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Old 30-11-2008, 23:49   #46
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

The new stand + facilitys could attract better players to the club too and might influence the players more with it being more of a proffesional enviroment.

Compared to the rovers boxes we could charge a cheaper price as theres are quite alot tbh!

And what nickelson said about having the control room in the new stand would be a great idea and kills two birds with one stone.

Also that picture of the stand at macc with the seats below looks really crap tbh! As you can see also the fans dont like it as their stood up too

Southern red , instead of actually building a new , singing dancing stand , can we not just extend and build onto the cow shed?

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Old 30-11-2008, 23:52   #47
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by southernred View Post
So many questions

Finally, with regard to seats to the back at either end, to leave the middle totally terraced. My first thoughts are that vision from the seats MAY be impaired. If you sat on the end and across the gangway somebody is stood up, my guess is that the seated person may have his/her view blocked; need to think about that in more detail. I do know Dave O'neill checks the MB regularly, so I'm sure he'll give it some thought, if its practical
Think positive, Red - that's no problem at all. Anyone in the seats could stand up when the ball comes near the pen area like they do in all the Premiership grounds!
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Old 01-12-2008, 09:21   #48
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by fatgaz182 View Post
Da Da da da daaaa

The Joys of MS Paint.
Cheers for that fatgaz karma too for the layout

LOL even like the extras.....teeth


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Old 01-12-2008, 16:58   #49
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Yes fatgaz but what will the seats look like ? artist impression please if you don't mind
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Old 01-12-2008, 17:21   #50
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

probably something like this

The Voice of the Terrace
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Old 01-12-2008, 18:09   #51
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Aren't those extras from Robocop??
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Old 01-12-2008, 18:12   #52
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

I like the way there numbered 1 and 2 ... then if 1 goes missing they will still have 2

boom boom!
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Old 01-12-2008, 18:12   #53
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

might be a bit hard on the elbows
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Old 01-12-2008, 18:15   #54
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Its like owt else... no matter what seats are put in.. folk will get used to em soon enough.. I still think the compactness (is that a word?) on the terrace might even improve the atmospehere..

No matter how much moaning goes on... thats the plan and I cant see it changing so its sulk then count to 10 then move forward
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Old 01-12-2008, 18:24   #55
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

you won't be able to moe forward for the seat's you will fall over then lol
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Old 01-12-2008, 18:26   #56
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

What time does the real comedian get here?
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Old 01-12-2008, 21:05   #57
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by southernred View Post

1. Your wisdom and old post are to be appreciated.

2. However seats on the Clayton End are a very new thought, because as we do this we have to make further ground improvements to keep the 5K capacity.

3.The club have attempted to resist these canges, they have approached the League to ask for an exemption. This has been refused.

4. However we all knew the rules when we applied to join the League, we have to abide by them.
1. correct. Futher along in the thread I quoted, on page 2, I made
a prediction .....

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
It may not be that far away, and if it happened and if we campaigned against it then the club would give the ultimatum that they either build it (cos there is no time left for alternative plans) or we get relegated for not completing our necessary groundworks in three years. We (the fans) become the bad guys
.... seems spot on to me. If the Clayton Enders were really that bothered, and could be arsed to sign a petition, would it get anywhere? No, cos time is too short. Build it this way or we go down - it's simple.

2. It might be a new idea in its present guise but its not a new idea. At the time of my original quoted post I had been told that the idea was discussed and was a no brainer really and would probably happen. This has become true no matter who has thought of the idea this time around. It still always comes back to the man in charge. If seven directors, a general manager, a chief executive and a vice-chairman all thought that a new stand was do-able but Eric didn't, who would win?

3. An admirable attempt but 'spin'. It was never gonna cut any ice for reason 4 ........

4. Exactly. We all knew from day one that this was gonna have to be done if we were still in the league. Maybe we didn't expect to be here and thought that we could avoid doing the work?

To be honest I don't think it will be too bad. We all get to stay in the league for another year at least and the Clayton End will look a little fuller. With the extra seats available we may be able to start doing a lot more promotion around town and give/donate tickets all over the place to fill them up a bit. Liam's little army could be seated directly in front of the Ultras (if the language is cut out) thus adding a shed load more noise and giving the little 'uns a better day out. Kipax is right, the squashed up again feeling will return and will probably amplify the atmosphere for many. The noise will doubtless pick up a touch more. But .....

for me the point of promotion can be better explained with a better word - progress. Its not enough to just keep saying that "we are playing in such and such a league, think yourselves lucky". We should be progressing on and off the pitch in roughly equal measures. Part of the reason, IMHO, that we find ourselves in such a pickle with regards to low attendances etc is that we have never invested enough off the pitch. The roof is great but has less people under it than has been on that end for five years. Why? - cos it came too late. It should have been done in the first Conference season. Many of the new fans we gained that season, and through the great FA Cup run, and the fabled return to the league would possibly still be here. They aren't because they wouldn't pay £10 then £12 then £13 to get wet. New fans aren't hardcore and don't put up with ****e conditions, they expect to get value for money. Now we are trying to attract more families, partially as a drive to attract the 'fans of the future'. Admirable but what do we offer them when they get here? They generally want to sit down but the main stand has more leaks than last years defence. The Clayton End even has leaks in it FFS (because we won't spend a little bit more and get some quality bitumen painted on). But then even the new seats will be right at the front edge of the stand and they will still get wet, and have the wind at their faces.

A new stand will cost a lot more money than we reputedly have money for, but this is fault of those that run the club. I won't beat about the bush and pretend any more that we are doing all we can because we aren't. There are people behind the scenes who put in a lot of effort, there are people behind the scenes that want to push the club regardless. But it still comes down to one man that certain things arenm't done very well. Many folk have vented their spleens at Lee for various reasons to do with merchandise but it isn't his decision whether or not we pay suppliers and be able to replenish stock once it's sold. It isn't his decision whether we build a bigger shop. It isn't his decision whether we take payment now and send you the goods if we ever get them. It's no wonder he sometimes doesn't respond to emails because he is probably embarrassed at having to keep going over the same old story. It's not the fault of the ladies in the beer huts when the beer (cans) run dry half an hour before a game even starts. Its not their fault when the away end only has two crates of lager in it before 1200 Bury fans come for the last game of the season on a gloriously sunny Spring saturday.

Eric banned the word 'promotion' around the club until it was mathematically impossible not to be promoted from the Conference - and we wondered why there was no merchandise available to capitalise?

The point of it all is ...... We have cut corners for years and the fans have voted with their feet. In the current climate we have no chance of enticing hundreds of new fans to come to the FES, but if we had made more effort a few years ago we would be better off for it now. Yes we are in the Football League for probably a fourth year running but we are still a Unibond club in many eyes. Eric and co should not be surprised when a few more people vote with the feet at no longer standing on an exclusively terraced goal end. They should not be surprised when yet more fans of visiting clubs ridicule us for our part 'completed?' stand

If we ever did get to the League 1 and their rules stipulate that you must have x amount more seats in then the excuse will be that we our skint and can't afford to develop Whinney Hill so we'll stick the extra seats on the Clayton End cos we've already got some there. Once they are in they will only ever be added to., never taken out
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Old 01-12-2008, 21:09   #58
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Question Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Finally, with regard to seats to the back at either end, to leave the middle totally terraced. My first thoughts are that vision from the seats MAY be impaired. If you sat on the end and across the gangway somebody is stood up, my guess is that the seated person may have his/her view blocked; need to think about that in more detail. I do know Dave O'neill checks the MB regularly, so I'm sure he'll give it some thought, if its practical

Surely with what most of us are saying on here, IF the seats where on both sides the crowd would / could STAND in the centre and mostly NOT SIT down the sides! And as someone has said previously STAND UP when there is some action!!!!

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Old 01-12-2008, 21:19   #59
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Very passionate! And possibly very very true.

Good post.

19 Years in the Football League

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Old 01-12-2008, 21:40   #60
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

macca.. theres only one way to get extra fans.. surely we all know it... and its got nothing to do with the ground.. what we all said should happen years ago is finally happening now... there was around 50 kids on saturday with liam.. they are the future and they will be the ultras in years to come... the club will reap those rewards in time.. especially if it grows as it seems to be doing..

Forget everyhting else.. the one most important thing for the future of this club is what the FITC team are doing now! Thats the truth of it.. When the fan base grows over long term then so will the club.. and when the club grows all your dreams will come true

There are no quick fixes..
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