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12-02-2009, 22:40
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!
Friends can disagree or even agree to disagree if the case as it maybe, seriously i have lost my faith in the club as in backroom, the fellas on the pitch are still obtaining my faith in them atm. Im a fan supporter, even got a season ticket on the strength this year would be a positive one from all sides, slowly draining maybe seein the stuff i have & the frustration that keeps fueling, things that are positive was drained, ie the documentory prog, the media launch, the connection with the club to its fans have been at its all time low - removing the link from the website has only infuriated that. Sorry that there is a few of us that will voice our opinion out loud but because maybe we dont feel heard or its brushed off, ie like u cant see the grumbles from those in the lower clayton end - maybe u should stand with us for a few games see what we see? [but ok yr in the hospitality so suppose u cant], ok look at the pics of games that goaline least with people there supporting the team & kenny...we have a role too, i simply cant see the seats improving the fes [yes i know we need them] as far as the energy & support that area gives as in atmosphere as wynonie says. Those are the points that u dont get is the feeling about it not the fact we need it YES we know we do!
As far as boro yes im corrected slightly as not in league but getting to league. Im riding out this season then next season im backing off in all fronts, maybe a highly motive feeling for the little club needs a break.
12-02-2009, 23:39
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!
SR, you have said yourself on a number of occasions that we knew from the moment we won that match at Woking in 2006 that we'd have to meet football league rules by installing the extra seats. So why didn't the club start planning from that moment for those extra seats? Why didn't they capitalise on the wave of positive feeling and enthusiasm that surrounded the club that summer by perhaps running a "Make A Stand for Stanley" campaign? But, no, it was the same old flying-by-the-seat-of-your pants, "summat'll turn up" mentality. And so, the issue was put off time and time again. In fact, when a rumour did surface about seats on the Clayton End, the club got all indignant and said it wasn't going to happen.
...and so time went by and nothing was done until we've now reached the moment when the quickest and cheapest option is the only one available, neatly allowing the club to take the higher moral ground with their "if you don't want seats on the Clayton End, you don't want the club to stay in the league" approach. So, that's it, we'll just have to like it or lump it...I just hope that too many don't do the latter. 
13-02-2009, 01:36
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!
I think there should be a questions and answers night about the ground etc soon! So people there and then can voice their opinions to the relevant people!
13-02-2009, 09:09
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!
yes ill come to that and bring some seats
1 new stand as well
13-02-2009, 10:48
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!
Originally Posted by fc:stanley
I think there should be a questions and answers night about the ground etc soon! So people there and then can voice their opinions to the relevant people!
That Fc is an excellent post, speaks sence i wonder if the club will volunteer that or as wynonie says its lump it attitude will continue to privail  Think that also goes back to the point of withdrawing the link providing the club with excuse to distance themselves from any level of discussion, tho its ok for Eric to slag off the townspeople for not coming to the FES - he still doesnt get actually why  Its a two way street Eric!
13-02-2009, 11:05
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!
Tel me three ground questions you would ask that you dont already know the answers to ?
13-02-2009, 11:13
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!
Originally Posted by K-P
Tel me three ground questions you would ask that you dont already know the answers to ?
Quite a few Why are u gonna find out or have u been promoted to club mediator lol?
13-02-2009, 11:30
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!
Originally Posted by Stanleymad
Quite a few Why are u gonna find out or have u been promoted to club mediator lol?
My point was... we already know the answers so whats the point of having a Q/A session... Its a moan at the club session you really want..
PS I dont now and never have worked for the club.. so difficult to promote me eh 
13-02-2009, 12:34
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!
but if asked would you take over the website again?
13-02-2009, 13:54
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!
I know that I have asked this question before  but at the risk of repeating myself, why can the seats not go to the left and right? As it seems to me that not as many stand on the outer edges, most seem to (in my experience) huddle together in the central 3/4rs ish  There was an answer posted that the view was impaired to the outers, but checked it out and it aint  I know it may not be the perfect answer but I feel that it would be a better solution than what is proposed!! I know it might not suit everybody but, we - me included have to accept that its going to happen so lets have it the best way for most of the fans in the stands 
19 Years in the Football League
13-02-2009, 14:05
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!
Originally Posted by VALAIRIAN
I know that I have asked this question before  but at the risk of repeating myself, why can the seats not go to the left and right? As it seems to me that not as many stand on the outer edges, most seem to (in my experience) huddle together in the central 3/4rs ish  There was an answer posted that the view was impaired to the outers, but checked it out and it aint  I know it may not be the perfect answer but I feel that it would be a better solution than what is proposed!! I know it might not suit everybody but, we - me included have to accept that its going to happen so lets have it the best way for most of the fans in the stands 
The experts have advised the cheapest, safest and simplest way to install the necessary seats. The RED AND WHITE seats (NOT BLUE) are going in where we have been told they are. No amount of slagging off of anybody will change that. We will just have to get used to it. We are a football league club now not a non-league outfit where you can walk around the ground. We have to abide by the rules and that is that. Of course the club left it to the last minute, probably to see how much money was available. We may have had a good cup run, we may have had television money. Unfortunately that did not happen so it has to be the cheapest option. It is going to happen so stop moaning and get used to it.
13-02-2009, 14:13
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!
Originally Posted by JEFF
The experts have advised the cheapest, safest and simplest way to install the necessary seats. The RED AND WHITE seats (NOT BLUE) are going in where we have been told they are. No amount of slagging off of anybody will change that. We will just have to get used to it. We are a football league club now not a non-league outfit where you can walk around the ground. We have to abide by the rules and that is that. Of course the club left it to the last minute, probably to see how much money was available. We may have had a good cup run, we may have had television money. Unfortunately that did not happen so it has to be the cheapest option. It is going to happen so stop moaning and get used to it.
You almost sound like our Eric  I know it is happening, I am not moaning I am having my say, thats all Jeff 
19 Years in the Football League
13-02-2009, 14:16
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!
Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
but if asked would you take over the website again?
Not for free  Done it for quite a few years for free... time is money now self employed.... photographs for them for free is doing my bit now 
13-02-2009, 14:42
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!
Originally Posted by K-P
Tel me three ground questions you would ask that you dont already know the answers to ?
Yes alot has been said on this thread , however there are going to be questions people need clearing up in their mind then someones post on Accringtonweb. Also a questions and answers night would be good for the people that actually dont come on Accringtonweb and have just seen relevant information in the papers etc. This could be a chance for people who know no other information than the seats are going to be put in the Clayton end to share their views and discuss with people. It is better for things to be answered and discussed about matters people are generally fustrated and anoyed in person than on a forum.
13-02-2009, 15:59
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!
Originally Posted by K-P
My point was... we already know the answers so whats the point of having a Q/A session... Its a moan at the club session you really want..
PS I dont now and never have worked for the club.. so difficult to promote me eh 
Many people dont know whats actually going on, even this thread has been confused from blue seats to now red ones, dates of the work being done & will the goal-line end be cut off on match days should seating errection should not be finished - btw those Q's were put to me @ tues nights match by people not on here as well as some on here. So the answer is YES we do need things clarifying indeed
Moaning @ the club - dig at moi there but yes im moaning about the club tho dont say owt here that i wouldnt to club direct - trust me, tho the moaning is restricted to the things that are wrong or not proffessional but its beyond moaning - notice its been a while since the last Q&A & lots of things have festered or have been ignored that many people are not happy with & have/are voicing that opinion.
As for u KP im sure u can promote yourself very well  
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