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23-02-2010, 12:54
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Peter Cavanagh is Innocent
Originally Posted by fc:stanley
Also aswell whats wrong with second chances, look at Lee Hughes for example!!!![thats a great example as hughes was a west brom player when jailed, n they terminated his contract clown.
Bringing Cav back would be good for the team as hes a superb player and deserves his chance after all that he has done for the club!!!! Maybe people forget about his amazing captainancy!! Bringing him back also wouldnt bring the gates down at all, maybe 1 or 2, but if people arnt going to come because a player is coming back after serving his punishment then they arnt very loyal are they?!! [Think what ya like, but if he comes back i will not]
People do wrong in life and its the same for footballers. Bobby Grant and Ian Dunbavin have also brought shame on this club aswell by some of the things, we wouldnt not want them though?[ i agree with a second chance, but with another club if one will have him.]
Bring Cav back, im sure Coley will anyway!!
i would hope coley has n higher I.Q. than that.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
23-02-2010, 12:57
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Re: Peter Cavanagh is Innocent
Whos that coming out of ladbrokes?
23-02-2010, 14:36
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Re: Peter Cavanagh is Innocent
Originally Posted by cashman
i would hope coley has n higher I.Q. than that.
Yes and another club gave Lee another chance! Cav hasnt murdered anyone, he just put a £5 bet on, he still says it wasnt him. As for the clown, any need? I have my opinion like yours!! Your opinion isn't always right.
So if cavanagh comes back that means that you wont go to a stanley game until he stops playing for Accrington? Is that correct? I think that would be a bad decision to be honest!!
Why with a different club though? Its different for cav, he loves the club, he gave everything for the club as a captain , he captained us back to the football league, he loves the fans and most fans love him, he still follows stanley around the country and still gets in the dressing room!! It was a £5 bet, that he still says he didnt do, i think that to be honest is worthy of when hes done his punishment to come back if coley says so!!
Last edited by fc:stanley; 23-02-2010 at 14:44.
23-02-2010, 14:45
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Peter Cavanagh is Innocent
Originally Posted by fc:stanley
Yes and another club gave Lee another chance! Cav hasnt murdered anyone, he just put a £5 bet on, he still says it wasnt him. As for the clown, any need? I have my opinion like yours.
i called you a clown fer yer comment about loyalty, i stand by that comment. £5 or £5000 is not the issue, he was found guilty like it or not, that therefore negates any chance of a return in my book.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
23-02-2010, 14:52
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Re: Peter Cavanagh is Innocent
Originally Posted by cashman
i called you a clown fer yer comment about loyalty, i stand by that comment. £5 or £5000 is not the issue, he was found guilty like it or not, that therefore negates any chance of a return in my book.
With the fact that hes still says it wasnt him, for the fact he captained us back to the football league, for the fact he loves stanley, for the fact that alot of fans still love cav, for the fact that hes a very good player and for the fact that even though he got banned he still got involved in the dressing room, i think he deserves another chance. Alot of people will agree with this, alot of people wont, but we will just have to see what coley does. I think he will bring him back!
23-02-2010, 14:52
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Re: Peter Cavanagh is Innocent
keep him out ... only place for him is betting shop. with is pals
23-02-2010, 14:55
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Peter Cavanagh is Innocent
Well he would say that wouldn't he? many many prisoners in gaol always protest say they are not guilty, that is fact. do you honestly think most of em are telling the truth? 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
23-02-2010, 14:59
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Re: Peter Cavanagh is Innocent
Originally Posted by cashman
Well he would say that wouldn't he? many many prisoners in gaol always protest say they are not guilty, that is fact. do you honestly think most of em are telling the truth? 
Yes i can understand that, but i or you dont know that he isn't innocent, if he isn't hes still done his time and deserves to play football again, if he is innocent then he deserves alot of apologies! He even spent so much aswell on legal fees because he was so determined not to get banned. I believe Cav and wish him the best at coming back into football and hopefully with Accrington Stanley!!
23-02-2010, 15:01
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Peter Cavanagh is Innocent
no ones saying he dont deserve to play again, can ya not grasp that fact, with another club, if one wants him.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
23-02-2010, 15:07
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Re: Peter Cavanagh is Innocent
Originally Posted by cashman
no ones saying he dont deserve to play again, can ya not grasp that fact, with another club, if one wants him.
Yes but he deserves to play for Accrington Stanley! Like many have said on the first page.
23-02-2010, 15:20
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Re: Peter Cavanagh is Innocent
Originally Posted by fc:stanley
Yes but he deserves to play for Accrington Stanley! Like many have said on the first page.
No he doesn't. It doesn't matter what he did or didn't do, he was found guilty and therefore to take him back would be a Google Page Ranking disaster. I also question that he is good enough for the current squad, which of Winnard and Lees would you drop ?
23-02-2010, 15:32
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Peter Cavanagh is Innocent
Originally Posted by SamF
No he doesn't. It doesn't matter what he did or didn't do, he was found guilty and therefore to take him back would be a Google Page Ranking disaster. I also question that he is good enough for the current squad, which of Winnard and Lees would you drop ?
Nail right on the head samf, some seem to let sentiment rule oer the big picture! i often wonder if these folk would be happier back in Non League. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
23-02-2010, 16:12
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Re: Peter Cavanagh is Innocent
Originally Posted by fc:stanley
Yes and another club gave Lee another chance! Cav hasnt murdered anyone, he just put a £5 bet on, he still says it wasnt him. As for the clown, any need? I have my opinion like yours!! Your opinion isn't always right.
Why with a different club though? Its different for cav, he loves the club, he gave everything for the club as a captain , he captained us back to the football league
He put a £5 bet on the Stanley v Bury match. What about the bet he had on Stanley v Dagenham the following season ? Have you chosen to disregard that ? As for captaining us back into the Football League. He only played 23 games in the Championship winning season, so I would say that it was Mully who captained us back into the Football League. Let him back into football by all means, by the time his ban is up he will be good enough for Bamber Bridge, Burscough or with his pals at Marine, but he WON'T BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR STANLEY.
23-02-2010, 16:14
Re: Peter Cavanagh is Innocent
Originally Posted by fc:stanley
Yes but he deserves to play for Accrington Stanley! Like many have said on the first page.
If he cared about the club or indeed football he would have been a good boy.
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23-02-2010, 16:18
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Re: Peter Cavanagh is Innocent
Originally Posted by fc:stanley
Yes i can understand that, but i or you dont know that he isn't innocent, if he isn't hes still done his time and deserves to play football again, if he is innocent then he deserves alot of apologies! He even spent so much aswell on legal fees because he was so determined not to get banned. I believe Cav and wish him the best at coming back into football and hopefully with Accrington Stanley!!
You need to take a look at Stanley in League two with and without Cav, facts show that we're better off without him as we're better off without Mully. Both great players and got stanley we're they are now but none of them are good enough to take us any further. Stop living in the past and think with your head and not your hearts. Next thing to bear in mind is that if you had a supervisor working for you who should lead by example and they went against your rules for their own gain, dragged your company name through the mud, would you honestly have them back?
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