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Old 28-06-2011, 19:47   #1
Senior Member+

Presenting a positive image

Other threads are discussing the loss of certain players and the probable difficulty of finding replacements. I wonder how long Coley and Jimmy can continue to attract players simply on the basis of their own undoubted qualities. As I have said in another thread, surely it is now time for the club to take on responsibility for presenting a positive image.

If the difficulties of the last 18 months are now merely part of history, it's time to come out and make that clear. I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again. Where is the short-term, medium-term and long-term planning? Are we still living on a day-to-day basis or is there some strategic plan to say where we want to be AS A BUSINESS in 3 years time. I emphasise AS A BUSINESS, rather than as a football team. That's a different matter although obviously the two are very much related.

It's no good whatsoever saying, for example, that the income from a specific match (e.g. lucrative cup tie) will go into a transfer budget if it's quite clear that it will not do so. That's no way to run a business or to win the goodwill of those supporting that business. We have been told that the "new" budgeting system will make it easier to keep track of finances. Is that actually correct?

At a more mundane level, let's take the example of sponsored shirts. This issue causes hassle at the end of every season. Whose responsibility is it? This year, it seemed to be the responsibility of Martin Edmundson. He has left. So whose responsibility is it now? The website still says that he is the commercial manager.

Where are the official club statements about the "new" drains? Or have I missed something? Where are the positive expressions of hope for the coming season? We can no longer live on our name, nor on the enduring qualities of JC and JB. We need explicit plans which we can feel part of and committed to - and which potential new players can also feel part of. As someone who lives well away from Accrington, I can say in all honesty that this is the view : Accrington Stanley = unpaid tax = unpaid players.

And finally what happened to the idea of reporting back after a board meeting? Am I correct in thinking that a board member was appointed with that in mind?

So that's my two penn'orth. Maybe even a bit more. Over to you.
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Old 28-06-2011, 19:57   #2
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Re: Presenting a positive image

100% agree. I can't think of any other business which treats such a loyal band of fans/customers with such contempt, whether it is intended or otherwise.
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Old 28-06-2011, 20:03   #3
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Re: Presenting a positive image

I know it's not an immediate answer but would a lot the direction stuff be answered at the AGM

The annual shirt situation should really be one of the easiest to sort out properly, and it's a good job the fans who sponsor them are fans. The club are lucky nobody has taken it further
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Old 28-06-2011, 20:10   #4
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Re: Presenting a positive image

Yer right in every word of that statement RR, in my opinion I cannot see anything changing not in the short term anyway, I know Ilyas is a very busy man but after all the goings on of last season we the fans need some re-assurance that things are on an even keel and all is well in the finance department.
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Old 28-06-2011, 20:12   #5


Re: Presenting a positive image

18 months ago much was made of what could be possible with a change at the top, some short term issues where to be dealt with pretty quickly i.e. transparency and communication; these have yet to be shorted out, but surly that things will change quickly now that control has passed to IK.

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Old 28-06-2011, 20:27   #6
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Re: Presenting a positive image

A very emotive subject and one with football that is more deep rooted at Stanley than at most other clubs after what the name ASFC and Accrington has endured and meant to so many down the years.

We are a football league club and an established one at that through what has happened on the pitch but that is not forgetting what everyone else has put in off the pitch with blood, sweat and sheer hard work to get us back to the League and staying there.

With being a football league comes criteria that has to be met but with that also comes expectation the further the bar goes up so does expectation that's life.

Stanley have come a long way in a relatively short period of time compered to other bigger clubs and the infrastructure has perhaps struggled to keep up with the forward momentum perhaps being caught out with what may be circumstances of firefighting.

I also know there is a lot of good things that go on behind the scenes that we don't always see or hear as fans that are also everything good about this Club and the cornerstone of what this Club has been built on.

Shout those messages loud & clear

Communication and good Google Page Ranking can and are massive plusses for any business

The other thing is football is unlike most other business's in that everyone has an opinion
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Last edited by Pendle Red; 28-06-2011 at 20:29.
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Old 28-06-2011, 20:54   #7
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Re: Presenting a positive image

One thing that maybe I missed missed is also the marriage between Club & Town.

There was something I read in a post tonight about the play offs and there was a flirtation there between both and the positives it brought locally and nationally whilst re-connecting and re-energising both.

Am I right in saying that if one prospers for the right reasons so does the other?
Working Towards Change

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Old 28-06-2011, 21:10   #8
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Re: Presenting a positive image

Originally Posted by Pendle Red View Post
A very emotive subject
Running a successful business that promotes itself to its present customers and potential customers ought not to be emotive. It should be simple good business practice.

Originally Posted by Pendle Red View Post
With being a football league comes criteria that has to be met
There are criteria to be met in every business. One of these is giving the customer what he/she has paid for. Look at the threads about sponsored shirts over the last three seasons. And note Redraine's comment about how the loyal band of fans and customers are treated with contempt, whether intended or not. One criterion of a good business is to treat customers fairly.

Originally Posted by Pendle Red View Post
I also know there is a lot of good things that go on behind the scenes that we don't always see or hear as fans that are also everything good about this Club and the cornerstone of what this Club has been built on.

Shout those messages loud & clear
Exactly my point. As fans, we should be told about these good things. And so should the rest of the world.

Originally Posted by Pendle Red View Post
Communication and good Google Page Ranking can and are massive plusses for any business
Sorry - disagree. They are not plusses. They are necessities.

Originally Posted by Pendle Red View Post
The other thing is football is unlike most other business's in that everyone has an opinion
Sorry - disagree again. Everyone has an opinion on just about every business that they use, whether that business be a supermarket, a garage, a mail order company, a mobile phone company, or a football club.
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Old 28-06-2011, 21:12   #9
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Re: Presenting a positive image

A real positive to me is the fact 2 yr contracts have now been offered.! the squad of last season has already been decimated, in my view through very poor administration n the fact only Craney had one at the season end. Who was in charge of this in Jan n before? realize top players will always attract unwelcome attention, but this situation were the club lose n get next to nowt would not be as hurtful if the players had been under contract, this should "Never" be allowed to happen again, now "New" is finally in place! that would be a positive image fer my money.
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Old 28-06-2011, 21:18   #10
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Re: Presenting a positive image

Spot on, cashy. But look at the fishy website and the only player news is the departure of Jimmy Ryan and Joe Jacobson. Positive? I think not. Would it not be far better to write in glowing terms about the players who have signed?
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Old 28-06-2011, 21:28   #11
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Re: Presenting a positive image

Originally Posted by Revived Red View Post
Spot on, cashy. But look at the fishy website and the only player news is the departure of Jimmy Ryan and Joe Jacobson. Positive? I think not. Would it not be far better to write in glowing terms about the players who have signed?

I think there are problems accessing the server remotely due to recent problems with it. If JC's statement was late in the day it could be whoever is tasked with posting it up may not have been in the office and can't access it until they are back in the morning.
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Old 28-06-2011, 21:29   #12
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Re: Presenting a positive image

Originally Posted by Revived Red View Post
Spot on, cashy. But look at the fishy website and the only player news is the departure of Jimmy Ryan and Joe Jacobson. Positive? I think not. Would it not be far better to write in glowing terms about the players who have signed?
that comes later, my point is simple, contracts should always be in place fer lads yeh want to keep, at least then when the vultures come sniffing, stanley can re-coup a proper fee, if the fact the club offered 2 yr deals to all those they wished to retain, then its a positive start to me. as far as i'm knowing tis the first time its happened?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 28-06-2011, 21:29   #13
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Re: Presenting a positive image

Originally Posted by Pendle Red View Post
One thing that maybe I missed missed is also the marriage between Club & Town.

There was something I read in a post tonight about the play offs and there was a flirtation there between both and the positives it brought locally and nationally whilst re-connecting and re-energising both.

Am I right in saying that if one prospers for the right reasons so does the other?

I think the take up on the recent play off campaign by businesses in town dressing windows shows there is something to work on.
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Old 28-06-2011, 21:55   #14
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Re: Presenting a positive image

There are a large number of issues that are still to be brought into line by the club, this is across various different departments and employees. The main concern for me would be how long JC and JB can keep pulling rabbits out of hats in regards to signing players for relatively low wages and keep having to replace them each season. There will come a point where they have had enough and will move on, and I wouldn't blame them personally.

After such a big season last time, we had an opportunity to build on that platform and push forward to challenge for promotion again. Unfortunately I think this may be out of the question with such a loss of key players that made such a difference to our team. We have lost our best striker, midfielder and two or our first choice back four. Replacing these is going to be very hard and I think we will struggle to find players of similar quality.

Website updates have been few and far between since the end of the season, surely it would have been better to have something as basic as plugging season tickets or merchandise once a week with special offers? The official website is a key communication device which is a core competence requirement of a successful business, we have failed to utilise this to any real effect.

Martin has now left the Commercial Department and nobody has replaced him from what I have seen. Surely this should be a priority to get someone in to start the ball in motion to get out there in the local community to start drumming up commercial partnerships to bring money into the club and bring the club into the community. This may also help us to get a stadium sponsor after waiting for so long!

One final thing is will the pitch be ready for the Blackburn friendly, I don't think the grass will have had enough time to grow in order to play the game. Anyone else know?
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Old 28-06-2011, 22:08   #15
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Re: Presenting a positive image

I just wrote a long, detailed response to some of the points made above but for some reason it wouldn't post. So to summarise!

You all know I do a lot of work for the club on the website etc. but am not the official voice of the club - I'm just one of you who is lucky enough to get paid for watching football! These are therefore my views not the ASFC's.

- Proc, Joycey and Deano - the news that they have agreed new contracts is not on the fishy site because they have not actually signed new contracts yet. In the past the gun has frequently been jumped with regards to website stories and statements, so now until things are confirmed they won't go up there (though I am in no doubt that these three will sign) I wouldn't want a return to contradictory, confusing messages or statements made on the basis of partial information. Let me know if you think this is the wrong approach.

- Ryan, Jacobson etc. - these two deals were confirmed today online when the other two clubs involved confirmed the moves. As above, until the ink is on the paper, officially nothing has happened.

- In the last couple of weeks it's been extremely difficult for the club to put stuff online. They've had no internet for around ten days. No fault of their own. I had to do the Carling Cup draw and the fixtures on my laptop with Orange dongle in the stand. It took a while!!!

These are the facts that I know. Hopefully I'll have more to tell you tomorrow when I speak to Coley and some of the lads at the training ground. So watch this space.

And by the way, I completely agree with a lot of the sentiments above. This isn't a "defend the club" post. I sponsored a player and don't have the shirt. I think it's absolutely ludicrous that there is no full time commercial manager at the club during what should be the busiest time of year and I agree that more changes need to be made in the future.

I just wanted to try to shed some light on some specific subjects. Hope it helped.


P.S. This was the shortened version. Honest!!!
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