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04-05-2006, 00:22
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Re: Praise from Kidderminster - Official
Originally Posted by FC.
Well done you can spell, not the end of the world is it for accystanfan for him missing a c out in a word. Anyway you should be used to it anyway with being a professional writer
I will take your word for what you have said but it did look suspicious.
And I'll take that as a move toward our better understanding. Thanks.
04-05-2006, 00:27
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Re: Praise from Kidderminster - Official
Another duplicated post, I'm afraid.
04-05-2006, 00:28
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Re: Praise from Kidderminster - Official
I saw it first time, no need to repeat yourself 
04-05-2006, 02:11
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Re: Praise from Kidderminster - Official
Originally Posted by shakermaker
So they haven't discovered there's a missing bottle of brown sauce from their food hut yet then.....willie?!
Ohhhh no please dont tell me the 'Horwich brown sauce bottle trick' has resurfaced????
Jimbo T  blower
Born and Bred in Accrington - You cant BUY class
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04-05-2006, 07:33
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Re: Praise from Kidderminster - Official
Henry.. you posted a one liner.. i responded.. you then went back and added two paragraphs to the first post making my response look wrong.. you then respond to my response calling me thick
Your a liar if you say anyhting different and if you carry on making posts, letting people respond then changing them.. you should be banned from the messageboard...
04-05-2006, 09:14
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Re: Praise from Kidderminster - Official
Originally Posted by Jimbo T Hornblower
Ohhhh no please dont tell me the 'Horwich brown sauce bottle trick' has resurfaced????
Jimbo T  blower
Sshhh, don't tell Kiddy - they think we're wonderfully behaved and we were (for the most part)! 
04-05-2006, 12:12
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Re: Praise from Kidderminster - Official
Maybe take his edit function off him 
04-05-2006, 21:20
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Re: Praise from Kidderminster - Official
Originally Posted by AccyStanFan
not so sneaky edits confusing me......time for bed.
Ha ha, Sherlock Homes................. 
04-05-2006, 21:22
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Re: Praise from Kidderminster - Official
Originally Posted by Henry Morton
Just one further point , if I may , I seem to remember that only recently a certain Member of this forum blurted out the results of a Supporters' Club vote - only to try to cover his slimy tracks later.
Without getting into a debate on the OSC, after all its not my organisation or group, but the only thing "slimy" about the vote was the vote; secret & exclusive! 
04-05-2006, 21:24
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Re: Praise from Kidderminster - Official
Originally Posted by Jimbo T Hornblower
Ohhhh no please dont tell me the 'Horwich brown sauce bottle trick' has resurfaced????
Jimbo T  blower
I bet you've missed this season eh fella? It's been fantastic & there's been lots & lots of japes....
Hope to see you over here soon, cyprus reds! 
04-05-2006, 21:28
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Re: Praise from Kidderminster - Official
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Henry Morton
Just one further point , if I may , I seem to remember that only recently a certain Member of this forum blurted out the results of a Supporters' Club vote - only to try to cover his slimy tracks later.
haha was that you jase? I didnt know you left slimey tracks mate 
05-05-2006, 14:41
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Re: Praise from Kidderminster - Official
Whoa hang on there jase, there was nothing secret about the suporters club voting, it was posted on here that if you were a paid up member of the supporters club (are you jase?) then you could vote through the supporters club website or on the night of the last supporters club meeting. how is that a secret event?
As for the award itself it is a supporters club supporter of the year trophy which last year was opened up to all supporters for them to be nominated and for voting, however due to certain people trying to use their position with the football club to coerse people to vote for them, (and I will not name names) it was decided that this year it would go back to the way it was previous to last year where you had to be a member of the supporters club and an active helper to the football club or in the fundraising efforts of the supporters club, for the football club. The person who won fills those criteria admirably.
It was also decided that this year the trophy should be a unisex award instead of 2 seperate awards for male and female. So there is now a new trophy.
Oh and by the way jase we asked for your trophy back over 2 months ago, so that it can go in the cabinet in the sports bar, any danger of that actually happening?
All the aim of the supporters club is, is to raise money for the football club, it's not about personal awards but about recognition for those who do their damndest to help. We may not make a lot of noise at games or paint the town red but we support the club all the same, just in a different way to you.
If you wanna pick on the supporters club then fine, but get your facts straight. Or even better pay your £5 yearly subscription, come to a few meetings (second monday of every month 7pm in the sports bar) and have your say, it might not be your idea of a great night out but every penny put over the bar goes to the club and you might actually take part in something worthwhile for everybody involved at the football club.
Next meeting is this monday the 8th of may, you can make yourself a member on the night.
05-05-2006, 14:41
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Re: Praise from Kidderminster - Official
duplicate post sorry
Last edited by sparkie; 05-05-2006 at 14:47.
05-05-2006, 16:09
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Re: Praise from Kidderminster - Official
All I am saying - is give peace a chance !
Stanley have seen off the opposition on the pitch, and there's no need to use the board to slag off Bullsbob and Co any more - so now do you have to rip one another to bits all the time ?
This was a happy board before the Woking game !
Play Up Stanley - Stanley Play Up 
05-05-2006, 16:31
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Re: Praise from Kidderminster - Official
Originally Posted by sparkie
All the aim of the supporters club is, is to raise money for the football club
Perhaps you should mention that at the next meeting
I am not saying that doesnt happen.. some things of late have picked up.. not least the poker nights... lots of people put lots of effort into fund raising on behalf of the supporters club .. we know that.. no one can complain, moan or say anything dissrespectfull about that
but certain people have had another agenda and that is to use the supporters club to put pressure on the club in other areas and speak for the fans... that IMHO is well out of order and is certainly not the place of the supporters club who as you rightly say is there to make money for the club.. thats there only agenda.. thats the only thing they are in place for.. nothing else.. as far as I know thats never been changed and the only time it was tried.. it was shot down in flames at a meeting.
the supporters club needs a good shake up.. I know it.. you know it.. everyone knows it... just no one has the balls to say it in public.. shake it up.. be more tranparent.. more people will join and more important.. will be active..
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