for the rights as the season will have ended.

You need to get Coley on board. Vital that the 1st team squad are present throughout the day.

Are you planning on having all the ground open?? Dressing room and boardroom type tours??

Vital that shop is open and well stocked. Season tickets need to be available for next season etc.

I'll have a word with the St. Johns people to ensure that they cover the event ( small fee may be payable)

I see your planning to use the pitch. Large numbers of people on the pitch!! What happens if we make the playoffs!!!

Seriously keep up the good work, we need to keep raising the profile!!
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Old 29-12-2006, 20:29   #3
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Re: OSC Open Day.

the present deal on the catering covers matchdays only, they have no divine right to be there whether they are contracted or not. Have spoke with Rob over this matter and they will get first refusal as it is a quality set up with a good range of grub. However if somebody with an equally good range offers fifty quid more to be there then they are in. Let the auctions begin.

As far as the boot sale is concerned, I haven't yet set anything in stone as we dont know what kind of response we will get. I envisaged having the boot sale running the length of the lane from Livingstone Road around the car park in front of the offices and up to the bollards for the clubhouse. It would be ideal as nothing else can really go on the lane and it leads the eye to the next event.

Club Shop - In an ideal world we will have season tickets on sale AND the new shirts that we will no doubt be getting. I'd like to think that after last seasons's last minute shirts we would be in front this time out, but end of April is very early. Maybe a prototype could be available and sell pre-orders on the back of it?

I have given Rob a few ideas as to what I would like the club to do for the event and guided tours was one of them. Rob, Coley and Eric in the stocks would be the best money maker of the lot as well!

St Johns Ambulance is a good idea, if you could arrange them it saves me a job. Just pass on the contact and a telephone number so I can log it.
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Old 29-12-2006, 20:35   #4
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Re: OSC Open Day.

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
Rob, Coley and Eric in the stocks would be the best money maker of the lot as well!

Anyone else hear a loud thud? It was bagpuss fainting
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Old 29-12-2006, 20:39   #5
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Re: OSC Open Day.

yeah but he'd think there was five in there!!
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Old 29-12-2006, 21:35   #6
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Re: OSC Open Day.

Macca - re the wet sponge thingy, the Fire Brigade do a ducking stool type of affair with a rather large paddling/swimming pool. Hit the target and in the victim goes. As this is in my domain, I shall make some initial enquiries, but if you can get the emergency services on side, could do some Fire Safety type stuff - (Welephant - mascot race? Battery Bob etc) The whole thing should not cost a penny, but I dare say that the Fire Service will want to split money raised on this type of stall 50-50 between OSC and Benevolent Fund..
Will help out anywhere I can, and will draft Mrs Oz and Long Oz into the equation (under protest)

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 29-12-2006, 22:27   #7
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Re: OSC Open Day.

work on it for me Ozzy, let me know what you come up with. 50-50 would not be a problem IMHO
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Old 30-12-2006, 00:12   #8
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Re: OSC Open Day.


You already know Im happy to pitch in, so let me know when the first 'planning meeting' is set for. Same goes for Sparkie btw!!


Messrs Khan and Marsden I thank you

Thursday 31st. March 2011, a new dawn over the Crown ground.
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Old 30-12-2006, 00:20   #9
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Re: OSC Open Day.

and as I told you last night I'm up for helping out so let me know the date of the first meeting. cheers

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 30-12-2006, 01:10   #10


Re: OSC Open Day.

No idea what help to offer Mecca, I don’t want to make promises and not be able to make the commitment. I will help with ad hoc printing etc, and I’ll stump up for a bottle for the club house raffle if wanted.

It’s a fantastic idea and door opener for those tempted but never got as far as joining the Stanley family.

Couple of things that I’d like to see, a Farmers Market selling local produce, a van doing Angus Burgers. Maybe some ethnic food stalls so we can venture into some more exotic grub.

Any chance of resurrecting the Miss Accrington Stanley contest, we could make it a Mrs Accrington Stanley contest if the pc birds don’t like the idea. What about an over forties XI to take only the mighty Accrington Stanley Ladies. If it’s a goer book me on the wing.

Please feel free to drop me a pm if there’s out I can do for the club. If the date is confirmed I’ll book some time off following day to help with the clean up.

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 30-12-2006, 01:35   #11
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Re: OSC Open Day.

Doug.. your avatar.. looks like your at a party and they sat you in the corner out the way
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Old 30-12-2006, 03:18   #12
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Re: OSC Open Day.

Originally Posted by KIPAX View Post
Doug.. your avatar.. looks like your at a party and they sat you in the corner out the way
Hee hee, good one kipax

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 30-12-2006, 09:22   #13


Re: OSC Open Day.

Originally Posted by KIPAX View Post
Doug.. your avatar.. looks like your at a party and they sat you in the corner out the way

Hee hee, good one kipax

Just wait you two………..

I had just finished my Christmas Dinner thank you which was the best in years. I put the hat on so no one could call me a miserable bastard.

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 30-12-2006, 09:51   #14
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Re: OSC Open Day.

one or two have mentioned Miss Stanley competition, i think its a brilliant idea and would generate good column inches (watch it..) but I dont reckon theres enough time left now for this event. You need to put it together properly with press coverage first to get the entrants, find good prizes such as travel agents and beauty parlours putting something together.
If we (by we I mean somebody else) could find a way of doing it less professionally so that the prep work is not as in depth and it doesnt have to look as slick on the night then it would be worth including. If anybody disagrees with me that it is too late in the day then they are more than welcome to start nailing it down now.

Miss Accy Stanley will be revived though. Can anybody tell me who is the current Miss Accy Stanley?
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Old 30-12-2006, 09:57   #15
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Re: OSC Open Day.

Thats what I love about this club.. You pitch an idea and two years later someone says not enough time now Well maybe 18mths then but it does seem an age since I brought it up.. only to be fired down by certain female members of the MB .. the ones who want the best of both worlds.. If you go for it mate you can expect a backlash

As for current if there is one?. then it's gotta miss pink.... Liz?
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