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Old 14-02-2009, 19:50   #391
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

when are they going in we have home game next weekend then home on tues
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Old 14-02-2009, 19:53   #392
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by Grimps View Post
when are they going in we have home game next weekend then home on tues
Given what Redash said earlier, I'd say about 14.2 seats a day for the next 10 weeks
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Old 14-02-2009, 20:03   #393
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

lol do we have bolts for the job.are they on the way down in a van too
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Old 14-02-2009, 20:09   #394
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by Grimps View Post
lol do we have bolts for the job.are they on the way down in a van too
Don't give them clues, Eric won't have thought about that.

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Old 14-02-2009, 20:28   #395
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
Don't give them clues, Eric won't have thought about that.
The seat project is not been driven by Eric Whalley.

EW is quite happy not to add the seats, as currently we can't fill the 1200 have already got.

The good news is (IMHO) that another "team" are "championing" this project, hence the progress!!
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Old 14-02-2009, 21:13   #396
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

The Kop The Stretford End The Longside - All legendary terracing, ten years ago or so they were compulsary made all seating and yes the fans had there say but took to the seating and made the best of what they were given and although it will never be the same again they are still great places to be.

Ten years later Accrington Stanley are being asked to comply with the League requirement which we all accepted on gaining promotion, nobody on the magnificent day said "I dont want FL promotion we will have to fit some seats" Lets face facts here...

You the fans dont want seats, The Directors dont want the seats but we must comply, this seat buisness will cost the club a lot of money it hasn't got.

What would you say if The Board ignored the seat regulation and the club were asked to leave the Football League ???

You would rightly come on here in droves and destroy the Board for neglecting the seat issue and will probably ask them to resign en mass.

Dave O'Neill, Mark and all the board have worked hard to ensure the seats will be fitted, two or three rows of seats across the front of The Clayton End will be perfect for the Ultras to drape banners on stood behind that the singers, the terrace will still be a great place to be just like The Kop and the Longside.

It boils down to two things 1, Seats or 2, Football League expulsion the choice is yours.

I am trying to be positve here and yes the situation is far from perfect but it is what we must do to to maintain Football League Status.
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Old 14-02-2009, 21:24   #397
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by Give us the old gree View Post
the terrace will still be a great place to be just like The Kop and the Longside.

I'm afraid I don't agree. The only reason the Kop makes any noise and the same with the Stretford End is because as big clubs they are allowed to break the law and remain standing.

I can tell you first hand there are times when we had 2 or 3000 on the Longside and it was 100 times louder than it is now. Seats have helped to kill the atmosphere, and even to this day one of the biggest and most constant complaints among Burnley fans is about the constant eviction of home fans by over zealous control freaks in orange jackets who seek every opportunity to enforce the seating rule. The majoirty of fans would still vote for standing areas, myself included.

Yes it's a league requirement but it doesn't mean to say people have to like it, and in defence of those Stanley fans on here who do object to the seats, for some to suggest they would rather see the club be demoted is an insult to them.
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Old 14-02-2009, 21:27   #398
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by Give us the old gree View Post
The Kop The Stretford End The Longside - All legendary terracing, ten years ago or so they were compulsary made all seating and yes the fans had there say but took to the seating and made the best of what they were given and although it will never be the same again they are still great places to be.

Ten years later Accrington Stanley are being asked to comply with the League requirement which we all accepted on gaining promotion, nobody on the magnificent day said "I dont want FL promotion we will have to fit some seats" Lets face facts here...

You the fans dont want seats, The Directors dont want the seats but we must comply, this seat buisness will cost the club a lot of money it hasn't got.

What would you say if The Board ignored the seat regulation and the club were asked to leave the Football League ???

You would rightly come on here in droves and destroy the Board for neglecting the seat issue and will probably ask them to resign en mass.

Dave O'Neill, Mark and all the board have worked hard to ensure the seats will be fitted, two or three rows of seats across the front of The Clayton End will be perfect for the Ultras to drape banners on stood behind that the singers, the terrace will still be a great place to be just like The Kop and the Longside.

It boils down to two things 1, Seats or 2, Football League expulsion the choice is yours.

I am trying to be positve here and yes the situation is far from perfect but it is what we must do to to maintain Football League Status.
As stated previously, its not the seats - but where they are going and how its been done..... We all know they have to be put in place and we are not disputing that, but some of us believe that with a little more thought/forward planning they might have gone somewhere else! But its all old news now........

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Old 14-02-2009, 21:33   #399
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
I'm afraid I don't agree. The only reason the Kop makes any noise and the same with the Stretford End is because as big clubs they are allowed to break the law and remain standing.

I can tell you first hand there are times when we had 2 or 3000 on the Longside and it was 100 times louder than it is now. Seats have helped to kill the atmosphere, and even to this day one of the biggest and most constant complaints among Burnley fans is about the constant eviction of home fans by over zealous control freaks in orange jackets who seek every opportunity to enforce the seating rule. The majoirty of fans would still vote for standing areas, myself included.

Yes it's a league requirement but it doesn't mean to say people have to like it, and in defence of those Stanley fans on here who do object to the seats, for some to suggest they would rather see the club be demoted is an insult to them.
Nice post/thoughts Lancsdave Good to see that folks from other clubs with first hand experience know/understand what folks are talking about

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Old 14-02-2009, 21:37   #400
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by VALAIRIAN View Post
Nice post/thoughts Lancsdave Good to see that folks from other clubs with first hand experience know/understand what folks are talking about

I may live with a Stanley fan and give her some friendly stick for it at times but I do understand the passion

I'm damn sure all those objecting to the seats would rather see an all seater stadium if it meant Stanley were playing regular football at Championship level or higher, for which all seater is a requirement after a honeymoon period.
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Old 14-02-2009, 21:39   #401
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
I'm afraid I don't agree. The only reason the Kop makes any noise and the same with the Stretford End is because as big clubs they are allowed to break the law and remain standing.

I can tell you first hand there are times when we had 2 or 3000 on the Longside and it was 100 times louder than it is now. Seats have helped to kill the atmosphere, and even to this day one of the biggest and most constant complaints among Burnley fans is about the constant eviction of home fans by over zealous control freaks in orange jackets who seek every opportunity to enforce the seating rule. The majoirty of fans would still vote for standing areas, myself included.

Yes it's a league requirement but it doesn't mean to say people have to like it, and in defence of those Stanley fans on here who do object to the seats, for some to suggest they would rather see the club be demoted is an insult to them.
Dave, Thanks for your reply, re the longside yes i was on The Turf in the 70s and it was some place and was there recently and i agree with you its not the same but they still make a lot of noise, its still one of Footballs great places,, re insults Sorry if i have badly written the piece i never set out to offend anyone on here my record proves that but anyhow thanks for your response, by the way a good win for your boys today i for one wish them more sucess.

Keep the faith....

Last edited by Give us the old gree; 14-02-2009 at 21:42.
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Old 14-02-2009, 22:15   #402
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by Give us the old gree View Post
What would you say if The Board ignored the seat regulation and the club were asked to leave the Football League ???

It boils down to two things 1, Seats or 2, Football League expulsion the choice is yours.
This is the "spin" that the club are putting on it now. That those who don't want seats on the Clayton End don't want to stay in the FL.

Rubbish - the club have had three years to sort this out and it seems to me that they've done very little. During that time any rumours about seats on the Clayton End have been met with indignant denials. Now it's too late to do anything else and the club have turned it round and are trying to make the fans feel guilty for wanting to keep the Clayton End all-standing.

Well, it doesn't matter now, the seats are here and they're going to be installed. But two things are for sure - it'll diminish the atmosphere and the matchday experience for a lot of fans and the way it's been done will leave a bad taste in the mouth for many supporters.
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Old 14-02-2009, 22:20   #403
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by Give us the old gree View Post
The Kop The Stretford End The Longside - All legendary terracing, ten years ago or so they were compulsary made all seating and yes the fans had there say but took to the seating and made the best of what they were given and although it will never be the same again they are still great places to be.

I am trying to be positve here and yes the situation is far from perfect but it is what we must do to to maintain Football League Status.
the first paragraph is utter garbage, the rest of yer post good sense. i started popping up the stanley occasionally cos i can still STAND. the atmosphere at ewood were ive bin since 62, went to crap when it became all seater, same at other bigger crowds/grounds. any man u season ticket holder will say the same i have no doubt. but it was a well meant post.
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Old 14-02-2009, 22:41   #404
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Thumbs down Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

new stand down the cowshed 2years ago would have sloved this mess but we keept putting off untill the **** hit the fl men and they said do it or out me and overs will move back up the end two the top untill the next thing will be to fill clyton end with seats and put use in the away end i can see this coming
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Old 15-02-2009, 02:21   #405
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Really wanted to keep out of this one but need to have my say and i aint going one side or the other, yes we do have to put the seats in but as said people dont have to like it i go to stanley because to watch football imho you stand up and to me the game has lost so much because fans are made to sit.In my youth i was a longsider and what a place to be!!! visited the turf recently to watch em take on spurs and it is not an experience that will be repeated soon due to the lack of elbow room and feeling most uncomfatable for the whole match and there aint the atmosphere any more just the odd pocket of fans here and there trying to get behind the team instead of 5 or 600 in full cry and lifting the longside roof.To me it would be a sad day if the FES (OR WHATEVER ITS CALLED BY THEN) ever became all seater and i think even though i am stanley through and through that day will be the last day
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