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Old 17-12-2005, 17:58   #91


Re: Reason for poor gates?

I’ve just got home after being in Accrington most of the afternoon, it was nice to see Accrington Pipe Band on Broadway, but I would have thought that opening for Accrington Stanley at IES would have been a nice touch. In the 3 hours I was in Accrington town centre I didn’t see one Stanley Shirt, Scarf or Flag.

I was elated to hear about Stanley’s 2-0 victory from Radio Lancashire about an hour ago, and then they quoted the Gate figure of around 810, I felt gutted for the Team and those who have worked so hard this week to motivate people.

However, it was bitter cold today so maybe so maybe things will improve for the next game, but perhaps some positive publicity in the local press and free soup on the day might help motivate people. Well done to the Team for today’s result and my utter respect to those who braved a bitterly cold afternoon to support their club.

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 17-12-2005, 18:54   #92

Re: Reason for poor gates?

Here's some views as an outsider and I promise these are nothing to do with rivalry or today's game which was a perfectly fair result reflecting the difference in standard between the two teams.

Firstly, Stanley have risen through the ranks very quickly which possibly has meant there hasn't been a steady growth in the hardcore fanbase. Also you may well still be attracting the same fans as in the Unibond years, and unfortunately to a lot of people, whether football fans or not, non-league is non-league.

I might be wrong but people in your town who have supported football for years are probably already loyal to other, higher placed clubs in the area and as we all know fans don't easily change their loyalties.

The ground is not particularly inviting and people who are used to Burnley, Blackburn or Preston will not be impressed i'm afraid. Might be worth some investment on the speculate to accumulate rule. You are also competing for sponsors and backers with those clubs and you have to appeal to their egos. A tatty ground and ineffective floodlights let you down.

Now i've never complained about Accy's achievements as a club or a team (apart from when you play Altrincham of course!) You don't seem to employ some of the miserable ego driven cynical tactics of some other clubs, but I think you have to sell yourselves a little better to get the recognition you so desire.

Last edited by WINGY; 17-12-2005 at 19:14.
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Old 17-12-2005, 19:33   #93
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Smile Re: Reason for poor gates?

Very fair and interesting comments by Mr Ex Coalminer - spot on.
I, for one, thought the gate was not too bad today all things considered. I was wearing 5 top layers and winter, fur lined pants and still felt cold - goodness knows how Jase and co. managed in their short sleeved shirts!
Another classy performance; much credit to all concerned and much appreciated I'm sure by all who turned up.
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Old 17-12-2005, 20:41   #94
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

Cracking match today. This was the first game I've seen since Southport (due to holidays, not apathy!) and the team seem to be getting better and better.

Although the gate was poor, it was the sixth home game in quick succession and I'm sure that's been a little too much for some budget-conscious casual fans. Also, the FA Trophy in its early stages is never as attractive as a league match. Hopefully, we will get a reasonable gate for the Halifax match in the New Year.

Very impressed to see Jase on Broadway with his megaphone, offering free tickets to the game (although when I spoke to him, he'd had no takers - hope you managed to get a few recruits, Jase). That's the sort of thing we need more of!
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Old 17-12-2005, 20:52   #95
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

Originally Posted by garinda
I've mentioned it before and have been shot down, but I still think for a lot of people it is the cost, and yes I know we are only charging within what is the admission guide lines. Mum, Dad, plus two children is a big chunk out of a lot of people in Hyndburns weekly income.

In fashion you have a sale. Why not early next season, whilst we are still in a strong promotion position, have one week free admission? Yeah we would loose the revenue for one week, but with the right publicity you could get guaranteed television coverage, and press besides the Observer. With the right promotion we'd have a capacity gate, and hopefully show alot of people who haven't been before, who have stopped coming for whatever reason, what a cracking afternoon we have at the Interlink, and get them hooked on becoming regulars.
Whilst I can see where you are coming from on this, I think you will find a lot of season ticket holders will be aggrieved at a free match for everyone.

I believe a much fairer idea is a deal with the club shop, say attend 5 games and get x% of merchandise. or two adults and a kid free (it's not that much for an under 12 only £3) it may encourage adults to take an offspring and once they get hooked they will drag the parents in. As people have said before invest in the youth and they will insist the parents go.

Come on how many times do they have to "can we" before we give in?
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Old 17-12-2005, 20:57   #96
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

[quote=garinda] Nice to see Roy, the owner of this site, and his Dad Less there though. /quote]

I saw you chatting to Less and Harwood Red at the end of the game and thought to myself I know that other guy but couldn't give him a name, now I know cheers.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 17-12-2005, 21:16   #97
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

Unfortunately I couldn't be there today as I've been very ill since Wednesday. However, I was disappointed to hear about a sub-1000 gate after all the coverage we've had this week.

I just hope we have a massive home gate against Halifax!!
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Old 17-12-2005, 23:40   #98
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

Originally Posted by Stanaccy
Whilst I can see where you are coming from on this, I think you will find a lot of season ticket holders will be aggrieved at a free match for everyone.
... which is precisely the reason why the Club should look at Cup matches as opportunities for very aggressive pricing in exactly the same way that Sunderland did against Arsenal in the Carling Cup (£5 adults) and are doing in the FA Cup against Northwich (£10 adults after the FA ruled that Sunderland's initial proposal of £6 was too low).

Until the Club do that, it will have to get used to attendances at Cup games being far lower than at League games.
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Old 17-12-2005, 23:47   #99
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

Originally Posted by garinda
Nice to see Roy, the owner of this site, and his Dad Less there though. /quote]

I saw you chatting to Less and Harwood Red at the end of the game and thought to myself I know that other guy but couldn't give him a name, now I know cheers.

You saw me, but I didn't see you because I don't know you. Say hiya next time.

Me and Harwood Red still play the game of guessing who Wynonie is, as we still believe there is a tenner for tapping him on the shoulder and identifying him.

Be great to put more faces to names from the forum.
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Old 17-12-2005, 23:56   #100
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

Not from me, there isn't!

Walked right past you two today.

Will try and say hello at the Halifax home match, if I can find you amongst the huge crowd that will obviously be there.
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Old 18-12-2005, 00:12   #101
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Not from me, there isn't!

Walked right past you two today.

Will try and say hello at the Halifax home match, if I can find you amongst the huge crowd that will obviously be there.
Lol, ok. Will have to look back through old post to see who put the price on their own head then.

Do say hiya though.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 18-12-2005, 00:16   #102
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

Lets not give up just because of today. Yes a fantastic performance from the lads, but perhaps a game that was viewed as lowly on the attendance list. I did my part & got five old faces back to this game & they all stated how they were amazed at the vast improvement in the way the team played against when they last came & all have vowed to return. Rome wasn't built in a day but keep on plugging friends, family etc & lets hope the reporters from the Telegraph & Observer highlight how many fans who missed todays game missed a real festival of football. OK we are not in the same league as Chelsea, Man U etc but there is a vast difference in paying £12 against £30-45 too. After all our contributions today will ensure the development of the club tommorow! And a nice tribute too to Roy, You could hear a pin drop outside in the ground for the minutes silence, pity about the muppet in the clubhouse who yapped through it, but there is always one isn't there.
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Old 18-12-2005, 00:22   #103
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

not sure if I want to know now wynonie as we enjoy ourselves guessing too much!! At one point I think you were even a woman!!!

Garinda & I are always stood behind the goal so if you know who we are please do come over and say hello and introduce yourselves.

As for todays game, brilliant!! I have to admit I was close to not coming as I'd spent a freezing morning stood up at Blacksnape watching my son play footy this morning... but I am so glad I did. What an exciting match and what a penalty save by elliot (was stood right behind the goal when he saved it).

I think special offers on cup matches are always a good idea especially to season ticket holders and we are more likely to drag an extra friend when you are all in the same position of paying at the turnstiles

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 18-12-2005, 00:41   #104
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

Originally Posted by harwood red
not sure if I want to know now wynonie as we enjoy ourselves guessing too much!! At one point I think you were even a woman!!!
Definitely not, although I sometimes whinge like an old woman on here.

I know you two from your shots in the photo gallery, so I'll come over and say 'ow do next time I see you.

Got to agree with all the comments about Stanley's game this afternoon. The team are playing better than I have ever seen them play. Some absolutely beautiful moves up front, Elliot is just as good as Randolph and even the defence aren't making me feel as nervous as I used to! If we carry on playing like this, surely the crowds must return?
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Old 18-12-2005, 12:40   #105
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Re: Reason for poor gates?

don't get much time to sit at my compter these days - so haven't read all the posts, apologies if my two pennoth duplicates. Saturday's gate was surely down to last chance for a lot of folks to shop for Christmas - wouldn't worry about a one-off. Long term, we still have the two B's on either side and history shows a lot of Accy folk don't count town pride in their make-up.
I think we must reconcile ourselves to always being a poor relation and obviously that must limit ambition. I see my fellow Roughlea-ite, Wynonie, has 'Stanley till I die' as his motto and I guess that goes for all the Stanley faithful. Either Accrington is in your heart or it isn't.
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