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Old 05-09-2005, 22:55   #106
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Re: Poor Gates

You already can see the response.. a direct email from the conference in this thread..
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Old 05-09-2005, 23:02   #107
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Re: Poor Gates

Admission Charges club membership concessions must be the same for home and
away fans.

Funny how Hereford got away with charging £1.00 for their kids & £8.00 for ours for the last game of the season. Burton will charge £12.00 for terracing & £14.00 for seating this weekend by the way. Wonder if the earlier prices were taken from last seasons sites-I know that Greys have not updated theirs this season yet!
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Old 05-09-2005, 23:05   #108
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Re: Poor Gates

I wouldn't get too bent out of shape about who sets minimum admission prices. At the end of the day many clubs around the country are having this debate about how to get people in, including us at Southport.

I must admit, whilst knowing the conference had minimum admission prices I didn't realise it was only set at £7. Leigh RMI used the minimum admission charge to justify thewir much higher prices.

I don't personally give a stuff what admission prices are unless they discriminate against one section of fans as we found to our cost at kiddy recently. I'm the kind of person that is wedded to my club and will be at most games anyway. the question for non league clubs is how do you get in those that aren't committed to the same extent.

Success plays a part but those new fans that are attracted are often only attracted to success so it's not a big surprise when they drift off when they don't constantly get rewarded. Clubs like ours need to market themselves differently. Most seasons you'll have very little success so there has to be another reason to watch your team.

You have to emphasize the fact it is your team, that the atmosphgere is more friendly, that families are welcome, that you can relate to the players. Let's face it, supporting accy or Southport (in my case), we are unlikely to get to the premiership so there's no point trying the same marketing strategies that those clubs adopt.
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Old 06-09-2005, 00:42   #109
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Re: Poor Gates

Success is a dream but also a possibility I know. I was took to Blackburn as a kid when they languished in the old third division, but also watched the rise of Wimbledon at Plough Lane.

We will get back into the league one day.

Then watch the gate soar!
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 06-09-2005, 10:36   #110

Re: Poor Gates

Staveros sussed! Writes bemoaning the lack of support and then admits he didn't even go on Saturday and probably hasn't been this season.

Admittedly the Canvey game was poor, but Saturday was a big improvement and an independent who went with me said the standard was much better than last season. With Cooke sitting in the TV gantry and just Mike Flynn heading for middle age, the age profile of the team has come down and Coleman is obviously building for the future.

I took three others with me on Saturday, if Staveros and some of the other moaners on here had got off their bums and done the same, then the crowd would have been much bigger.

Put up or shut up.
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Old 06-09-2005, 10:39   #111
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Re: Poor Gates

Originally Posted by SimonStone
Put up or shut up.
Absoloutly spot on!
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Old 06-09-2005, 11:35   #112
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Re: Poor Gates

talking of poor gates... doubt there will be more than 200 on tonight...
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Old 06-09-2005, 11:35   #113
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Re: Poor Gates

Simonstone and Kipax, what ARE you on??

At which point did I claim to have been in attendance on Saturday??

I just didn't.

If you have actually bothered to read my initial post I would think it blatently obvious that I wasn't on.

Sussed? Did you go to school SimonStone? You're a real sleuth eh, ha!

Its as if the pair of you fail to understand the tone of the entire thread. It is all about reasons WHY the attendance is poor, WHY people like ME dont feel motivated to come on anymore.

Do you get that??

You think saying 'huh, you're 'avin a go and you didn't even come on yourself' is going to help??

No, it isn't.

Thats about as motivational as sending a child to the paper shop with the incentive being "i'll time you".

You guys need to get a grip.

If you want to continue feeling that you're part of an exclusive(somewhat low grade) 'old boys club' then continue with your current approach, you will have your way because nothing will change.

It will only be to the detriment of this club you profess to love though.

You will not get people back by making them feel guilty because they wont.

I have given stanley plenty of dosh in the past, through the turnstile and over the bar.

I wont feel guilty though for refusing to pay 12 quid a match when I dont see any progress being made.

If you're hardcore you will pay it, as I would pay whatever they ask at Everton, but you cant expect your 'supplimentary' fan base to do likewise. they are always going to be success/player signing driven.

Its the same all through the league, everton included.

At Goodison we have a solid 32 000 I would say, they will come what may, the rest though, they pick and choose.

With our relative success last year we will be sold out most weeks this, however, should we not build upon last season(we have though, strengthening the squad impressively) then the gate would certainly decrease again next year.

Thats how fickle people are but its is the way it is, you just have to deal with it.

Im all for initiatives but I am just being honest, word of mouth and ticket incentives dont work. It may have an effect in the very short term but financially that is useless because they are not full price tickets being sold.

If the club make a big signing(not some benin international nobody has ever heard of being dressed up as the next Cantona) then people will come back, no doubt at all.

They will pay the 12 quid as well, no gimmicks.

You know im right and you know this is the rockest thread ever.

Im the man.
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Old 06-09-2005, 11:39   #114
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Re: Poor Gates

you didnt go to the game.. then you complained about the attendence....

let us know when the penny has dropped mate
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Old 06-09-2005, 11:45   #115
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Re: Poor Gates

Originally Posted by KIPAX
talking of poor gates... doubt there will be more than 200 on tonight...
I'd be very surprised if there were as many as 200 on - this is usually played as a pre-season game and in the past we've been lucky to get 100
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Old 06-09-2005, 11:47   #116
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Re: Poor Gates

OK then staveros why sign some well known no hoper just to get people thorugh gates who will nto come back when the novality has worn off?

Why not build slowly on success and improve the squad then this inturn raisies us up the leagues, which as we all know puts bums on seats

When burnley brought Gazza to the turf it never worked!!! so bringing him to stanley aint going to work either
The Voice of the Terrace
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Old 06-09-2005, 12:01   #117
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Re: Poor Gates

The ultimate aim is to create more of the long term fan not fair weather fans. Yeah they are great but ultimately you can't base future signings on maybe fans.

What i wanna know staveros is why do you give such a damn to go through hassle of posting your long winded posts when really your team is and always will be everton????

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 06-09-2005, 12:07   #118
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Re: Poor Gates

Originally Posted by Staveros
Simonstone and Kipax, what ARE you on??

At which point did I claim to have been in attendance on Saturday??

I just didn't.

If you have actually bothered to read my initial post I would think it blatently obvious that I wasn't on.

Sussed? Did you go to school SimonStone? You're a real sleuth eh, ha!

Its as if the pair of you fail to understand the tone of the entire thread. It is all about reasons WHY the attendance is poor, WHY people like ME dont feel motivated to come on anymore.

Do you get that??

You think saying 'huh, you're 'avin a go and you didn't even come on yourself' is going to help??

No, it isn't.

Thats about as motivational as sending a child to the paper shop with the incentive being "i'll time you".

You guys need to get a grip.

If you want to continue feeling that you're part of an exclusive(somewhat low grade) 'old boys club' then continue with your current approach, you will have your way because nothing will change.

It will only be to the detriment of this club you profess to love though.

You will not get people back by making them feel guilty because they wont.

I have given stanley plenty of dosh in the past, through the turnstile and over the bar.

I wont feel guilty though for refusing to pay 12 quid a match when I dont see any progress being made.

If you're hardcore you will pay it, as I would pay whatever they ask at Everton, but you cant expect your 'supplimentary' fan base to do likewise. they are always going to be success/player signing driven.

Its the same all through the league, everton included.

At Goodison we have a solid 32 000 I would say, they will come what may, the rest though, they pick and choose.

With our relative success last year we will be sold out most weeks this, however, should we not build upon last season(we have though, strengthening the squad impressively) then the gate would certainly decrease again next year.

Thats how fickle people are but its is the way it is, you just have to deal with it.

Im all for initiatives but I am just being honest, word of mouth and ticket incentives dont work. It may have an effect in the very short term but financially that is useless because they are not full price tickets being sold.

If the club make a big signing(not some benin international nobody has ever heard of being dressed up as the next Cantona) then people will come back, no doubt at all.

They will pay the 12 quid as well, no gimmicks.

You know im right and you know this is the rockest thread ever.

Im the man.
Coley, won't sign Players for novelty value! He will buy them to win games then the crowds will follow.

Your idea of TV's & Gimmicks & more Bar Staff, its god damn nonsense. We need to attract Stanley fans to the IES to support Stanley, not poach fairweather fans because they will only come in the "fairweather" I reckon 1000 will be our gate all season & we will have to live with it!

& Staveros, Coley is "the man"

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 06-09-2005, 12:12   #119
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Re: Poor Gates

Originally Posted by KIPAX
you didnt go to the game.. then you complained about the attendence....

let us know when the penny has dropped mate
Kipax, I am sorry but your strange logic is beneath me.

When, exactly, did I 'complain'?

I merely addressed the problem and started a discussion, I didn't throw any mud at anyone not attending did I?

I would suggest that it is you who is waiting for the 'penny to drop' but I now fear it probably wouldn't fit the slot in any case.

Jonathan Timmins, your arguments have some validity HOWEVER it is a chicken and egg situation. How do you improve the squad to the extent that it is capable of being promoted, thus drawing more fans, without investing in the team?? To invest in the team you need solid gates. You see the problem??

If you think a name like Paul gascoigne wouldn't draw the punters you are a mad man.

You say they would leave once the novelty wore off. that may be true.

Are you telling me you would rather not have them there at all then?

Remember, once you get someone through the turnstile, for whatever reason, then you have your chance to 'hook' them. If they don't come through, your chance is zero.

Remeber, another 1000 through the gate is another 10 grand or so in the kitty, not including their bar/merchandise spend.

Thats a lot of money to play with when looking around for someone who could draw the punters.

Like you say, medium term there will be a drop off. you can budget for that though.

Someone like Gazza(maybe not now he's tied up) you could have done say a 6 week deal with. the fans needn't know the contract term do they.

Gazza has a good short term money spinner, Stanley get another 1000 on the gate instantly PLUS loads of media exposure(I mean what is better than the names Paul gascoigne and Accrington Stanley together?).

Everyones a winner.

By the time he leaves the crowds might have wained a bit BUT chances are you will have hooked quite a few. Gazza has paid for himself and got bums on seats love.

Yes its a gamble, but a calculated one. Every business plan is a gamble though. If you plan prudently you could miss the benefits of taking a risk and vice versa.

Staveros: the man who knows a thing or two about football, and......talks a whole lotta sense.
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Old 06-09-2005, 12:18   #120
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Re: Poor Gates

Originally Posted by Staveros
Staveros: the man who knows a thing or two about football, and......talks a whole lotta sense.
Ba**s thats what you seem to know about. Willie Miller and I are in agreement that its long term fans we need not the occasional fan, although they are welcome. But you have to build on facts and as he stated 1000 is what we have and if it grows, fab I will be smiling from ear to ear if that happens. Would like nothing better than a full house every match screaming for the team

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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