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Old 22-11-2004, 09:56   #31
Full Member+

Re: Paul Crichton

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey
Would that include 19 year old Ikeme?
No, because he was signed on loan with a commitment to be played every match.

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey
Perhaps we should be asking why Alcock is being paid to be a full-time member of our squad if Coley doesn't think he's good enough to play more than a game or two?
The point is that most professional teams have an experienced, first-choice keeper and a young protege, who is largely nothing more than a reserve-team goalie. You can do this for this position, as opposed to an outfield position, because the first-choice keeper is unlikely to miss more than a couple of games in a season due to suspension or injury. In an outfield position, a back-up centre-half or striker or whatever will be expceted to start a number of games in a season in his regular position due to injuries/suspensions, he will most likely also start a few games of the season out of his preferred position (and there are plenty of examples of this at Stanley) and he will also feature in some matches when he has been brought on as a substitute. Goalies are very rarely brought on as a substitute other than when the first-choice goalie has been sent off (though I'm sure you also remember a Lancashire Cup final a decade ago!) and they are never played out of position, so your second-choice keeper can be much younger and much more-inexperienced than your second-choice outfield players.

We were very lucky last year to have two very good keepers, but had Jamo not been sent off in the first match of the season, JK would probably have remained the young understudy and not have earned his England caps. The difference between JK last season and Allcock this season is experience and the fact that Jamo would only have been suspended for three games anyway so it was worth taking a chance on JK. Allcock looks a solid keeper, but one who will develop into a really good one - he is some way behind David Stockdale who was York City's young trainee keeper who came on to play against us. Points are at too much of a premium given our league position to take a chance on a young, inexperienced, though promising goalie.
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Old 22-11-2004, 10:06   #32
Resting in Peace

Angry Re: Paul Crichton

If you're good enough you're old enough.
It stinks. My Burnley FC mate at work warned me about Crighton, and seems to have got it right.
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Old 22-11-2004, 10:28   #33
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Re: Paul Crichton

And he only met the four defenders in front of him on Friday. We now finally have the back four settled, it will take a little more time for the five of them to work together as a unit.
Crichton dropped the ball twice from crosses - nothing to do with the defenders in front of him. Barnet's first goal was a weak, speculative shot from about 25 yards which Crichton dived for and missed - nothing to do with the defenders in front of him. Barnet's third goal would not have been if he hadn't been so far off is line. Crichton did not impress me at all in spite of all his experience. Let's hope that he improves against Canvey Island.
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Old 22-11-2004, 12:53   #34
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Re: Paul Crichton

Hmmmm Jeff... both questions, whilst obviously being questions, were both tongue in cheek and I didn't actually expect answers to them.

I don't want to harp on about the same old thing, but I really don't see what we've gained from not playing Danny Allcock and from replacing him with (arguably less talented) alternatives.
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Old 22-11-2004, 14:06   #35
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Re: Paul Crichton

We do need two keepers and if we make Danny the number one keeper then we will have to sign a back up keeper. What decent keeper is going to sign for Stanley to sit on the bench every week ? The only alternative I can see is that we have a youngster on the bench for emergencies. It was reported in the paper that Crichton had signed on a non-contract basis so he may not be here very long. On the other hand he was wearing the number one shirt on Saturday but I didn't notice whether it had his name on the back or Kennedy's.
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Old 22-11-2004, 16:42   #36
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Re: Paul Crichton

Kennedy number 1 on the back
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Old 22-11-2004, 17:48   #37
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Re: Paul Crichton

yeha but why cant we keep allock as the first team keeper whilst JK is injured and then when JK come back he is put in first team and Allcok on the bench

At the moment i will give critchon a chance as ive not seen him with my own eyes but he better be better than allcock
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Old 22-11-2004, 17:55   #38
I am Banned

Re: Paul Crichton

I think there maybe two explanations for Paul Crichton wearing JK's shirt on Saturday.

1) There was not enough time to make up a shirt for him, bear in mind the team coach left at 9am, before the shop opened.

2) The club were hopeful that Barnet may have been able to help out (with the screen printing) but the shirt would have clashed with Barnet's colours so the JK green shirt had to be used.
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Old 22-11-2004, 19:36   #39
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Re: Paul Crichton

or eric is a tight get and didnt want to buy a shirt for him to wear for a few games

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Old 22-11-2004, 20:05   #40
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Re: Paul Crichton

or they might not have any keeper shirts in his size at the moment.
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Old 22-11-2004, 20:41   #41
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Re: Paul Crichton

Or whats the point of buying a new shirt if Paul is only on a short term deal.
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Old 22-11-2004, 22:02   #42
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Re: Paul Crichton

No he will wear JK's shirt probably all the time just as Ikeme did
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Old 24-11-2004, 13:13   #43
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Re: Paul Crichton

if the situation with last years goalie shirt is anything to go by, he could be waiting a long while for his own shirt. I ordered the grey one from the club shop last year at the end of september and recieved it in march!!! He will be wearing JK's shirt while he is with us i would think.
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Old 25-11-2004, 19:02   #44
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Re: Paul Crichton

dont think danny will be here much longer

no faith shown in him

a mercenary and a kid whos played less 1st team games than himself come on!

shows how much faith jc has in him

danny will leave stanley very soon,watch this space
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Old 26-11-2004, 01:45   #45
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Re: Paul Crichton

An interesting observation, Puzzler.

I'm bound to say that there is no evidence to contradict your rather imaginative (but probably correct) prognostications.

If Danny goes, could anyone please explain how we might have a continuity between now and the new year ?

For what it's worth, I think that Danny Alcock has the potential to be Accrington Stanley's joint No.1 Goalkeeper.

Danny has been a fine representative of Accrington Stanley Football Club in the short time he's been in the first team. He has shown great acumen, expert judgment in most of his appearances, and he's displayed a remarkably well-adjusted personality considering the ridiculous way in which he's been treated.

Of all the players in the current Stanley squad, I believe that Danny possesses the greatest self-discipline, always doing what's best for Accrington Stanley.

He has fully earned a permanent place in the squad.

Last edited by Henry Morton; 26-11-2004 at 08:53.
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