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Old 22-08-2006, 16:03   #1
God Member
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Question for the Club

It's back by populor demand

Questions for the club can be directed to anyone from the tea lady to the chairman himself. What we do not want is team selection or tactics questions. We don't want questions in text speak and we don't want silly or abusive questions.

When I have 20 questions or it's the end of the month then they will be presented to the club. Typically replied to within a week.

Q1. accymel
Will the club be looking at encouraging young support i.e quid for a kid entry or something a little more competitive for families with more than one child, in order to bring more families to club more regulary ?

Q2. Thin Monkey
Are there any plans to either upgrade the floodlights or, at least, replace the two bulbs which have been out for the best part of three seasons?

Q3. Give us a green
What are the Chairmans short and long term plans for the club ? where does he see himself and the club in five years time ?

Q4. John Timmins
What are the plans with the clayton end roof? Any estimated dates?

Q5. John Timmins
What is happening regarding a bar at the clayton end? alot of money is being spent elsewhere when it could be going directly to the club.

Q6. Shotgun*
With the traffic congestion at the end of the road being bad on match days,are there any plans to make an exit route from the car park at the rear of the clayton end, and coming out at well street just down whalley road.

There has been talk over the years of an Accrington Stanley museum. more recently taken on by the OSC I am led to believe.. either full blown museum or exhibition not sure.. But whats the situation. We had little more than a couple of lines of text in the Preston Museum when I last went. Suprisingly little in fact

Q8. smudgie
Any idea when the new 'league style' lettering will be available from the clubshop? Also will any of the shirts be coming with the FIFA 07 Logo???

Q9. Doug
Will the club consider forming a Panel to lease between the club, local business and supporters so that good ideas put forward don’t just get lost or over looked?

Q10. cmonstanley
What about a superstore dontown accy where people can buy tickets merchandise and entice people to go and watch stanley

Q11. accymel
Are the club going to do more auctions through ebay and will the clubs mail order service from the club shop improve service & without long delays in customers receiving orders ?

Q12. Tealeaf
What efforts are currently being made in developing relationships with Hyndburn schools with the aim of a) assisting in the emergence of local footballing talent and b) in fostering long-term support for the club?

Q13. maccawozzagod
How much longer can the club sustain this level of football at this location considering the problems with parking, residents and ground expansion if necessary

Q13. maccawozzagod
Is the club aware of the various funding available in conjunction with football coaching in the community and are there any plans to utilise these third party sources?

Q14. John Timmins
Has the club got any plans to improve the input to the official website, e.g. stop giving the news to the papers before it goes online?

Is the club aware of the huge grants available to institutions such as itself for improvements, simply by virtue of the fact that it it is within 10km of a landfill site ?

Q16. lindsay ormerod
Has the Club made any progress in negotiations with Accrington Cricket Club about use of their ground for parking facilities for visiting fans?

Q17. Bottletop
How much money is needed to pay for the roo over the Clayton End?

Q18. Outback Ozzy
In light of all the problems with the Darlington programme and on-line orders, are the club looking at ways of how to improve the service?

Q19. Outback Ozzy
Why is Andy Tretton not in the official team photograph?

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Last edited by KIPAX; 26-08-2006 at 09:45.
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Accrington Web
Old 22-08-2006, 16:27   #2
I am Banned


Re: Question for the Club

Will the club be looking at encouraging young support i.e quid for a kid entry or something a little more competitive for families with more than one child, in order to bring more families to club more regulary ?
accymel is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 22-08-2006, 16:29   #3
I am Banned

Re: Question for the Club

how can the club justify the considerable increase in admission prices to the standing area,s of the ground if it still means that people are standing in an area that is still open to all the elements,and if and when the ground gets full there will still be fans standing on open terracing,surely at 13 pounds to stand,a price increase of just under 1/3rd which does,nt go in line with the current rate of inflation our fans deserve better.
hugh janus is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 22-08-2006, 16:30   #4
I am Banned


Re: Question for the Club

The most obvious one is 'When are we getting the ROOF? thats something all of the stanley message board wants to ask the club collectively
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Old 22-08-2006, 16:41   #5
I am Banned

Re: Question for the Club

why are the club selling the replica shirts for at a very expensive price this season,when teams in the premier league ie chelsea and man utd only charge 30 pounds, how can the club justify this,as many supporters my self included cant afford 40 pounds for a new shirt,
hugh janus is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 22-08-2006, 16:58   #6


Re: Question for the Club

OK, over the last few months there have been a number of suggestions and comments that have gone unheard or committed on, many of which where in support of the club and where aimed at aiding the situation.

So Question 1. Would the club consider forming a supporter’s panel? I would suggest 10 to 15 people meeting on a regular basis, made up from members of the club, local Business’s, residents, Supporters Club and the Ultras as well as unaligned fans.

The aim being an informative group who could consider suggestions put forward by individuals and groups or to action suggestions on behalf or in support of the clubs work.

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 22-08-2006, 21:23   #7
Full Member

Re: Question for the Club

This has probably been asked before but here goes.
Are there any plans to either upgrade the floodlights or, at least, replace the two bulbs which have been out for the best part of three seasons?

Everyone I know remarks on how embarrassing it is that the bulbs have been out for so long.
Thin Monkey is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 22-08-2006, 23:09   #8

Re: Question for the Club

What are the Chairmans short and long term plans for the club ??

Where does he see himself and the club in five years time ?
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Old 23-08-2006, 00:09   #9
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Re: Question for the Club

Questions updated..

Janus i aint using your full username so JANUS will have to do in the questions.. Also I have only included your questions and not the comments.

Doug ..Sorry mate can you rewrite.. Even I dont follow what your asking.. sounds like you want to form the supporters club.. cant see what you want or what they would do?

accymel. sorry but you cant ask a question for all stanley fans.. change it if you want to ask for yourself..

Keep em coming folks
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Last edited by KIPAX; 23-08-2006 at 00:12.
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Old 23-08-2006, 00:18   #10
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Re: Question for the Club

ok then ill do it ...... What are the plans with the clayton end roof? Any estimated dates?

next one: what is happening regarding a bar at the clayton end? alot of money is being spent elsewhere when it could be going directly to the club
The Voice of the Terrace
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Old 23-08-2006, 00:20   #11
Junior Member+

Re: Question for the Club

i'm on that dudes side, bar!!!!!!!
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Old 23-08-2006, 00:47   #12
God Member
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Re: Question for the Club

Update... Janus questions removed when I realised what he has under his username.... ie banned... only made two posts.. must be a record
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Old 23-08-2006, 01:19   #13
I am Banned

Re: Question for the Club

With the traffic congestion at the end of the road being bad on match days,are there any plans to make an exit route from the car park at the rear of the clayton end, and coming out at well street just down whalley road.
shotgun* is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 23-08-2006, 02:41   #14
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Re: Question for the Club

lower prices to a tenner w e will get more people in
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Old 23-08-2006, 09:36   #15
Senior Member+

Re: Question for the Club

Any idea when the new 'league style' lettering will be available from the clubshop??

Also will any of the shirts be coming with the FIFA 07 Logo???
smudgie is offline   Reply With Quote

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