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Old 06-09-2005, 14:13   #151
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Re: Poor Gates

Originally Posted by KIPAX
It has worked for Blackburn and Burnley.. You only have to walk around town to see the shirts.. Kids in Burnley and Blackburn shirts because the clubs visit the schools and hand out free or cheap tickets and merchandise.. once they get them in there hooked... If you dont realise that kids are the future fans of the club then your more short sighted than I will currently give you credit for.

the asian route is somehting thats been talked about many times and suugested many times.. personally I dont see how it will work.. they know the ground is there.. they know football is on a saturday... if they dont want to go then they dont want to go.. cant force anyone.. but it seems to be a populor course of action muted many times

Sigh... dont play me for a fool man.
Im sorry Kipax, you are jus wrong though.

Buying a football shirt isn't having someone 'hooked'.

Blackburns attendances are as poor as they have been in a long while, shocking to be honest.

It hasn't worked and it wont work.

The best trainers that all kids want cost like 70 or 80 quid or whatever, they still get them though dont they??

If you want something bad enough, you find a way.

(apart from them horrible ugly talentless people on the x-factor, they goin nowhere)

Its not about reducing prices its about INCREASING demand.

If you make people want to come on the price, whilst still in reason(as it is), becomes secondary.

The price only becomes an issue when the enjoyment factor isn't there.

Whatever anyone says, the facts back me up. When clubs make big signings the attendances follow.

You can argue with me til the cows come home, the fact will remain that i am right though.
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Old 06-09-2005, 14:27   #152
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Re: Poor Gates

Forget the cheerleaders, perhaps we should have a bitch fight at half time!
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 06-09-2005, 14:28   #153
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Re: Poor Gates

Staveros your argument is useless!

You say that by signing a big name player this will attract people who once they are in then we can hook them

but you disagree with kipax and many others who believe stanley also need to get kids in then get them hooked with the added insentive that kids will bring their parents with them

So therefore how can kipax be wrong but you be correct?
The Voice of the Terrace
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Old 06-09-2005, 14:29   #154
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Re: Poor Gates

short term.. I am talking long term. you think all those kids that blackburn and burnley got to go to there games will suddenly be a accy fan if we sign an old has been... your not even thinking staright.

i didnt say buying a shirt had them hooked.. it was the bigger picture... things have to be done that effect the long term future of the club.. otherwise it will be a never ending cycle of paying big money to old has beens.. buying new and bigger tellies and the rest of your tinpot ideas

the roof is a good long term thing... me and you both know it will happen.. that will be good for the club long term...
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Old 06-09-2005, 14:31   #155
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Re: Poor Gates

Originally Posted by garinda
Forget the cheerleaders, perhaps we should have a bitch fight at half time!

ooerr did ya have anyone in mind or will you just take on all comers.....

go on.. ya knew that was coming
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Old 06-09-2005, 14:43   #156
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Re: Poor Gates

Originally Posted by John_Timmins
Staveros your argument is useless!

You say that by signing a big name player this will attract people who once they are in then we can hook them

but you disagree with kipax and many others who believe stanley also need to get kids in then get them hooked with the added insentive that kids will bring their parents with them

So therefore how can kipax be wrong but you be correct? I clearly pointed out earlier, once they are in they wanna be sein somethin on the pitch.

Gazza throwin a few Cruyffs in the mix(coupled with his name GAZZA) would be just the ticket. Like I said, Andy Payton, he would have been genius at this level.

K-Pax, i think you and i will just have to agree to disagree.

You call my ideas 'tin-pot' but think it is acceptable that it takes, how long has it been?, to put a roof on a stand. A tiny stand at that!!

If thats the speed of progression all round i'll be claiming my pension before Stanley make the league.
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Old 06-09-2005, 14:47   #157
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Re: Poor Gates

Originally Posted by Staveros
He can access my priceless wisdom right here for free William.

For the Harwood Red with his 'lets wait and see' business I feel sorry.

I have to deal with fellow Evertonians who share your negative mentality. I tell them as I Itell you, 'lets not'. lets go out and show some ambition and lets make it happen.

If you don't believe you will never achieve.

If you aim for the moon and miss, you can still catch a star.

The fans have been before, I was there when the gates topped 2500.

I know that was then but it could be again.

Build it and they will come.

Staveros: the eternal light shining bright in the sometimes dark world of football.
Its not William, its Jase but..... whet you say there fella is just ego-tistical David Brent style mumbo jumbo!

The only suggestions have been flawed, sorry I like the fact that you care but the club will do everything in their power to attract people as they have after we have seen gates go through the roof in the past years (all down to success, not TV's)

I thank you!

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 06-09-2005, 14:47   #158
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Re: Poor Gates

K-Pax, i think you and i will just have to agree to disagree

That makes a pleasent change from you announcing I am wrong all the time.. At least I ahve the ability to debate as apposed to you simply stating you are right..

I really am amazed that you cant see the long term future of the club is more important than short term

why go on about the roof when you know its sorted.... ... I did tell you not to play me for the fool.
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Old 06-09-2005, 14:48   #159
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Re: Poor Gates

Originally Posted by KIPAX
ooerr did ya have anyone in mind or will you just take on all comers.....

go on.. ya knew that was coming
No I was going to offer to hold your camera and take the pictures whilst you took on Staveros.

Any competition with me in would involve too a heavy a handicap for the rest of you.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 06-09-2005, 14:52   #160
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Re: Poor Gates

me and stveros.. nagh.. I know who he is.. i also know what the future holds
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Old 06-09-2005, 14:54   #161
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Re: Poor Gates

Hmmm....I've an idea. There are quite a few members on the rest of the Accy Web (i.e.the non Stanley/Footy section) who have never been, or have no intention of going to Stanley. Nor do they appear on this part of the site. It might be worth just running a poll on why. I don't know to what extent it would be representative. All active Stanley supporters are barred. If the monitors allow it - which they should, because its a general topical thread, then it may prove interesting.

Here goes. Give me a few minutes.
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Old 06-09-2005, 15:02   #162
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Re: Poor Gates

You also say that we should look to Everton as an example, but they did exactly the same as we did & SOLD Wayne & Thomas arguably there two best players!

Had they not had a good manager & a good group of players they could have been in Div 2!

Success kept 32,000 people coming to Goodison .......

We need a play off final place to cement another 100 or so "die hards"

On a positive, as Stanley fans all we can do is keep spreading the word, keep telling people who you support on holiday, on day trips etc wear your shirt, sing songs in Accrington kebab shops ( ), convert your mates etc etc

I took a Stanley flag to Bulgaria & probably got 20 english people, 20 irish people & a few Germans to follow with interest OUR team. Maybe they will attend one day & I will have brought another £12 into the coffers! Similarly, I now look for Waterford & Schalke results & would attend if i was over there........

Keep............ the

Stanley till i Die!

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 06-09-2005, 15:08   #163
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Re: Poor Gates

Originally Posted by KIPAX
me and stveros.. nagh.. I know who he is.. i also know what the future holds

You cant Kipax, staveros is the most covert of operators!!

William who calls himself jase, it is funny you call me david brent, this accusation has been thrown my way before, I have no clue why?

It was liverpool fans last time, they had a discussion on me on their forum 'Tthe Liverpool Way', it can be found on Yahoo.

The legend of staveros reaches all corners of the globe, one day his name shall be up in lights.

staveros: often misunderstood, but still....a good friend to animals
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Old 06-09-2005, 15:21   #164
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Re: Poor Gates

Originally Posted by Staveros
You cant Kipax, staveros is the most covert of operators!!
Ok lets say i think your name staveros is poorly thought out... omar might be better.. but too obvious.... how about a star trek villan ? hmmm but who ?
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Old 06-09-2005, 15:22   #165
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Re: Poor Gates

Also I think we have met... briefly...
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