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Old 13-12-2005, 21:05   #31
Full Member

Re: Reason for poor gates?

We had some poor home performances last season when the crowds were building up. Coley and the lads must remember that the fans pay to be entertained, they want to see a good, spirited, never say die home match, whether we win or lose.
So far this season that is exactly what we are getting and that is starting to show in the attendence but it will take time to persuade the good folk of Accrington that if they part with there hard earned on a cold winters night they are not going to be dissappointed again.
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Old 13-12-2005, 23:17   #32
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

It's simple....twelve quid for a ground with our facilities? However well the team are doing, people weigh up the all round package. A tenner was just about acceptable. £12 is just not!
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Old 14-12-2005, 00:03   #33
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

Loads of good stuff in this thread, by people that know what it's about. A little FA Cup run would have done no harm.
We got to 2,468 against Farsley Celtic from a base of around 350. It's going to be bigger this time, we've only got 9 home games left, and people will want a part of it.
It won't help immediate attendances, but a nice commemorative badge for vouchers would be good, 9 - free, 8 @ a quid etc. minimum 5 vouchers.
e.g. "Stanley are back - before the bandwagon", "I was there before the roof", all suggestions welcome.
At the very least it would keep a few peoples' gobs shut after the event.

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 14-12-2005, 00:11   #34
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

Bazf is right, more should be done to feature Stanley in the local press, and not just on the sports pages, as a lot of people don't even read them. How about how our Benin international, who previously played in the south of France, and how he is finding playing in wet Accy? Even if it was just the likes and dislikes column. Is he learning to speak English with a scouse accent? We need to know.

The story of the roof, and the generosity of our benefactor would also make a good main story.

We have an Observer journalist on here called Vitty, who is always on the look out for stories in the general chat threads. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to do a follow up if contacted by the club.

Sadly we made the front pages earlier this year, lets do it again but on a more positive note, and help maintain a high profile for the club.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 14-12-2005, 00:29   #35
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

it's all well and good having all the headlines (on back pages that is) but when people hear the prices of admission im sure a lot would grumble!
Stanley need financial offers if they want to bring in new support.
Over the winter period i think 'money-off' vouchers or kids-go-free with an adult days would benefit the weekly attendance.
also, new burger van! new, cheaper, better burger van please!! (well we can hope, cant we!?)
oh and while im at it......

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Old 14-12-2005, 04:10   #36
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

So you don't want to pay 12 quid to watch stanley but you will waste your money on a burger and chips.
How much would you spend on food 2-3 quid, talk about dropping the price to 10 and giving yourself more money for the burgers?
Why not pay 12 and don't clog your artiries with grease in the end you will be able to watch stanley for longer.

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Old 14-12-2005, 10:20   #37
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

I stand in the shed as Jase calls it,yes you can hear the drums,but to me it actually adds to the atmosphere,I love the noise all be it from afar, and the swirling flags. My mate who I come with dos'nt like the drums but it does not stop him coming,he will travel to all home and away games if he can possibly get there.
I think also that the drum noise is an excuse. The real reasons are many,the cost for many families coming up to Xmas, is too much for many ordinary working families. Another reason I have had said to me are the facilities namely toilets, if you stand in the shed you have about 220 yards to walk round the ground to the nearest toilet,unless you go into the Club House, which really should not be allowed during a match,but anyway when you reach the toilets they are an absolute disgrace,escpecially for ladies, men do not mind so much walking through wet floors, maybe the club should employ a young man to mop and generally tidy up the toilet facilities during a match day, any way thats my opinion on the subject.

Last edited by Tommy McQueen; 14-12-2005 at 10:22.
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Old 14-12-2005, 12:38   #38
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

Originally Posted by Bazf
but we need surpport from the local rag, a couple of paragraphs about a game keeps no one intrested they need to get to the ground and interview players and management even the ground staff and backroom staff, keep it in front of people put it on the front page and ram it down there throats let them know they have a team in town, will it happen? can't see it not with the observer
to be fair to both newspapers and the local radio stations, we do get good coverage. the observer sports pages are dominated by stanley news and the telegraph try to get something in each night, with a main preview on the friday before the game... we have had good interest from the media since eric's comments on monday morning and hopefully more to come...
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Old 14-12-2005, 13:31   #39
Resting In Peace
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

Most of the population of Accrington brag about Accrington Stanley when they are asked where they come from, but they cannot be bothered supporting the team unless there is something at stake. A big draw in the FA Cup would have attracted more 'supporters' just in case Stanley won then they could say 'I was there'. If we are top towards the end of the season these 'supporters' will come just to say 'I was there'. When we got promotion from Unibond first division - 2468 for the last match, the first home game the season after attracted just over 500 as far as I can remember. It's not the toilets, it's not the lack of roof, it's not the £12, it's just the 'can't be bothered' attitude of the population of Accrington. If we win the Conference there will be a full house at IES, the first home game next season will have a full house, but after that ??????????????
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Old 14-12-2005, 14:36   #40
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

To be fair if your going to have a paddy about the drum get to burnley and have a moan with them rejects it is the worst exuse for poor gates ever. I don't really care as long as our away days are always as good as they are i don't give one what the moaners think.
If you want silence at a football game go to Barrow.
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Old 14-12-2005, 16:13   #41
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

as a person that used to go stanley 2-3 years ago, the main reason i have not been since is the price.
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Old 14-12-2005, 16:29   #42
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

Originally Posted by JEFF
Most of the population of Accrington brag about Accrington Stanley when they are asked where they come from, but they cannot be bothered supporting the team unless there is something at stake. A big draw in the FA Cup would have attracted more 'supporters' just in case Stanley won then they could say 'I was there'. If we are top towards the end of the season these 'supporters' will come just to say 'I was there'. When we got promotion from Unibond first division - 2468 for the last match, the first home game the season after attracted just over 500 as far as I can remember. It's not the toilets, it's not the lack of roof, it's not the £12, it's just the 'can't be bothered' attitude of the population of Accrington. If we win the Conference there will be a full house at IES, the first home game next season will have a full house, but after that ??????????????
I think jeff has nailed it here.....
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Old 14-12-2005, 20:02   #43
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

Just got back after 10 days in Chicago, during which time I avoided internet cafes and English newspapers, as results which have not gone our way have tended to send me into a holiday sulk in the past - something that never goes down well with Mrs H. When I arrived this morning, I looked at the table and was immediately on cloud nine. Not for long though, as I viewed Eric's statement on the fishy site and the gates for the last two matches.

Sod the admission price, sod the roof, sod the drum, at the moment we are the best non-league club in the country with seven straight wins under our belt AND GATES ARE GOING DOWN??

Does anyone realise how heartbreaking this must be for Eric, Coley and the rest? All the blood, sweat and tears that have gone into the club and now gates fall weeks after week, as we rack up win after win. Would this be happening in any other town in the country?

Jeff is right on the money. Accringtonians like to namecheck Stanley, but actually go and watch them? They'll go to Turf Moor, Ewood, the Castle, the Broadway, Asda, their living rooms, anywhere, in fact, but the IES.

How much longer before the public of Accrington and district wake up to their hometown club?
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Old 14-12-2005, 20:48   #44
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

some simple ideas could help to remedy certain things. The simplest idea is wear your colours loud and proud, when you are out shopping on saturday morning, put your damned shirt on. Lets make Broadway a sea of red and white. Walk through town on your way to the game instead of going round. The more shirts are worn, the busier it looks. Physchology. If people think they are missing out on something then they want part of it. Secondly sex sells. Lets shamelessly use our lady fans to hand out leaflets, they dont get punched and they dont get abuse. If blokes think that loads of 'birds' go to the Crown then they will follow. Lastly, we need to wallpaper every pub in the borough with flyers. Does anybody have an in with a printer who can run off 3000 flyers for us? Something along the lines of a picture of the big flag and words stating your team needs you, then the next match printed underneath. The next match may be too soon, but the match after that has to be a realistic target for a big push.

How about we call our own meeting where we get the fans in (not an Official Supporters Club meeting), just beer and brainstorm?

Get all interested parties in, advertise it and do it.

Also I had a thread a couple of weeks ago called Spreading The Gospel which invited anybody with any skills or contacts that can be put to use to offer them. Rindy turned 500k into £millions by utilising advertising facilitations, any chance of lending us a hand? turn 500 people into 3000 people.
email [email protected] for all window cleaning quotes
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Old 14-12-2005, 21:44   #45
Resting in Peace

Re: Reason for poor gates?

Quote:-Does anyone realise how heartbreaking this must be for Eric, Coley and the rest?

Of course, Wynonie, ALL posters on here realise how heartbreaking it is! You are preaching to the converted. It's no good just bleating about it ad infinitum - how about some constructive suggestions to follow the many excellent ideas in the replies above for everyone, especially the club management to take on board?
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