19-04-2008, 17:43
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Re: Player of the Year voting
thanks to all that did actually vote today.
Official crowd was 1288 and we received about 450 voting slips back, so thats not too bad - about 1 in 2 (and a little bit).
When the votes are released there will be people who disagree but maybe they should have voted? It was very tight and there was only 13 votes between 1st and 3rd for main Player of the Year. Young player of the year was even tighter. Only 4 votes separated 1st and 2nd and forced a recount.
Supporter of the Year was even funnier (IMHO). People who do go to meetings and know what was going on didn't vote, people voted for themselves, people voted legitimately but didn't put their names or numbers down etc. Next season Supporter of the Year will definitely be done by post to members only.
Anyroad, the results will be made known at the Presentation Night on the 3rd May after the Bury match, tickets available now for £5 from the club bar and shop, The Crown and the three area shops of Buy the House.
thanks again to those who voted