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28-12-2007, 18:09
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question from a lancastrian bantam
hi guys
the tickets for the bradford end on new years day only went on general sale on boxing day and when i rang up to order one they said they couldnt send me one in the post cos it wouldnt get here in time for the game-is there any way i can get a accy ticket and theyll let me in the bradford end.
im not trying to cause trouble-im just a bloke who wants to watch a football match and cant get hold of a ticket in time to watch it from the correct part of the ground...your thoughts please...
28-12-2007, 18:11
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Re: question from a lancastrian bantam
Can you not collect one from the club?
28-12-2007, 18:12
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Re: question from a lancastrian bantam
I haven't heard the accy end being ticket only but rather pay on the gate. I think the Bradford game is ticket only for away fans is so they have an idea of numbers that are coming and more than likely a request by the police also!
Do you not live in Bradford? Can you not go on your own forum and see if there is a fan going prepared to buy a ticket for you and meet you in accy??
I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
28-12-2007, 18:19
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Re: question from a lancastrian bantam
live in lancaster and have tried our own forum but it appears to have fallen upon deaf ears-theyve been as helpfull as a stick...a very unhelpfull one at that...
28-12-2007, 18:20
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Re: question from a lancastrian bantam
They are friendly enough in the home end as long as you behave 
28-12-2007, 18:22
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Re: question from a lancastrian bantam
yeah but can you imagine standing in the opposing sides end knowing you can't make any comment about your team, wouldn't be much fun would it!!!???
I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
28-12-2007, 18:25
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Re: question from a lancastrian bantam
Originally Posted by harwood red
yeah but can you imagine standing in the opposing sides end knowing you can't make any comment about your team, wouldn't be much fun would it!!!???
Me and junior dingle had to do it at Leciester a couple of seasons ago. We fastened our coats to cover our shirts, won 1-0 and madam was so pleased she took her coat off at the final whistle whilst filing out of the ground with all the Leicester fans 
28-12-2007, 18:27
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Re: question from a lancastrian bantam
Originally Posted by lancsdave
Me and junior dingle had to do it at Leciester a couple of seasons ago. We fastened our coats to cover our shirts, won 1-0 and madam was so pleased she took her coat off at the final whistle whilst filing out of the ground with all the Leicester fans 
well I admire you for doing it but no it would be an impossibility for me to do it
Try ringing stanley Mon am to explain the problem and see if they can help, maybe if they find out Bradford have not sold out they may be prepared to sell you a ticket before the match tues!!
I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
28-12-2007, 18:30
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Re: question from a lancastrian bantam
Originally Posted by harwood red
well I admire you for doing it but no it would be an impossibility for me to do it
Can't think why
Your'e right it's not as much fun as being in your own end.
28-12-2007, 18:37
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Re: question from a lancastrian bantam
Way back in '76 on my big OE, I took this bloke along to a Chelsea game vs Portsmouth. He wasn't a footy fan but was from Portsmouth.Well I soon descovered my error. We were in the 'Shed' (I always stood there) and the friggan drongo yells out "C'mon POMPEY". As quick as a flash I put distance between us. All I could see were all these faces peering down at him. Thank god nothing happened.The lights came on at halftime and who's standing just a couple of paces away from him??? -only his brother whom he hasn't seen for 11 years!!.He was a footy supporter and had entered the wrong end.They chatted for about 1 minute and that was that.Clearly a close family. The game was dull but I'll never ever forget it.
28-12-2007, 18:38
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Re: question from a lancastrian bantam
thanks guys-hope its a great game!!
28-12-2007, 18:51
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Re: question from a lancastrian bantam
best is going to a burnley v rovers at burnley in the nutters stand with a rovers supporter! watching rovers score he was out of his seat b4 he remembered where he was!!! i enjoyed that match even tho burnley got beat it was great fun watching him bite his tongue every time lol
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
28-12-2007, 18:57
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Re: question from a lancastrian bantam
If you ring up the club they'll sort something out for ya - 'tis Stanley we'll do anything to get more through the doors 
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28-12-2007, 18:59
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Re: question from a lancastrian bantam
If you cant get thro tommoz then ring new years eve as there will be some staf in or shops open 
28-12-2007, 19:38
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Re: question from a lancastrian bantam
We could always let anyone in and then suddenly decide to have segregation at half time, a la last seasons Burnley game
Seriously looking forward to the game aginst Park Avenue 
Last edited by ZOMBIE; 28-12-2007 at 19:52.
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