Have kept quiet on this till a saw it a few times. Possibly it doesn't stand to close scrutiny, but what does?
Now, as I wander in, I give it a nod, quick as a flash the ball's killed and in the back of the net.
It's about imagination isn't it. I have friends who don't like cheese, but they don't go on about not liking cheese. Me I love cheese, £2k couldn't buy me enough cheese.
When it comes to a school, it's about sparking kids (sorry, pupils) imagination, not every attempt will work,
we won't get promotion every year.
Accrington Moorhead has worked hard to achieve Sports College status, it's second speciality is Arts, and it has forged close links with Stanley. So the Statue helps celebrate the link; Stanley will be using the latest facilities at Moorhead over the coming seasons.
Stanley and Moorhead are two success stories in Accrington, a couple of grand celebrating the fact, and linking the two is money well spent IMO.
'Course if you don't like cheese.