13-02-2009, 16:23
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!
Originally Posted by K-P
Thus whats the point? I ahve been to every one of these and apart from paul cooks little speech i wasnt impressed with any.. its all long awakward silences or some plonker wiht the wrong end of the stick pratting on about something no one is interested in..
The last Q/A we had was attended by a lot of big voices on here... too scared to actually repeat themselves in public...
so if there useless..questions get side stepped or soft soaped then what is the point..
Really, wow, im surprised at that couldnt attend the last meeting tho didnt have any issues to bring as they were being sorted before then, beleive it not had nowt lol. Shame about people being too intimidated to speak up, was eric there? lol, we had a meeting with the club @ the OSC meeting [just before we announced intentions of the heritage fund - something we wont forget erics face after hahahaha] but i did raise my Q's then without fear lol & neither did macca but left knowing where we stood, but yes u do have a point with soft soaping but once keep pressing it then a straight answer can be sought even if its not a pleasant one & think its why my opinion of late is how it is because of that. Maybe it is a good idea but then maybe not so yes a valid point there.
I noticed they have our free dividing panels being put to use