We are looking for
volunteers to help with recording oral histories, stewarding, guides, spreading the word/leaflet distribution/ads ect & manning the exhibition, training will be given where needed especially in oral histories.
Few things we also need help with:-
Ukcowboy, you mentioned that you had equipment for us to use but I could do with knowing what that is and if we need to get any more. What we need is very portable digital recorders with microphones. Any types of exhibition equipment - stands, frames, projectors, headphones, printing facitities/equip etc any other ideas or offers please reply, pm or email [at the bottom]
We need any Accrington Stanley/Accrington FC [1921 & 1968 reformed]/Stanley villa memorabilia, progs, pics, novetly items, medals, signed shirts, team sheets etc to display in the exhibition from any of the period of Accringtons' football club history - older the rarer the better. Donations or loan of your Stanley/Accy Fc items to the exhibition reply, pm or email.
Your Memories/Stories
We've had a few people contact me about their stories which have been forwarded to me but still would love to hear more & im sure there are plenty out there so
no fan telling me they ain't got one LOL, however small, big, large, sad, funny & aww it is - SHARE IT!!

reply on thread link in sig or email me please.
Volunteer/Training sessions
We could do with booking in an interview training session with any volunteers within the next month or so. What dates are best for doing this - any suggestions? Please let us know if you are interested in volunteering please reply pm or email for further details - come along & get involved in a worthwhile cause
Volunteers - donations - stories
Any more offers?