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Old 13-05-2019, 20:35   #31
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Talking Re: Pre-season

Originally Posted by Twenty Eight View Post
So that means 80% of football clubs have falsely inflated their standing in the game.
So what ?
Get with the programme it’s the way football is.
You still don't get it do you. Have you ever read any of Andy Holts tweets. If you have you don't appear to understand what Accrington Stanley is about or stands for. I think it's you needs to get with the programme.....
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Old 13-05-2019, 20:50   #32
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Re: Pre-season

A few on here have just showed themselves up with their last comments #shakeshead, and proven what little regard they have for the national game.

If a wealthy ogliarch ever turns up at Accy I'll be invoking the candle lit vigil spirit of 2010. On yer bikes
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Old 13-05-2019, 22:21   #33
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Re: Pre-season

Originally Posted by Lord Stiffupperlip View Post
There's a big difference between Stanley & Salford.
Salford belongs to several wealthy people. Stanley, as Mr Holt has said - 'belongs to our fans'
Philosophically maybe, for now, but not in reality. It currently belongs to Andy Holt, who, bless him, runs it and largely funds it so we have a club to support which we feel we own and runs the way we (most of us including me) like it. But if catastrophe strikes and Andy can't keep going for whatever reason, either someone new steps in, buys it, and runs it any way they like, or they don't, and Accrington Phoenix start again at the bottom of the pyramid with our 11 fittest fans on the pitch - 'cos our collective fan base couldn't afford to pay the current electricity bill, let alone any players' wages.

I have watched Stanley in the third tier before this last season, but I didn't expect I'd ever do it again when I watched our first game at the Crown in 1970. This past season was dreamland (especially the first 3 months) but I certainly don't want us to soar higher on the wings of an oligarch, and then get dropped like a stone into bankruptcy when he gets bored. And if living within our means leads to relegation without bankruptcy, I can live with that. But if someone with local connections wants to bung some money into the pot unconditionally, bring it on.
Zero Tolerance of Intolerance
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Old 14-05-2019, 08:16   #34
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Re: Pre-season

Originally Posted by Twenty Eight View Post
So Andy Holt wins the lottery next week and says there you go boys I’m putting £5 mill in.
What you going to do ?
Tell him to shove it ??
I don’t think so.
Depends which way you look at it Twenty Eight!

I would never, ever want Andy Holt or anyone else for that matter to come in and say to Coley...”Here’s 5 million, Go and treat yourself to a few very nice players!” If it could jeopardise the long term health of the football club!

Andy has come in and put money in to develop the stadium/money making side that will then push us on to hopefully be able to pay a player another £50 a week

Salford money bags have gone in, built a brand new stadium and chucked 3k 4K a week contracts in players faces in a league that majority will struggle to compete with financially

In my eyes that’s morally wrong and hope they come unstuck fairly quickly!
If You Think Footballs Just A Game ... Your In The Wrong Dressing Room
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Old 14-05-2019, 08:53   #35
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Re: Pre-season

Originally Posted by Crown Grounder View Post
You still don't get it do you. Have you ever read any of Andy Holts tweets. If you have you don't appear to understand what Accrington Stanley is about or stands for. I think it's you needs to get with the programme.....
Hang on a minute - this isn’t about Stanley it’s about certain fans who feel they have a right to have a go at Salford for running the club how they choose to do so.
Take a look at every successful club this season and name one who’s made it the “Stanley” way.
That’s what makes last seasons achievements amazing and surviving this season just as amazing.
We are the exception not the rule.
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Old 14-05-2019, 09:45   #36
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Re: Pre-season

[QUOTE=Twenty Eight;1228294]Hang on a minute - this isn’t about Stanley it’s about certain fans who feel they have a right to have a go at Salford for running the club how they choose to do so.

unfortunetly not all clubs have the ability to run their clubs like salford do even the ones that get much higher gates. the days have gone when you can build a club up in a sustainable way with managers being able to use their ability to spot and sign talent. do people in general want football to become something of a rich mans plaything where all a manager has to ask is a few million more and get it for a new goalkeeper. i,ll shead no tear for them if they did go bust like the likes of north ferriby who tried this and others like fylde and harrogate with a lower fan base than stanley .
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Old 14-05-2019, 12:10   #37
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Smile Re: Pre-season

Originally Posted by Twenty Eight View Post
Hang on a minute - this isn’t about Stanley it’s about certain fans who feel they have a right to have a go at Salford for running the club how they choose to do so.
Take a look at every successful club this season and name one who’s made it the “Stanley” way.
That’s what makes last seasons achievements amazing and surviving this season just as amazing.
We are the exception not the rule.
I agree with what you've posted here.
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Old 14-05-2019, 13:21   #38
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Re: Pre-season

Football is already a rich man's plaything - what's variable is the amount of the riches and the amount of care taken over the continued existence of the club, which is usually much the same as the extent to which the rich man genuinely feels part of and responsible to the local community. Andy's disposable riches are, presumably, less than those of the "Class of 92", but theirs in turn are minute compared to Abramovich (ego tripping), the Glazers (only interested in money), or Emirates and Etihad (brand building).

So far as feeling responsible to their local community, it looks to me as if the "Class" are much closer to Andy's approach than they are to the other shower. Time will tell, but I certainly don't actively wish them ill, or understand why others (except MUFC haters) do.
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Old 15-05-2019, 08:51   #39
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Re: Pre-season

Originally Posted by Chimer View Post
Time will tell, but I certainly don't actively wish them ill, or understand why others (except MUFC haters) do.
its not the manchester united connection that bothers me its just clubs like them with a lower fanbase than stanley have just inflated wages to buy their place in the league. to compete with them and others like fylde with even fewer fans then clubs could possibly put themselves and their fans in jeapardy by attempting to compete for players and promotion due to their lack of money. now salford are in the league i expect some dubious accounting to enable em to carry on with their spend, spend,spend now they have to operate under the fair pay system. they have a fanbase similar to morecambe and it will be interesting to watch both clubs recruitment in the weeks to come. depends i suppose where you and others want football to go. would shead nothing for salford, forest green and any others who have bought success if the money and interest in spending it runs out.
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Old 15-05-2019, 15:46   #40
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Re: Pre-season

Tottenham post world record (for football) profits of 139m
Liverpool recently did the same

Meanwhile Championship clubs posted record cumulative losses of £1/2B
Clubs left right and centre and missing payment dates for wages, defaulting on pie bills, receving FOOD VOUCHERS for their staff (disgusting). Why? Because they are forced to compete at the money end for players they cant afford. Salford raised the bar in each league, not through professionalism or business acumen, but for wages. Agents now think the Cinference, or Conf North is fair game, clubs having to pay out tens of thousands more as a result. Salford znd their ilk can chew my chuddies and I'll shed no tears when it goes bad (like Rushden).

Ive no problem with Sunderland buying a striker in L1 for £4m and paying a reputed 20k pw, they get 30k plus attendances, but when you see a Fleetwood Town with a £5m plus wage bill, on crowds similar to ours, youve got to draw a line.
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Old 15-05-2019, 17:04   #41
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Re: Pre-season

Originally Posted by Chimer View Post
Football is already a rich man's plaything - what's variable is the amount of the riches and the amount of care taken over the continued existence of the club, which is usually much the same as the extent to which the rich man genuinely feels part of and responsible to the local community. Andy's disposable riches are, presumably, less than those of the "Class of 92", but theirs in turn are minute compared to Abramovich (ego tripping), the Glazers (only interested in money), or Emirates and Etihad (brand building).

So far as feeling responsible to their local community, it looks to me as if the "Class" are much closer to Andy's approach than they are to the other shower. Time will tell, but I certainly don't actively wish them ill, or understand why others (except MUFC haters) do.
A well argued & reasonable summary from my learned counsel for the defence.
I don't think anyone from the prosecution actually wishes Salford ill.
We simply base our case on the fact that their success has been achieved by circumventing the 'blood, sweat & years' suffered by 90% of most other teams.
Small community clubs like ours, just trying to achieve the same end without the benefit of the super rich.
Perhaps the time has come to declare a 'hung jury' on this case & get back to the subject in hand - 'Our pre-season'
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Old 16-05-2019, 07:50   #42
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Re: Pre-season

"Blood. sweat and years" ….. now that's brilliant oratory. Respect
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Old 16-05-2019, 15:07   #43
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Re: Pre-season

Andy Holt might have put a bit of cash in, but all he's done is fixed the leaking roof, got us some double glazing and got us where we can manage our outgoings/revenue in a reasonable manner. In modest, but sizeable Div 1 company, who cares?

Salford, on the other hand, have by comparison bought a ****ty little terraced house, and blinged it up so crassly and lorded it over their poverty stricken neighbours that no wonder everyone hates them.

Whatever they achieve is simply a hollow victory for splashing out cash. Same with Man City.

It's just about good taste really. Can't stop people buying success but who really wants to do it that way?
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Old 16-05-2019, 20:29   #44
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Re: Pre-season

According to Dan Jewell via twitter, looks like the EFL have said and I quote from dan Jewell’s twitter account, you can see the tweet here and the exchange with the chairman

#asfc have been told they won't get payment they've had every season in EFL if they don't sign up to EFL Digital or provide content for streaming. In "my day" this was always a no no due to costs & small fanbase (privately an EFL staff member agreed)
Can't see what's changed

So this equals £35k a year.
Andy holt's Barmy army
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Old 16-05-2019, 22:45   #45
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Re: Pre-season

Originally Posted by Lord Didsbury View Post
Andy Holt might have put a bit of cash in, but all he's done is fixed the leaking roof, got us some double glazing and got us where we can manage our outgoings/revenue in a reasonable manner. In modest, but sizeable Div 1 company, who cares?

Salford, on the other hand, have by comparison bought a ****ty little terraced house, and blinged it up so crassly and lorded it over their poverty stricken neighbours that no wonder everyone hates them.

Whatever they achieve is simply a hollow victory for splashing out cash. Same with Man City.

It's just about good taste really. Can't stop people buying success but who really wants to do it that way?
Not like Leeds eh, they spend all they want and are still comedy gold, and their glory hunting fans can't take it.
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