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Old 06-06-2011, 10:29   #1
Senior Member+
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Greetings all
I require your help...

As planning (scary word I know!) starts for next season, we've got to start thinking about things like website, programme etc. and what is going to happen with them.

For the programmme element I'd like a bit of feedback from you folks.

This is a two part request:
1) I need a dozen volunteers - the only criteria is that you can get down the club in the near future and can spare an hour or so of your time to read through a few copies of programmes from the season just gone and make a few comments on what you've seen.

There are 12 bundles of mixed programmes that I will leave at the club with a little questionnaire attached. If you'd like to help, drop me an email ([email protected]) and I'll put your name on one. All you then have to do is go and pick up your bundle and take them away. You can then either fill in the questionnaire, pop it in an envelope with my name on and take it back or email me your responses to the address above.

If you don't regularly buy the programme you'd be an even more useful subject...

2) This is a little less labour intensive... Using this thread (or you can email if you want to go into great detail) give me your thoughts on the programme for the season just gone.
Basically I want to know:
- where it has improved
- where it still needs to improve
- features/articles that you like and dislike
- what you'd like to see more of and less of
- suggestions for regular features for the season ahead

Hopefully there will be people reading this with opinions that are happy to share (good or bad).

I'll report back in a couple of weeks.
Any questions, just give me a shout.

“For those of you watching in black and white, Spurs are in the all-yellow strip.” - John Motson

The Dutch look like a huge jar of marmalade.”
- Barry Davies

“After a goalless first half, the score at half time is 0-0.”
- Brian Moore
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