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View Poll Results: Q & A Night?
Yes 10 62.50%
No 6 37.50%
Voters: 16. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 13-02-2009, 20:57   #16
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Re: Question And Answers Night

if you dont follow then you dont follow..

why do i have to go through all this explaining my vote ? its my vote.. live with it and move on... is it really that important to you ?
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Old 13-02-2009, 21:03   #17
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Re: Question And Answers Night

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
and now I have another .... keyboard freedom fighters! ... .
haa freedom fighters.. i thought maybe accyweb liberation front or somehting..

sorry rest of your post needed pictures or summat.. too long to read as is
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Old 13-02-2009, 21:04   #18
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Re: Question And Answers Night

Originally Posted by K-P View Post
until the people who gob off in here have enough guts to do it in real life
Originally Posted by K-P View Post
it even has its own term... keyboard warriors ...

the quotes give the answer Tony.

I know you used em to explain your vote but they are also relevant to your (and others) opinion of many of the posters on here. If I do the dots can somebody please join em up?
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Old 14-02-2009, 09:09   #19
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Thumbs up Re: Question And Answers Night

The furore over the seats is not because we have to have them, it is because of the perceived underhand way it happened. It is not because we don't get the shiny new stand due to a lack of money, its because of the lack of activity over a period of three years resulting in the oops we better do it now attitude. We all assume that the club have avoided the expense of building it because they reckoned it would be a white elephant if we went down - rather than it would be a jewel in our crown and help us to have one of the best facilities in non league football if we went down. The club have for years avoided the responsibility of doing more than they have to, and it has bitten them on the bum. Fraser Eagle have been paying us a quarter of a million for the last three years for the priviledge of having the ground named after them. What happens when they pull the plug on that? The orignal deal was for three years wasn't it? That expires in a few months and if we can't make a do now then we are knackered for next year. Until the club speculates on things then it will never accumulate. The mood of the representative cross section of fans on this unblinkered messageboard says that the club has for too long ignored them.

I haven't got crowd stats to hand but I reckon 1 in 3 from last year or the season before has stopped coming, and I reckon nearer 1 in 2 (allowing less away fans etc) from the Conference winning season. Not all of these have stopped attending because of losing games or credit crunch - they are just fed up.
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All the opinions in my posts are just that - 'my' 'opinion' They do not necessarily contain any fact so cannot be libellous or defamatory. So don't bother suing me or this website

Don't know what you do for a living/job, but if it is not running a country or economy somewhere then you are being wasted
The highlighted stuff (in my opinion sums it up) as ever great,sensible and well struchered post...... Macca please never stop posting.

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Old 14-02-2009, 11:04   #20
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Re: Question And Answers Night

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
how do you know they don't? do you personally know all those who 'slag' off the club and do you know that they don't have their say?

and now I have another .... keyboard freedom fighters! ... they are those who oppose and battle with the keyboard warriors.

every football club forum has issues with negativety and we are no different, but we've never had banning issues or writs served etc so we can't be that bad. People like you or Timmins or Wille Miller or Lowiey have previously posted about how good this forum used to be til people stopped posting - well they need to post again! Put the so called better threads in that might cheer the place up and stop people moaning! Fact it won't happen. Also for various reasons the aforementioned posters are people who are resepected for various reasons and some readers will respect your opinions far more than some of the drivel that is sometimes posted. A well constructed comment can sway opinion, asking if you need to get the crayons just sets the wrong tone.

Not everyone on here wants to just slag the club off, we offer our help, ideas and opinions on how things could (and should) be better. I certainly include myself in that group. But then certain people lump everyone on here as 'accywebbers' and tell us to shove it up our arses! Well you can shove your shove your Accy Web up your arses!

When we offer our help, ideas and opinions it is up to the club whether they choose to listen or not. If they want to listen then it is there in black and white what some people are thinking, the answers are there for them. Do they have to respond? no. Do they have to act? no. Should they respond? yes. Nobody is saying they should answer every query or criticism but blatant ignorance of the problems will not make them go away. The club don't need to be 'friends' with Accy Web but they do need to see that the AW population is a representation of the people who pay their wages - and if the general concensus is unhappiness then the wages might not be getting paid for much longer ......

AW has old people and young people, fat people and thin people, black and white, man and woman, professional people, unemployed people and students. Opinions will vary, tempers will fray. But the over-riding thing will be that the opinions displayed are representative. If 25% of people in a poll are unhappy then you have a potential 25% decrease in your gates. It doesn't mean they are right or wrong - it means they unhappy and may vote with their feet. Not every question has a yes or a no to it (ask Rob Heys ) but answers have to be found.

The furore over the seats is not because we have to have them, it is because of the perceived underhand way it happened. It is not because we don't get the shiny new stand due to a lack of money, its because of the lack of activity over a period of three years resulting in the oops we better do it now attitude. We all assume that the club have avoided the expense of building it because they reckoned it would be a white elephant if we went down - rather than it would be a jewel in our crown and help us to have one of the best facilities in non league football if we went down. The club have for years avoided the responsibility of doing more than they have to, and it has bitten them on the bum. Fraser Eagle have been paying us a quarter of a million for the last three years for the priviledge of having the ground named after them. What happens when they pull the plug on that? The orignal deal was for three years wasn't it? That expires in a few months and if we can't make a do now then we are knackered for next year. Until the club speculates on things then it will never accumulate. The mood of the representative cross section of fans on this unblinkered messageboard says that the club has for too long ignored them.

I haven't got crowd stats to hand but I reckon 1 in 3 from last year or the season before has stopped coming, and I reckon nearer 1 in 2 (allowing less away fans etc) from the Conference winning season. Not all of these have stopped attending because of losing games or credit crunch - they are just fed up.
That sums it up perfectly but thats not all its lack of interest in its customers ie fans has gone not as far as message board but also to the OSC whom have endevered to help the club financially & media platforms but only to be met with the comment from Eric is that his only interest in the supporters club is "to give the club money otherwise thats it oh & a page in the prog for us "& thats all the backing/support we get from the head of the club! I know many clubs that do support their supporters club[s] & work together in mutual development & recognition, but sadly ours dont!


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Old 14-02-2009, 13:30   #21
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Re: Question And Answers Night

Originally Posted by Stanleymad View Post
the comment from Eric is that his only interest in the supporters club is "to give the club money otherwise thats it
And he wonders why people don't want to give him money, well Whalley a lot of people are showing they aren't interested in you anymore.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 14-02-2009, 14:03   #22
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Re: Question And Answers Night

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
And he wonders why people don't want to give him money, well Whalley a lot of people are showing they aren't interested in you anymore.
Lets say its had a real knock on effect, we need more people at meetings or that could seal the fate of the osc.


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Old 14-02-2009, 19:21   #23
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Re: Question And Answers Night

Put most of the cash in a trust until Whalley has gone and just sell the memberships each year. When he goes we might get a chairman who thinks the fans are more than just an annoyance who he has to put up with to get some cash.
Interest in the OSC may return and the money would still be there and have grown to finance whatever is needed.

Have a vote but don't give it Whalley but I suppose that question would have to be included in any vote.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 15-02-2009, 11:17   #24


Re: Question And Answers Night

F*** me, is it that time of year again..........

I can see both sides, I voted No. All I'd want to ask is A. Are we going to gain some consistancy on the pitch and win something. and; B. Will Eric still be with us when we go down again.

We don't need Answers, we need commitment and investment.

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Old 15-02-2009, 11:18   #25


Re: Question And Answers Night

Rob, I got your e-mail. I'll get back to you soon

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Old 15-02-2009, 12:04   #26
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Re: Question And Answers Night

ta Doug
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Old 15-02-2009, 20:31   #27
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Re: Question And Answers Night

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
Put most of the cash in a trust until Whalley has gone and just sell the memberships each year. When he goes we might get a chairman who thinks the fans are more than just an annoyance who he has to put up with to get some cash.
Interest in the OSC may return and the money would still be there and have grown to finance whatever is needed.
Where's Harwood Red, this was a serious suggestion. If the OSC is in danger of going under mothball it, nobody will think any worse of you.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 15-02-2009, 21:22   #28
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Re: Question And Answers Night

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
Where's Harwood Red, this was a serious suggestion. If the OSC is in danger of going under mothball it, nobody will think any worse of you.
Speaking only as membership secretary, No doubt our chairwoman will answer soon, i realise it was a serious Q but it needs people at the meetings to put forward these issues, last meeting in Jan the total attendees were 4 [i admittantly was absent that day very rare occurance] in order to have a meeting or committee meeting its needs a min of 3 otherwise not deemed as a meeting officially. We had an average of 6-8 per month the meeting of 4 was just about scraping it & meetings have to be cancelled if there are less. If the OSC is to continue successfully it needs people to attend, it needs people to attempt to bring in new ideas & able to help achieve them as with the exhibition for example. Lately or over the past 7 months its been about mainly a few [same old faces] doing the volunteering & help which needs to turnover with others to replace, support & help the committee which atm is struggling with the workload & with less help getting events going, week to week running & at least turn up for one meeting per month. I brought it up as highlighting the fact whatever the support issue from the club the osc is feeling it more atm, its not gone but 'could' be if support for the osc & help doesn't improve for the next AGM, if anyone wants to discuss this more or feels they have something to offer voluntry or as a member wants to be a bit more involved - even if its to know then please come along to our next meeting March 9th 7.30pm @ the sportsbar, ASFC, please show your support. Mearely stating cos I personally see it could become a problem if lack of bodies at meetings happen consecutively.

Thats before we can get onto issues with the club


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Old 15-02-2009, 22:40   #29
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Re: Question And Answers Night

The OSC has been poorly supported for many years.. the only difference now is that the people running it (and putting a lot of time and effort in just like the rest of us did) have far higher expectations and get upset when they arn't met ... Sorry but thats pretty much true.
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Old 15-02-2009, 22:57   #30
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Re: Question And Answers Night

Originally Posted by K-P View Post
The OSC has been poorly supported for many years.. the only difference now is that the people running it (and putting a lot of time and effort in just like the rest of us did) have far higher expectations and get upset when they arn't met ... Sorry but thats pretty much true.
Theres been NO high expectations this season whatsoever, not from the current chairwoman nor its committee other than some members turn up to meetings & give us a hand on events, no pressure has been made to people to join altho every opportunity if they should wish to renew - as u would know only from that point personally, as for the rest of the rediculous statement u have made is unfounded & if u attended regular meetings over the past few seasons u would know.


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