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Old 21-08-2007, 22:02   #31
God Member
cmonstanley's Avatar

Re: Pint anyone?

yeehaa hope something positive comes from looking into it i think it could attract more fans from surrounding areaeven if its just another 20-30 spectators its a plus....
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Old 24-08-2007, 14:02   #32
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Re: Pint anyone?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
We are looking into something at the moment, it ain't that simple but as and when I will keep you posted.
No disrespect Philip@, but if Stanley are "looking into something", then on past record does that mean smokers will be catered for sometime in the next 3 bloody seasons!?

There have been 2 very easy solutions mentioned on this thread, and as we have Stewards posted on ALL exit gates throughout the match, then to my mind I fail to see the problem.


Messrs Khan and Marsden I thank you

Thursday 31st. March 2011, a new dawn over the Crown ground.
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Old 24-08-2007, 14:50   #33
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Re: Pint anyone?

You have no chance of having a fag inside the perimeter fencing, it is a complete no-no. And correct me if I am wrong, but I believe if you leave the ground at any time before or during the match, you would not be allowed back in. Also, all these folk that fly off to sunny Spain, Tenerife etc etc, how do they do without a ciggie. When I was a smoker, I flew to Australia via Singapore and the shortest flight was 10 hours!! I managed though and soon as I was out of the airport or in the smokers area then I lit up. Come on peeps, its only 2 1/4 hours maximum for a game of footie including extra time, lets get things into perspective.

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 24-08-2007, 15:20   #34
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Re: Pint anyone?

Originally Posted by Outback Ozzy View Post
You have no chance of having a fag inside the perimeter fencing, it is a complete no-no. And correct me if I am wrong, but I believe if you leave the ground at any time before or during the match, you would not be allowed back in. Also, all these folk that fly off to sunny Spain, Tenerife etc etc, how do they do without a ciggie. When I was a smoker, I flew to Australia via Singapore and the shortest flight was 10 hours!! I managed though and soon as I was out of the airport or in the smokers area then I lit up. Come on peeps, its only 2 1/4 hours maximum for a game of footie including extra time, lets get things into perspective.

I fully understand your opinion Ozzy, and I also fully support the ban in pubs etc, however pubs etc have made provisions for smokers, it appears that the Football League has not, all that is being asked is for the Club to consider the possiblities and make an effort.................lets be honest, we have ailienated fans big time this season, and if other clubs can/do accomodate smokers, then why not Stanley?


Messrs Khan and Marsden I thank you

Thursday 31st. March 2011, a new dawn over the Crown ground.
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Old 24-08-2007, 16:09   #35
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Re: Pint anyone?

I'm in full agreement with UK Cowboy. It would be ridiculousy easy to accomodate smokers so we should. As mentioned other clubs accomodate us and STANLEY SHOULD. We cannot afford to lose those that would otherwise stay away because of it. It needs to be done straight away as well, just so that another argument doesn't rumble on.
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