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Old 13-08-2006, 16:31   #1
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Programme Sellers

I was a bit late on Tues and went in the Clayton End I wanted to buy a programme to read at half time etc, why doesn't someone sell them at the front of the terrace i'm sure they would get a lot more sales that way ??
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Old 13-08-2006, 16:54   #2


Re: Programme Sellers

I was a bit worried about it raining again and getting my programme wet, so I went and got one from the shop and took it back to the car before going for a pint. I noticed a number of people selling programmes from Telegraph Bags, they where really nice folk but they all stood waiting for you to approach them.

If we’re ever going to get an “f in roof” then people are going to have to wake up and start selling. I know that Accrington people like to be seen as laid back and understated folk, but unless we start to bring in the money most of us will have kicked the bloody bucket before the “f in roof’s” up.

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Old 13-08-2006, 18:23   #3
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Re: Programme Sellers

i always bought one from people walking round the clayton end before the game but nobody seems to do this anymore and as soon as it kicks off the sellers seem to disappear altogether!!!! although i still hunt one down somehow:engsmil: :engsmil:
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Old 13-08-2006, 19:06   #4
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Re: Programme Sellers

Ordered on line for last Tues, didn't see a seller anyway... I would have bought another. (Still haven't got it!)

Didn't see a seller yesterday... any left?? Went in shop after game, but so many in there, got fed up!

(Clayton end each game, distinct lack of programmes...was I too late, all gone?)
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Old 13-08-2006, 19:19   #5
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Re: Programme Sellers

still have`nt got mine i ordered online from tues either, saw a seller on the way in(tues) just as he announced they`d sold out!( about 15-20 mins before kick off).sellers def need to be more visible and walk around a bit more trying to push them, i`m sure they`d sell a lot more.
:engsmil: :engsmil: :engsmil: :engsmil: :engsmil:
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Old 13-08-2006, 20:10   #6
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Re: Programme Sellers

Originally Posted by pipinfort
still have`nt got mine i ordered online from tues either, saw a seller on the way in(tues) just as he announced they`d sold out!( about 15-20 mins before kick off).sellers def need to be more visible and walk around a bit more trying to push them, i`m sure they`d sell a lot more.
:engsmil: :engsmil: :engsmil: :engsmil: :engsmil:
surely if they have sold out then there doing a good job

The Voice of the Terrace
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Old 13-08-2006, 20:46   #7
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Re: Programme Sellers

for the darlo game they were a special edition, first home game in the league and all that so people obviously snapped them up as they did in chester( ebay maybe).:engsmil: :engsmil: :engsmil: :engsmil:
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Old 13-08-2006, 23:31   #8

Re: Programme Sellers

perhaps if the club printed more programmes for each home game then they would,nt run out,as printing only 1500 seemed a bit daft when it was the first home game back in the league, i know last season that they seemed to sell out very quickly and the more they print the more they sell, so there is more revenue for the club.
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Old 14-08-2006, 00:04   #9
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Re: Programme Sellers

only problem is the club has to estimate the attendence and then prints a certain number based on that....if they over print it cuts into profits, so im sure they would prefer to sell out than have loads left over
The Voice of the Terrace
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Old 14-08-2006, 14:13   #10
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Re: Programme Sellers

Shurm – the reason noone sells programmes at the front of the terrace is probably down to the lack of programme sellers. As far as I know there is only myself, my dad and Baldy. I’m in the little hut, my dad walks around and Baldy is outside the gate. We need more programme sellers!! Instead of telling us what to do – why don’t you volunteer and sell some programmes for the club! That’s not a dig at you directly Shurm – just people in general.

Secondly, the person who walks around the ground you say isn’t very upfront, well you can see him, you know who he is and he does shout programmes – he’s also 70, very quiet and only ever laves the house to come and help Stanley out. He’s not even a Stanley fan, follows United (someone has to), but comes down to the club every game to give the club a lift and has done for the past 6 years.

Pipinfront – the reason the programme sellers seem to “disappear” altogether once the game starts is probably because we always sell every last single programme. To say we aren’t upfront enough – we don’t do so bad then eh! The club only printed 400 programmes on Saturday so I had sold out at half 2.

Once I’d “disappeared” I then went to help John DeMaine count the money and then proceeded to sell 50/50 draw ticket until half time.

We need more sellers, we need more volunteers, we also need more people selling draw tickets. Please don’t start on the programme sellers, contact the club and put yourself forward.
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Old 14-08-2006, 14:20   #11
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Re: Programme Sellers

Originally Posted by Kisser
Shurm – the reason noone sells programmes at the front of the terrace is probably down to the lack of programme sellers. As far as I know there is only myself, my dad and Baldy. I’m in the little hut, my dad walks around and Baldy is outside the gate. We need more programme sellers!! Instead of telling us what to do – why don’t you volunteer and sell some programmes for the club! That’s not a dig at you directly Shurm – just people in general.

Secondly, the person who walks around the ground you say isn’t very upfront, well you can see him, you know who he is and he does shout programmes – he’s also 70, very quiet and only ever laves the house to come and help Stanley out. He’s not even a Stanley fan, follows United (someone has to), but comes down to the club every game to give the club a lift and has done for the past 6 years.

Pipinfront – the reason the programme sellers seem to “disappear” altogether once the game starts is probably because we always sell every last single programme. To say we aren’t upfront enough – we don’t do so bad then eh! The club only printed 400 programmes on Saturday so I had sold out at half 2.

Once I’d “disappeared” I then went to help John DeMaine count the money and then proceeded to sell 50/50 draw ticket until half time.

We need more sellers, we need more volunteers, we also need more people selling draw tickets. Please don’t start on the programme sellers, contact the club and put yourself forward.

thanx for the reply, i`m not having a go , i did`nt know there was a lack of programme sellers, sorry if i came accross as an arse, did`nt mean to i was just joining in the banter!!!! c u monday evening then. lol:engsmil: :engsmil: :engsmil:
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Old 14-08-2006, 14:21   #12
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Re: Programme Sellers

Originally Posted by Kisser
The club only printed 400 programmes on Saturday so I had sold out at half 2.
I think we can all see the problem here ...
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Old 14-08-2006, 14:32   #13
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Re: Programme Sellers

It's ok Pipinfort - just a subject close to heart and the way you said we just disappeared sounded as though we were rushing off to watch the game when the truth is we do lots of other fund raising. Kipax - I dont understand why they dont print more, as its not as though they wont go eventually, and left overs can always be put on Ebay.
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Old 14-08-2006, 14:36   #14
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Re: Programme Sellers

I would ahve thought at least half the expected gate.. print that many
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Old 14-08-2006, 14:41   #15
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Re: Programme Sellers

remember if they do sell out of programs theres always the fanzine to keep you entertained at half time
The Voice of the Terrace

Last edited by John_Timmins; 14-08-2006 at 14:52.
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