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09-10-2009, 22:04
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Re: Quote from Lazarus
Originally Posted by Doug
Open Post for Mr. O’Neil…
Incredulous; that’s the only word I could come up with for this diabolical episode. Mr. O’Neil you had me practically convinced with your statement in the Observer; obviously your have listened and acted on advice and got your media act together; so why have you allowed Ms. Lazarus to go off half cocked and produce this dribble; even if it was a prelude to something else happening to move the situation forward she’s dropped one hell of a bullock, so much so it as undermined the good attempt that you have made this weekend in the Observer to reconcile yourself with the fan base of Accrington Stanley.
For god sake keep her off the phone and if you do have to let her near a computer make sure the bloody internet is disconnected and don’t give her a pen. If this false enchantress is to stay and blossom and produce good work with the club then at least apprentice her to one of the active Directors and get her disciplined in the art of communication and public relations.
Either that, or send Her to the same 'School of Transparency' that you attended   (aimed at O Neil not you Doug!)
09-10-2009, 22:34
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Re: Quote from Lazarus
 I have just read that article from the telephone salesperson and I seriously burst out in laughter. What a joke she is.God I really feel for all you die hards, I love STANLEY, but I know its in your veins... I really REALLY do fear for the club after reading her 'comic strip'. Don't you Brittish have a "gentlemans' agreement thingy where people in high positions who 'stuff-up' do the honourable thing and 'terminate' ?
09-10-2009, 22:40
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Re: Quote from Lazarus
Originally Posted by Kiwi John
 I have just read that article from the telephone salesperson and I seriously burst out in laughter. What a joke she is.God I really feel for all you die hards, I love STANLEY, but I know its in your veins... I really REALLY do fear for the club after reading her 'comic strip'. Don't you Brittish have a "gentlemans' agreement thingy where people in high positions who 'stuff-up' do the honourable thing and 'terminate' ?
 We don't terminate people over here John; if we did we would have terminated Mr. Brown years ago  .....I don't know if you notice or not; but she's not a gentleman and if she was the sharpest thing she could fall on is her mobile phone.. 
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
Last edited by Doug; 09-10-2009 at 22:46.
09-10-2009, 22:45
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Re: Quote from Lazarus
Originally Posted by ukcowboy
Either that, or send Her to the same 'School of Transparency' that you attended   (aimed at O Neil not you Doug!)
I should hope not good Sir 
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10-10-2009, 07:06
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Re: Quote from Lazarus
Originally Posted by Doug
Open Post for Mr. O’Neil…
If this false enchantress is to stay and blossom and produce good work with the club then at least apprentice her to one of the active Directors and get her disciplined in the art of communication and public relations.
So, go on Cowboy!....Which Director 'skilled in the art of Communication and
Public Relations had you in mind ??....The D o'N himself ?....either one of the two who were alleged to have made such disparaging remarks about Ilyas last Saturday ?...Our CEO whose recent utterances have bordered on a level similar to the one containing the unfortunately chosen platitudes so merrily wittered away by Ms.Lazarus ?.
Had there been such a paragon of the Art of Google Page Ranking existing within the skilled ranks of Management experts in whose hands Mr o'N sees the future of Accrington Stanley being perfectly safe!...then perhaps we would never have got to the stage where we would have to spend so much of our valuable time pondering over, and commenting upon the trivial, inaccurate (some would say UNTRUE !)...and damaging information emanating from the corridors of power at 'The Crown'...and in particular from the mouth of an individual who unfortunately appears to be in a position of influence which could well determine the very outcome of Accrington Stanley as a Football League Club!!...This being the most scary facet within the whole equation!.
Goodness knows I am no Misogynist !!..my Mother was a woman!!....as are some of my dearest friends !!...but where 'The Reds' are concerned both Alfred.E. and myself feel that this well-meaning but apparently inept specimen of the Female of the species should withdraw gracefully from the scenario of coping with the salvation of Accrington Stanley...and devote her entire life to Tatting ?...Crochet work?...Playing the Bagpipes ?...or just good works amongst the poor!...(Although 'the deserving poor' might send her back after a day or two!!)...
Good posting Cowboy...keep 'em coming!!!...and FINALLY...
I T IS MATCHDAY !...10th of OCTOBER !!!!!....and HE did say ..did he not ?..
"I assure you that I will not let Accrington Stanley fold again.".
10-10-2009, 08:28
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Re: Quote from Lazarus
Originally Posted by yonmon
So, go on Cowboy!....Which Director 'skilled in the art of Communication and
Public Relations had you in mind ??....The D o'N himself ?....either one of the two who were alleged to have made such disparaging remarks about Ilyas last Saturday ?...Our CEO whose recent utterances have bordered on a level similar to the one containing the unfortunately chosen platitudes so merrily wittered away by Ms.Lazarus ?.
Had there been such a paragon of the Art of Google Page Ranking existing within the skilled ranks of Management experts in whose hands Mr o'N sees the future of Accrington Stanley being perfectly safe!...then perhaps we would never have got to the stage where we would have to spend so much of our valuable time pondering over, and commenting upon the trivial, inaccurate (some would say UNTRUE !)...and damaging information emanating from the corridors of power at 'The Crown'...and in particular from the mouth of an individual who unfortunately appears to be in a position of influence which could well determine the very outcome of Accrington Stanley as a Football League Club!!...This being the most scary facet within the whole equation!.
Goodness knows I am no Misogynist !!..my Mother was a woman!!....as are some of my dearest friends !!...but where 'The Reds' are concerned both Alfred.E. and myself feel that this well-meaning but apparently inept specimen of the Female of the species should withdraw gracefully from the scenario of coping with the salvation of Accrington Stanley...and devote her entire life to Tatting ?...Crochet work?...Playing the Bagpipes ?...or just good works amongst the poor!...(Although 'the deserving poor' might send her back after a day or two!!)...
Good posting Cowboy...keep 'em coming!!!...and FINALLY...
IT IS MATCHDAY !...10th of OCTOBER !!!!!....and HE did say ..did he not ?..
"I assure you that I will not let Accrington Stanley fold again.".
With the exception of Mr. O’Neil and Ms Lazarus the existing team and those no longer active have managed to keep the club going one way or another for the last 40 odd years; I think we may have some form of obligation to give them some CREDIT.
I wasn’t aware that anyone within the club had said anything about Mr. Khan directly; alleged or other wise. It would appear that someone is trying there utmost to discredit the club or individuals within it in some way. I you ever thought that a rejection of Mr. Khan’s offer my be linked to the fact people are nervous about putting the future of the club in the hands of a group of people who have no experience of running a League club; other than being committed and fantastic fans. Under the ASSF/Khan deal they the ASSF would hold a controlling interest; I think I’d be concerned let alone the directors. Recapitalise by all means and it is the best way forward but not under the conditions laid down by the ASSF. 
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10-10-2009, 08:47
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Re: Quote from Lazarus
Originally Posted by Doug
you ever thought that a rejection of Mr. Khan’s offer my be linked to the fact people are nervous about putting the future of the club in the hands of a group of people who have no experience of running a League club; other than being committed and fantastic fans. Under the ASSF/Khan deal they the ASSF would hold a controlling interest; I think I’d be concerned let alone the directors. Recapitalise by all means and it is the best way forward but not under the conditions laid down by the ASSF. 
Total disagree. Obviously, our two co-chairpersons have no experience of running a football club in any way, shape or form. However, the other directors only have three years' experience (apart from Mr T who has experience from his time at Bury). Ilyas is not stupid and if he had assumed control of the club, he would have brought people in who do have the ability to run a league football club. To my mind, accepting the Ilyas/ASSF offer represented the only chance for Stanley to survive and progress. Even if Mr ONeill manages to meet the HMRC demand (and there are grave doubts that he will), then what of the longterm future? Mr O'Neill keeps telling us that he has "plans" but he never says what they are.
10-10-2009, 08:58
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Re: Quote from Lazarus
Originally Posted by Doug
Recapitalise by all means and it is the best way forward but not under the conditions laid down by the ASSF. 
Doug ? Which conditions do you have a problem with ??
10-10-2009, 09:05
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Re: Quote from Lazarus
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Total disagree. Obviously, our two co-chairpersons have no experience of running a football club in any way, shape or form. However, the other directors only have three years' experience (apart from Mr T who has experience from his time at Bury). Ilyas is not stupid and if he had assumed control of the club, he would have brought people in who do have the ability to run a league football club. To my mind, accepting the Ilyas/ASSF offer represented the only chance for Stanley to survive and progress. Even if Mr ONeill manages to meet the HMRC demand (and there are grave doubts that he will), then what of the longterm future? Mr O'Neill keeps telling us that he has "plans" but he never says what they are.
Totally disagree. In the first instance it wasn’t Mr. Khan’s stated aim to take control and secondly why would he need the ASSF to front him if he was going to bring people in with the ability to run a league club, why not simply invest directly into the club, buy a directorship and put your own man in with the ability to run a league club who is acceptable to the board, Simple.
I do agree that Messrs O’Neil and Lazarus have little or no experience at running a league club and I do concur that there is a grave danger of all this going tits up but if we are going to debate the all issue over and over again then at least recognise that the ASSF route was not perhaps the best solution and BOTH PARTIES should have worked closer together and been more understanding other each others needs and taken a more flexible approach to resolving the situation instead of the fixed Conditions apparently applied by the ASSF.
Don’t get me wrong; I like those people in the ASSF who are known to me, I know they have the best interest of the club at heart and would not want to do anything to hurt the club…but where is there long term plan, lets get it published on here that why we might have a clearer idea.
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10-10-2009, 09:18
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Re: Quote from Lazarus
Originally Posted by simon
Doug ? Which conditions do you have a problem with ??
From my understanding of what I've read on here, the condition which I have a problem with is with the ASSF taking the controlling interest of the club manly because of their collective inexperience and the soul financier would be via Mr. Khan.
I have nothing against Mr. Khan or the ASSF and I DO AGREE that the real solution to this long term is concise management and controlled investment and it’s obvious even to me that Mr. Khan’s love of the club, the town and his financial clout should and must play a major role...
That said, I would like to have seen Mr. Khan keep to his offer to match the directors input and then work with them to find further financial backers like Mr. Marsden to negotiate a long term solution, that would have been Job Done in respect of the Tax issue and would have allowed a clear run at long term survival. What we have now is division, doubt and despair.
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10-10-2009, 09:22
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Re: Quote from Lazarus
Originally Posted by Doug
why not simply invest directly into the club, buy a directorship and put your own man in with the ability to run a league club who is acceptable to the board, Simple.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????
…but where is there long term plan, lets get it published on here that why we might have a clearer idea.
My simple understanding of the plan of the ASSF is to Get transparency, see where we stand, clear the debts then run the club in a business like manner...
Pretty long term to me
Ps with NO mention of getting rid of the DON or anyone else, just adding to the party...
Some falling out has clouded the last point maybe but that was not the caseto start with... IMHO
10-10-2009, 09:29
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Re: Quote from Lazarus
Originally Posted by Doug
That said, I would like to have seen Mr. Khan keep to his offer to match the directors input and then work with them to find further financial backers like Mr. Marsden to negotiate a long term solution, that would have been Job Done in respect of the Tax issue and would have allowed a clear run at long term survival. What we have now is division, doubt and despair.
Problem with matching the money other directors put in is,
1 We still have NO idea of the real trouble the club MAY be in ?
2 Any hope or choice of the direction and way the club moves on from now...
3 We only pay the taxman(fantastic that looks right now) BUT we need to KNOW this problem is sorted from the bottom up.
10-10-2009, 09:33
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Re: Quote from Lazarus
Don’t get me wrong; I like those people in the ASSF who are known to me, I know they have the best interest of the club at heart and would not want to do anything to hurt the club…but where is there long term plan, lets get it published on here that why we might have a clearer idea.[/QUOTE]
And so the wheel revolves Doug !..and we return to my original premise, which was not one relating to the ASFC/ASSF/Ilyas Khan scenario....but attempted to say in a somewhat cynical way, that there is , when it comes to Google Page Ranking..Community Relations...and PUBLISHING a lot left to be desired as far as those who are charged with this responsibility at Accrington Stanley FC !.
The hidden innuendos and double speak leave me bewildered at times...that's if I can actually derive a true concept of what is being written or reported in the first place!..but that's just me !!...and I would always support your impassioned pleas for a total 'openness' on the part of ALL Concerned!!..
Although, as I'm sure you will agree, time is running too fast and too short for much more talking...and only definate and defining action will suffice where the EMERGENCY is concerned !!..
Allow me my little indulgency.....
"I assure you that I will not let Accrington Stanley fold again.".
10-10-2009, 09:47
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Re: Quote from Lazarus
Originally Posted by Doug
their collective inexperience and the soul financier would be via Mr. Khan.
I was under the impression that the ASSF would be a focal point for fundraising. Money such as that raised for the seeming black hole of the SOS Fund would have gone to the ASSF - and would, I suspect, have been much more clearly accounted for. So Ilyas Khan would certainly not have been the sole financier (although maybe the "soul" of the organisation!)
As an aside, can I ask who is in actually charge of the SOS Fund and what is the experience of that person?
As for collective inexperience, one has only to look at the current regime!! A good chairman is a good chairman - in any company. Good chairmen have skills that can be applied in any walk of life. The same applies to good managers. It matters not if they are in hospitals, schools, or even banks.
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