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Old 06-02-2007, 22:23   #1
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maccawozzagod's Avatar

Positive Spin?

this will initially sound like a doom and gloom thread, but I believe we can get some good from it.

When we got promoted last season we didn't really take full advantage of the potential goldmine regards marketing. If we were to be relegated this year is there any way to exploit that for our gain?

Obviously we dont want to go down and maybe we shouldn't shout it from the roof tops if we do. But the media will obviously feature us heavily and I reckon that can be turned to our advantage in order to maximise our chances of coming back. Hopefully the club will have learned a trick or two for how to get brass off the media for a story to be told. Can we exploit it? Should we exploit it?

Not that its gonna happen! I predict exciting times ahead apart from the battle on the pitch
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Old 07-02-2007, 09:44   #2
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Re: Positive Spin?

Anything that gets money in the bank to stop us from going under again should be exploited to the fullest.
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Old 07-02-2007, 16:45   #3
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Re: Positive Spin?

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
Anything that gets money in the bank to stop us from going under again should be exploited to the fullest.
I'd draw the line at becoming an American franchise .

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 07-02-2007, 17:14   #4
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Re: Positive Spin?

I'd rather have a franchise of a club than no club at all.
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Old 07-02-2007, 22:07   #5
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Re: Positive Spin?

Whoa - I don't think we are quite in that situation yet! After all, the club has stated quite clearly that there was money available to buy new players, it just did not work out. Macca has said it before, relegation will not be the end of the club or world for that matter. It will just mean strengthening and preparing for the next time we get promotion to the league if that happens!!
Lets be optimistic that relegation will not happen. Lets join with the club in getting our team/name highlighted and getting as much good publicity as we can. We have a third of the season left to make a start, then of course there is the open day at the end of April, plus the Mela and Carnival during May. Lets get out and shout the name of Accrington Stanley to all and sundry.

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 08-02-2007, 12:30   #6
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Re: Positive Spin?

Originally Posted by Outback Ozzy View Post
Whoa - I don't think we are quite in that situation yet! After all, the club has stated quite clearly that there was money available to buy new players, it just did not work out. Macca has said it before, relegation will not be the end of the club or world for that matter. It will just mean strengthening and preparing for the next time we get promotion to the league if that happens!!
Lets be optimistic that relegation will not happen. Lets join with the club in getting our team/name highlighted and getting as much good publicity as we can. We have a third of the season left to make a start, then of course there is the open day at the end of April, plus the Mela and Carnival during May. Lets get out and shout the name of Accrington Stanley to all and sundry.
Here Here!

Well Said Ozzy...
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