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Old 29-12-2008, 01:47   #196
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
I'm a Liverpool supporter, always will be, but I choose to pay to watch my hometown club instead of being an armchair football fan, does that make me a mutant?
I for one totaly agree with you Bagpuss not sure about the Liverpool bit thoughcan't beat live football and like you choose to put my money in to stanley weather by standing or sitting
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Old 29-12-2008, 08:13   #197
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
To me the hypocrisy lies in 'supporting' two teams.
Shakey, like yourself, it's Stanley first and last for me...always has been, always will be. When we left the league in '62 I was one of the few of that generation of Accy lads who didn't go off to Ewood or the Turf, but carried on watching Lancs Comb football at Peel Park until the club finally gave up the ghost in '66. Even then, I refused to watch football until Stanley started up again. I have no interest in any other club and rarely watch games on TV or follow the comings and goings in the Premiership.

However, I think your attitude of disdain to two-club fans and your tactics in insulting them by calling them "hypocrites" is wrong, wrong, wrong. When I stand on the Clayton End, more often than not, I'm with Cashy - he's a Rovers man through and through, but he's there paying his money and supporting Stanley like the rest of us. A few steps away, stands Bagpuss - a Liverpool man who's doing the same. A bit further down I often see a lad who I know is a Burnley fan and so it goes, all around the stadium. If you drive away the dual-club fans, you will find that our gates will go from pitiful to being critical.

But, I don't just want to keep these fans - I want more of these "hypocrites" who you seem to despise to come along and adopt us as their second club. Yes, the future of Stanley lies in attracting more young 'uns to adopt us as their first club (which is why Liam's Match Day Club is such a good idea), but in the meantime, we can gain valuable revenue and vocal support by attracting some of the members of the "lost generations" back to us (even if it is as a second club).

Also, I think many of these fans come along because we offer something that's not available at their own clubs in their all-seater stadiums. And that is the atmosphere of the Clayton End terraces - an atmosphere which I feel will be altered and lessened by the introduction of seating on the lower tiers. Yes, the club will make a short-term cost saving by not having to install a stand on the Whinney Hill side, but I just hope that it doesn't lead to long-term losses by reducing our appeal to casual fans.
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Old 29-12-2008, 08:33   #198
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Well said Wynonie Harris couldn't agree with you more.
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Old 29-12-2008, 10:48   #199
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Thumbs up Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
Hang on a minute, Shakey, who's being elitist? Elitism implies feelings of superiority. I'm not for one minute (and I don't reckon anybody else is) saying that those who stand on the Clayton End are an elite. It's just that we're in love with the old fashioned way of supporting our team...and that means standing on the terraces. Obviously, we'll still be able to do that after the seats go in, but it just won't be the same without a whole standing terraced "end" (even if it's very rarely filled).

I also take exception to people who don't stand on the Clayton End telling me there's no problem. How do they know? And as for "not kicking up a fuss"...we are diehard Stanley fans, just like you, and if we don't like what the club are doing to "our" part of the ground, we have every right to kick up a fuss!

Well put WH,

I too agree,in that none(to my knowledge)of the Clayton End think that they are any better Etc. but as you put it we enjoy what it has to offer,that is why I personally stand there and not anywhere else.

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Last edited by VALAIRIAN; 29-12-2008 at 10:50. Reason: spelling
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Old 29-12-2008, 11:20   #200
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Great sentiments Wynonie, can't agree more, I'm a Rovers fan, bu due to my poor health haven't been to live footy for years, but if I was well enough I'd be with you and cashy on a regular basis. Even though I'm a life long Rover I did watch Stanley prior to 1963 as well, so Stanley have always been my second team, and as promised will be shortly buying a Stanley away shirt, and don't forget I've supported the Stanley weekly draw for quite a few years now, but would be much obliged if some one can have a word with the bloke that does the draw I ain't won a penny yet
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Old 29-12-2008, 11:33   #201
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Great sentiments Wynonie, can't agree more, I'm a Rovers fan, bu due to my poor health haven't been to live footy for years, but if I was well enough I'd be with you and cashy on a regular basis. Even though I'm a life long Rover I did watch Stanley prior to 1963 as well, so Stanley have always been my second team, and as promised will be shortly buying a Stanley away shirt, and don't forget I've supported the Stanley weekly draw for quite a few years now, but would be much obliged if some one can have a word with the bloke that does the draw I ain't won a penny yet
Just been on the Stanley Web Site a purchased the Shirt Steve
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Old 29-12-2008, 12:35   #202
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Sorry to disturb your rampage Wyn, but you've got it all wrong. You've taken my opinion on Bagpuss' dual loyalty to generalise every person who puts another club first yet comes on the Crown to support Stanley. I've no disdain or animosity towards anyone. Cashman knows what I meant and that's all that matters really.
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Old 29-12-2008, 13:53   #203

Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
If it's a choice between staying in the league and seats on the Clayton End, then we'll just have to accept the latter.

However, it ill becomes those who do not stand on the Clayton End to come on here blithely informing us that there's no problem. There IS a problem and we don't like it one little bit!
Have I missed something here If the club makes the Clayton End all seater then won't the ground capcity go under the 5,000 needed to meet Football League standards I would have thought the clubs best bet would be to take out a big loan and build a new all seater stand (maybe 2,000 seats) where the cowshed is now. They could offset some of the high cost whith grants from the FA and FL and maybe even the local council.

The only fans that seem to not want Stanley to install the extra seats are at Luton and Bournemouth How ironic it would be if Luton manage to stay up, because Stanley have been kicked out
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Old 29-12-2008, 13:58   #204
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by Blackburn Stanley View Post
Have I missed something here

yeagh you didnt read the thread... there not making it all seater
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Old 29-12-2008, 14:01   #205
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by Blackburn Stanley View Post
Have I missed something here
Lots, but don't let it stop you posting.
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Old 29-12-2008, 14:15   #206
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

i think the arguement about not like dual fans etc is i agree with wynonie harris 100% you will find alot of people come on stanley when rovers and burnley are playing away and they dont want to go! who cares whether the fans are 100% stanley through and thorugh like me and many other people on here or dual fans like bagpuss and other people who have stanley as there 2nd team and out money into stanley becuase at the end of the day they are paying money into the club which is a good thing! whether they just pay 13quid each week or buy a shirt or have a few drinks in the bar. they are giveing money to the club which we need! but the matchday club is a very good idea next generation of stanley fans coming in! i stand on the clayton end and i can see that it will effect the atmosphere as in its not the people who stand at the back that just sing its all over, and they stand in same place week in week out so uness they move and come to the back they wil have to sit than they wont sing as you cant sing sitting down can you? i think shaker is wrong calling fans wrong for supporting two clubs etc! who cares aslong as they put money into stanley i couldnt care who else they supported! cart on stanley another 3 point at the dale on sat would set the new year off perfect
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Old 29-12-2008, 15:39   #207
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
Sorry to disturb your rampage Wyn, but you've got it all wrong. You've taken my opinion on Bagpuss' dual loyalty to generalise every person who puts another club first yet comes on the Crown to support Stanley. I've no disdain or animosity towards anyone. Cashman knows what I meant and that's all that matters really.
I've not got anything wrong here, Shakey. You said that "hypocrisy lies in supporting two teams." That applies not just to Bagpuss but to "every person who puts another club first yet comes to the Crown to support Stanley" in your words. So, in fact, you're attacking far more people than just Baggy.

As for Cashy, obviously he is eminently able to speak for himself, but I would say that this is the way he understands it, too. That's why he said you were "unable to grasp the facts of the situation" and that "your opinion is wrong". But, it's your opinion and you're entitled to it!
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Old 29-12-2008, 15:46   #208
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

its going to happen so let it be and we will all still be stanley forever if its not tinpot is not accy up the reds
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Old 29-12-2008, 17:09   #209
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
I've not got anything wrong here, Shakey. You said that "hypocrisy lies in supporting two teams." That applies not just to Bagpuss but to "every person who puts another club first yet comes to the Crown to support Stanley" in your words. So, in fact, you're attacking far more people than just Baggy.
I'm obviously not making myself clear, as attacking the non-thoroughbreds () is not what I want to do. I see a clear difference between a lack of loyalty which I most certainly can't get my head around, and following the local side along with 'your team'. It's just a meaningless opinion!
Methinks it's about time this thread got back on topic. My apologies for the wanders.
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Old 29-12-2008, 19:20   #210
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
I'm obviously not making myself clear, as attacking the non-thoroughbreds () is not what I want to do. I see a clear difference between a lack of loyalty which I most certainly can't get my head around, and following the local side along with 'your team'. It's just a meaningless opinion!
Methinks it's about time this thread got back on topic. My apologies for the wanders.
Still can't figure out why Baggy should be singled out for "lack of loyalty", alone amongst all the dual-club fans, but no matter...

As for the seats, I've come round to sullen acceptance now. I've put up with worse at Stanley over the last 48 years!
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