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Old 01-12-2008, 21:58   #61
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

I agree Kipax, but there are also more ways of getting much, much more money out of the people that do come - especially new fans who are eager for the extras.

FCStanley keeps banging on about a new stand having office space and executive boxes in it whilst SR says who would fill em in the current climate? The fact remains that it would cost only a few hundred pound extra to incorporate the design of an office into a newbuild structure but this could be worth an absolute bare minimum of £50 a week rent to a small office based company. An 'executive' (very loosely termed) box need only cost £20-30 per game per person with a bit of lunch chucked in but it would be an extra that has cost next to now and helps the structure pay for itself.

The Football in the Community scheme is self funded - i.e the club pays nowt towards it (or shouldn't need to). There are grants available from hundreds of different sources (and the football league provide assistance with acquiring it) as long the purpose is community based. Quick example and by no means a 'should do' We could approach the Youth Offenders programme and ask them for a couple of thousand pound for some new inititiative that provides the little scallies with a worthwhile pursuit. Government department responsible for Young thugs then gives us five grand to buy some trackies and hoodies to give em while they paint our turnstiles. etc etc. We could put in for funding towards a sports hall for disabled children from the Sport For All Council, we could put in a bid for money from the Criminally challenged people for Acquainting Traveller children within the community, or what about the Diversity Forum that we championed and helped set up? that could be worth a few quid in terms of setting up some kind base from which to establish their teachings to multi culture? Pendle Red posted something earlier this year about the No Limits people putting some money into Rovers and Burnley and establishing some form of permanent business help venture at the respective stadiums. I know we have a business link with No Limits but have they been able to fund anything for us?

The principle I am explaining is that we have had three years to explore ways of making the stand pay for itself and we haven't found a way of making £240k (SR's figure) do that?
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Old 01-12-2008, 22:22   #62
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by K-P View Post
macca.. theres only one way to get extra fans.. surely we all know it... and its got nothing to do with the ground.. what we all said should happen years ago is finally happening now... there was around 50 kids on saturday with liam.. they are the future and they will be the ultras in years to come... the club will reap those rewards in time.. especially if it grows as it seems to be doing..

Forget everyhting else.. the one most important thing for the future of this club is what the FITC team are doing now! Thats the truth of it.. When the fan base grows over long term then so will the club.. and when the club grows all your dreams will come true

There are no quick fixes..
good post K-P, been saying that fer 3 years now, as wynonie will verify. and also would like to ask southern red, who's view will seats at both ends restrict? most will be empty anyway as i'm damn sure he knows.
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Last edited by cashman; 01-12-2008 at 22:24.
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Old 01-12-2008, 22:38   #63
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

and if there only paying £13 there getting cheap seats anyway. you pay less for restricted views :-)
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Old 02-12-2008, 00:03   #64
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
I agree Kipax, but there are also more ways of getting much, much more money out of the people that do come - especially new fans who are eager for the extras.

the above is exactly whats killing the sport as a whole.. Not accy stanley... all clubs.. the exodus to non league clubs started a long time ago.. they even came to stanley to get away from the above... now we have turned into one of those clubs

I know we have to do it... doesnt mean I have to like it though...
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Old 02-12-2008, 00:17   #65
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

don't think exodus is correct K-P, a trickle maybe, going off the non league gates i see in various papers, not noticed em rising much in last few years.
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Old 02-12-2008, 00:26   #66
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

selling merchandise to the fans is killing the sport?

thats what I mean, things like team posters for the kids to 'decorate' their rooms, celebratory t-shirts, mugs etc. Wherever I have worked I am 'the Stanley fan' it is my duty to use a Stanley mug to reiterate that fact - not just one style but a variety. Scarves - we tend to have that lasts for three or four seasons possibly because we charge a little dearly (and I'm not interested in other clubs might charge the same). Charge less and sell more, re-coup the 'loss' on higher turnover by changing it every year. Badges - they sell so get em in. We did well on the kit style badge and should do that every year. Order in a small quantity and when they are gone they're gone - create a must buy it quickly mentality. Thats not killing football - it re-inforces ones passion for a club to have knick-knacks around the house. I'd have a team photo up at work but I can't buy one from the shop and I should be able to walk in and pick up an A4 framed picture for about £6. There are no-marks on ebay selling old pictures that they have scanned from books - why can't we? oops I'm rambling now but there are three sets of fans;

1) existing fans - above all else look after them. You've already got em hooked so don't let them go. Fleece them of whatever money you can for things they want - but don't overcharge them for what they must have. ie tickets and club colours

2) ex-fans - used to be existing fans but for whatever reason felt they could wander away/weren't being looked after

3) fans of the future - very important to look to the future but you can not rely on what might be to come.

My point about getting more money out of those that do go is that a fan spends a certain amount of money practically every game. I usually spend £10 on fags, £25 on booze £3.50 on food then my admission. The club can't get my fag money but they could get my booze money, they could get my food money. Identify what people spend their money on at football and then try to get it. Multiply by a hundred people then multiply by 23 home games. That certainly wouldn't kill football at our level but could only enhance it.
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Old 02-12-2008, 01:22   #67
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
selling merchandise to the fans is killing the sport?
thats not what i said.. thats not what i quoted... .. this is what i quoted

I agree Kipax, but there are also more ways of getting much, much more money out of the people that do come - especially new fans who are eager for the extras.

The mentality of lets get as much money as we can out of the fans is whats killing it... exactly what your saying in your posts.. i will say again i know why we have to do it.. I am not saying dont.. I am saying I dont like it
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Old 02-12-2008, 01:29   #68
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
don't think exodus is correct K-P, a trickle maybe,

being a little dramatic helps get the point accross
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Old 02-12-2008, 11:29   #69
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Maybe there's another angle to this. I'm not thrilled at the idea of seats on the Clayton end like a lot of folks on here but if it gets us to the point where it conforms to the rules and is less expensive and temporary then I can live with it. Also, some peeps have been wondering what's happened to the money for players and TV etc. If it means the club can now divert some money from the stand project into strengthening the team in January then I'd go for it. I'm thinking Charnock and we'd have to pay for him right?
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Old 02-12-2008, 12:31   #70
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by Reamer View Post
. If it means the club can now divert some money from the stand project into strengthening the team in January then I'd go for it.

Wouldnt we all.. but theres no sign of that happening.. wishfull thinking unfortunatly..

I will ask questions if I see something I think is odd.. but at the end of the day we have a club running in the black that doesnt owe anyone money (accroding to eric a few months ago) and I doubt many of us on here could do better than that
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Old 02-12-2008, 13:12   #71
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Why ? Have you seen a sign saying that we're not in for Charnock or something ? If not, it's still possible ain't it ?
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Old 02-12-2008, 13:39   #72
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
and also would like to ask southern red, who's view will seats at both ends restrict? most will be empty anyway as i'm damn sure he knows.
I think he means the view of any fans in the seats at the sides may be impaired, but as I replied to him:-

"Think positive, Red - that's no problem at all. Anyone in the seats could stand up when the ball comes near the pen area like they do in all the Premiership grounds!"
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Old 02-12-2008, 14:21   #73
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by Reamer View Post
Why ? Have you seen a sign saying that we're not in for Charnock or something ?

Why ? Have you seen a sign saying that we are in for Charnock or something ?

Reply in january when we havent paid out money for anyone.. If we buiy charnock i will come in here and eat my hat .... of course i wont really but the thoughts there
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Old 02-12-2008, 14:27   #74
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Will reply to other questions as time permits later;

But the main question that reoccurs is the restricted view. From what I know but will have to check the small print I think there could be two problems by putting the seats at both wings of the Clayton End.

1) I don't expect the safety people will allow you to permit seats that encourage people to stand to gain a view. ie: if you HAD to stand to see the action every time the ball went goal bound that will be seen as a safety risk. (IMHO)

2) If you sold these seats as having a restricted view, which you could do by charging the same price as the terrace (as Macc do) they may not count towards the 2000 seats required by the FL. I'm not sure of this point but it defeats the object of a seating requirement if you can't atcually seem the pitch ( Hereford have huge problems with this; from the front row of the main stand you can't see the touchline, but the have enough seats further back in the stand)

The points raised are all good ones, but believe me the club are looking at ALL options.
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Old 02-12-2008, 14:56   #75
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Re: Please Read; The Seats The Facts!!

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post

The Football in the Community scheme is self funded - i.e the club pays nowt towards it (or shouldn't need to). There are grants available from hundreds of different sources (and the football league provide assistance with acquiring it) as long the purpose is community based. Quick example and by no means a 'should do' We could approach the Youth Offenders programme and ask them for a couple of thousand pound for some new inititiative that provides the little scallies with a worthwhile pursuit. Government department responsible for Young thugs then gives us five grand to buy some trackies and hoodies to give em while they paint our turnstiles. etc etc. We could put in for funding towards a sports hall for disabled children from the Sport For All Council, we could put in a bid for money from the Criminally challenged people for Acquainting Traveller children within the community, or what about the Diversity Forum that we championed and helped set up? that could be worth a few quid in terms of setting up some kind base from which to establish their teachings to multi culture? Pendle Red posted something earlier this year about the No Limits people putting some money into Rovers and Burnley and establishing some form of permanent business help venture at the respective stadiums. I know we have a business link with No Limits but have they been able to fund anything for us?
Can I just say that all of the above we are doing and have been doing for several months


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