I'm grumpier than usual doing this after a loss, having spent two hours driving 14 miles across south London

after my hockey game, before giving up and heading home when still 30 miles away at kick-off time - £25

for half a game suddenly seemed too much. Would adding my voice to our 62 have made the difference? Probably not ......
We weren't sure about this one, 13 went for them, 14 for us and 15 for the draw. Only Football 19, Norwich Stanley and Wolverhampton Reds getting it spot-on for 5 points.
Our 88th contestant joined this week and by betting against us Maccawozzagod comes in at 69th equal on 4 points
C'mon Stanley now leads Kiwi John on countback, 2 points clear of Wolves Reds with Valairian 1 point further back. Full(ish) table attached.
Back to winning ways on Tuesday ... please!