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19-11-2008, 21:23
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Re: Predictions for AFC Bournemouth game
Originally Posted by K.S.H
Div3North predicted a 3 - 0 win Jimbo - providing "Us" Is Stanley 
which is the whole point..
Jimbo T  blower
Born and Bred in Accrington - You cant BUY class
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19-11-2008, 22:47
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Re: Predictions for AFC Bournemouth game
Oh for goodness sake! Where can I find the rules? I'm a member of this site and a Stanley fan. What else could "Us 3 Them 0" possibly mean except that Us (Stanley - my team) were going to beat "Them" 3 - 0.
At least now I know the answer to why my guesses haven't altered my score for the last many weeks.
I had no idea I couldn't post "Us and Them". Nor had Leylandii (who's the guy I go to the games with). I emailed you at the start of the season and got no reply ...............
If you don't publish the rules (I can't find them) and don't accept the only (and blindingly obvious) interpretation of the way I post my guess (in jest), and don't tell me I'm doing it wrong - I didn't know I was 'the usual culprit' - there's not a lot of point in me playing the game, is there?
Cart on!
19-11-2008, 22:51
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Re: Predictions for AFC Bournemouth game
Originally Posted by K.S.H
Div3North predicted a 3 - 0 win Jimbo - providing "Us" Is Stanley 
Thanks for trying for me; appreciate your effort. Could it really have meant anything else ...... How many 'visiting' fans have entered guesses every week for the last 10 or more?
20-11-2008, 07:16
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Re: Predictions for AFC Bournemouth game
Originally Posted by Div3North
Thanks for trying for me; appreciate your effort. Could it really have meant anything else ...... How many 'visiting' fans have entered guesses every week for the last 10 or more?
Quite a few Morecambe fans posted recently, anyway...
Point number 1
The rules are published every season and you can find them here (check out the last sentence on the first paragraph) : http://www.accringtonweb.com/forum/f...9-a-41661.html
Point number 2
You obviously have chosen to completely ignore my final comments when I announce the winners each week after each game in each thread because in that post I always put and I mean ALWAYS, whose posts didnt count and for what reason. Its taken you a potential 5 point loss to start bleating about it. I thought you were just taking the mick keeping on posting us them us them every week after I mentioned in each thread, each week why your post didnt count so I got fed up of giving a reason.
Point number 3
Im sorry I missed your email at the 'start of the season' but I never got it. Just a couple of points on that though if I may. You only joined the forum on the 3rd September, Stanley already having played 5 league games by then and your first prediction was on the 13th September for the Notts County game. That in itself is not a problem, people can join any time they want to in the season, the problem was it was not the 'start of the season' as you claimed.
This could have been amicably resolved via a PM which I see you did try to do but then I see you publicly have a pop at me so please, dont be offended if I have a public pop back. Thanks...
Jimbo T  blower
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20-11-2008, 17:14
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Re: Predictions for AFC Bournemouth game
A few weeks ago I thought about making a post saying "it won't count you know" but then, like Jimbo, I decided you just had to be doing it deliberately ....
Zero Tolerance of Intolerance
20-11-2008, 21:25
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Re: Predictions for AFC Bournemouth game
[quote=Jimbo T Hornblower;652911]
Point number 2
You obviously have chosen to completely ignore my final comments when I announce the winners each week after each game in each thread becausein that post I always put and I mean ALWAYS, whose posts didnt count and for what reason. Its taken you a potential 5 point loss to start bleating about it. I thought you were just taking the mick keeping on posting us them us them every week after I mentioned in each thread, each week why your post didnt count so I got fed up of giving a reason.
(Emphasis and italics are mine)
On the Wycombe thread (27/10/08 at 00.27) you said,
re the Shrewsbury game, "One post didn't count, that was Div3North's 'us and them' prediction"
re the Wycombe game, "A few posts didn't count, Div3North again, leylandii and jaysay"
On the Dagenham thread (10/11/08 at 23.22) you said
re the Morecambe game, "Div3North, depechemode and churchman phil's predictions didn't count I'm afraid"
re the Dagenham game you said, "Div3North, Willie Miller .... and Urban Spaceman's predictions didn't count"
One out of 4 actually gave any clue why the prediction wasn't accepted; not quite what you claim above, is it?
Actually, I never went back to the end of the prediction page after the game - I waited for the updated league table page. My fault, that, no question
Anyway, your game, your rules - life moves on ............... It's history.
20-11-2008, 21:28
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Re: Predictions for AFC Bournemouth game
Originally Posted by Chimer
A few weeks ago I thought about making a post saying "it won't count you know" but then, like Jimbo, I decided you just had to be doing it deliberately ....
Absolutely not. Joined part way into the season. No idea the rules prohibited "Us 3 Them 0". Why would I join something just to take the mick? Makes no sense.
Ignorant I may be; deliberate / disruptive I'm not .........
21-11-2008, 08:32
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Re: Predictions for AFC Bournemouth game
Originally Posted by Div3North
Absolutely not. Joined part way into the season. No idea the rules prohibited "Us 3 Them 0". Why would I join something just to take the mick? Makes no sense.
Ignorant I may be; deliberate / disruptive I'm not .........
I never said you were any of the above and I appreciate that you are not a micky taker but the problem is some people DO just take the mick on here (a lot) so how was I to know that you were not 'one of those', hence the usual suspect comment...
Do you see what I mean though? If you had gone back to the threads after each league table is posted to check who managed to do what that week, this problem would have been resolved a lot earlier than now as Im sure you would have queried it before now if you had seen what I had put but therein lies another question - if you dont check the prediction thread for the winners announcements etc after I post the table up, what made you check after the Bournemouth game? A possible 5 points I wonder? You see my point dont you? Im afraid I cannot award you any of the points you may have gained since the Wycombe game as it wouldnt be fair on other people that did the same as you over the past few weeks but I really appreciate the explanation and I sincerely hope you dont throw your toys out of the pram and continue to join in the fun and predict along with everyone else
Jimbo T  blower
Born and Bred in Accrington - You cant BUY class
"We invented the big time now we're back in the big time" ( Loweiy circa 2006 )
Last edited by Jimbo T Hornblower; 21-11-2008 at 08:36.
21-11-2008, 19:30
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Re: Predictions for AFC Bournemouth game
As I keep saying in different ways,I didn't know I would have got 5 points. I couldn't find the rules.
I looked at the thread after the Bournemouth game because it was back at the top of the list, and I noticed that you'd posted last (and very recently). That was moments after I e-mailed you privately and said "help - why aren't my posts getting counted?". Moments after that I see - for public consumption - that I'm "the usual suspect" (which I didn't really appreciate). I didn't "take a pop" at you - I was really frustrated and reacted to that, not against you. I wasn't in any way offensive or abusive ..........
I still don't understand why "Us and them" isn't acceptable when it seems that "the mighty reds" (which I'd argue is Man U or Liverpool) is but, as I said, 'your game, your rules'
I don't throw toys out of prams. I've already posted this week's guess "Chesterfield 1 Stanley 1".
Will continue to predict - I've got to get back the 5 points that some miserable ***************** took off me with no good reason .....................
21-11-2008, 19:42
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Re: Predictions for AFC Bournemouth game
Have a fight.
22-11-2008, 12:16
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Re: Predictions for AFC Bournemouth game
Originally Posted by Div3North
As I keep saying in different ways,I didn't know I would have got 5 points. I couldn't find the rules.
I looked at the thread after the Bournemouth game because it was back at the top of the list, and I noticed that you'd posted last (and very recently). That was moments after I e-mailed you privately and said "help - why aren't my posts getting counted?". Moments after that I see - for public consumption - that I'm "the usual suspect" (which I didn't really appreciate). I didn't "take a pop" at you - I was really frustrated and reacted to that, not against you. I wasn't in any way offensive or abusive ..........
I still don't understand why "Us and them" isn't acceptable when it seems that "the mighty reds" (which I'd argue is Man U or Liverpool) is but, as I said, 'your game, your rules'
I don't throw toys out of prams. I've already posted this week's guess "Chesterfield 1 Stanley 1".
Will continue to predict - I've got to get back the 5 points that some miserable ***************** took off me with no good reason .....................
I suppose you wouldnt know you would have got 5 points if you dont read the prediction thread once Ive posted up the winners for each week at the end of each thread. Funny how you read it for the Bournemouth game though eh?
Just to clarify MY way that I saw things. You say you privately emailed me before I posted up the usual suspect post saying help why are my posts not being counted? No you didnt - you privately messaged me in a reaction to the usual suspect post I made which would have meant it was AFTER you had seen that post, otherwise why else, suddenly out of the blue after posting incorrectly for weeks and not checking the posts I make at the end of each thread each week, would you PM me asking me to explain why your posts were not counting?
If you found the comment usual suspect offensive, I apologise - it was meant as tongue in cheek and when someone constantly week after week was posting us and them and week after week I was highlighting it and week after week it continued to happen, I got a little frustrated myself.
In my opinion, you make it sound like I am victimising you which, just for the record, I find offensive. This isnt the very first time this has ever happened to anyone during the 6 or 7 years I have been running this competition you know but I will grant you that you are the first to kick up such a stink about it and I choose to just ignore that last sentence - Im not going to bite on that bait...
Jimbo T  blower
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22-11-2008, 15:41
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Re: Predictions for AFC Bournemouth game
Jimbo - I tried to end this on a light note - it was an attempt at a joke - sorry if it didn't sound like it. It's more than time to make it history. I bear no grudge or ill will, and if I've upset you, I'm very sorry.
Very final word; my e-mail to you was timed at 22.34; my post is timed at 22.47. What I said was that I e-mailed you first, then I posted; the factual history is that you'd posted, I hadn't seen it, I e-mailed, then I saw your post, then I posted.
Enough, already; we must be boring loads of people over something that I've now forgotten about.
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22-11-2008, 16:43
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Re: Predictions for AFC Bournemouth game
Originally Posted by Div3North
Originally Posted by Jimbo T Hornblower
On the Dagenham thread (10/11/08 at 23.22) you said
re the Morecambe game, "Div3North, depechemode and churchman phil's predictions didn't count I'm afraid"
So that's where my missing game went!! Thought I'd guessed on every one. 
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