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View Poll Results: Are you happy with the club's finances?
Yes 5 25.00%
No 15 75.00%
Voters: 20. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 30-11-2010, 16:12   #46
Super Moderator

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Re: Poll: Are you happy with Accrington's finances?

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
But it strikes me that more could be done from a group of fans who I would say about 95% of support the change. You can't change the legal system but you can make your feelings known as a group.
Only 95%? ...but, yep, I agree with you!
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Old 30-11-2010, 17:13   #47
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Re: Poll: Are you happy with Accrington's finances?

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
there's not much point to be honest though is there Dave? O'Neil is well aware that he has the fewest fans (of him) of any previous Chairman of the club. Nothing we could do will shift him and Ilyas seems to think that his challenge is fair and legit. My plan is to just let that process happen, and let O'Neil waste his money challenging the challenge.

If anything was to happen that would lead me to believe that publically rising against O'Neil would change anything then I would. Likewise if anything I could do to pressurise the hierarchy came about then so be it. O'Neil will feel the heat soon enough I think ...
agree wi rob on this, been my feeling fer quite a while, would appreciate n update from ilyas if at all possible?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 30-11-2010, 20:00   #48
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Re: Poll: Are you happy with Accrington's finances?

There are just so many unanswered questions

As fans all we really want to do is support our Club

But it's like a soap opera along the style of that "El Dorado" with bad acting

Rob's posts earlier sum everything up perfectly from a fans perspective

The questions that everyone myself included keep skating around are

Is there a way forward for everyone together?

Has it gone past that?

If protests were to start would they make any real difference or would they serve any purpose?

Would it open the wounds deeper or would it bring people to the table?

What form would protests take?

Would they be united?

I don't claim to know the answers, I know how I feel and I know what I want which is a forward thinking Club that is open to everyone as a collective to help each other through thick & thin, whether it's just saying hello or helping with this that or the other but most of all just being open.

This was the one thing above all else that made me keep coming back to the Club it was like a magnet for me and I am sure it is for all of us?

Is it too much to ask for people to look and see a bigger picture & work together to bring this about for everyone who works at the Club and who supports the Club but also Town & the Borough itself.

Despite a chequered footballing history there is so much that this Club has acheived and to be proud of in it's present incarnation it's real "Roy of the Rovers" & against all odds stuff, from the first meeting to re-form the Club to where we are now.

"The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph" I think was the quote used now more than ever that needs to be trumpeted and championed.
Working Towards Change

One thing I can give and still keep: my word.

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