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Old 07-11-2004, 20:07   #46
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Jimbo T Hornblower's Avatar

Red face Re: Predictions for Exeter at home..

League table has been updated to include the Exeter predictions. I did it last night but due to one thing and another going wrong, I didnt have time to announce the update being in an internet cafe. Also when I started doing it, I could have sworn blind that walrus' prediction was time stamped 15.19 but once I posted the league table, and went back to announce that it had been updated, walrus' post had a time stamp of 14.19. I have amended the league table to now include walrus' prediction and it is all now up to date and correct. Sorry for the delay. No-one predicted a methen-methen (0-0) so no winners this week....

Jimbo T blower

Born and Bred in Accrington - You cant BUY class

"We invented the big time now we're back in the big time" ( Loweiy circa 2006 )

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