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Old 07-07-2006, 08:47   #16
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Re: Red and White Fortnight

No problem, see you there
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Old 11-07-2006, 19:14   #17
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Re: Red and White Fortnight

Sorry to harp on about this but we need as many peeps to support this worthwhile effort at showing the people of Accrington thst there is life outside of armchair football; & its much more fun.

Ideas needed, bosses pestered, donations welcome...... We need anything that will make people notice that "Stanley are Back!" as long as its red & white. We will have the press on board & there are prizes for the best efforts.

Even if its just a shirt to work or a scarf in your window it'll do..... Let us know what you have planned & we can get pictures etc

I'm gonna decorate my house!

Fun starts 22nd July & then we are hoping for a parade on the day of the Darlington game from Peel Park to the match

Help, ideas & action all needed. It really IS a big deal what has been achieved & 44 years needs commemorating

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Old 12-07-2006, 13:43   #18
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Re: Red and White Fortnight

What I find strange is that your getting everyone else to advertise the red and white fortnight and the games night etc (well done fantastic effort all round by the way) .... But you havent even got it on your own website ?

DIARY WHATS ON .... Games night 15th JUNE
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Old 12-07-2006, 16:41   #19
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Re: Red and White Fortnight

BUT IT IS ON THE MESSAGEBOARDS both private and public
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Old 13-07-2006, 14:02   #20
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Re: Red and White Fortnight

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
BUT IT IS ON THE MESSAGEBOARDS both private and public
Not everyone goes on a messageboard... Thats why theres a DIARY on the front page of the site... It currently tells all visitors to the site that nothing is happening... Is that what you want?

No need to shout BTW .. was only trying to help
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Old 13-07-2006, 17:44   #21
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Re: Red and White Fortnight

Having been a user of the Stanley Ultras site for around a year I have not looked at the diary since probably the first time I logged onto it. It is an under used facility and could easily be rectified. However I think if anybody can be bothered enough to get to the site they will be bothered enough to look at the forum.

And by the way I wasn't shouting I had just left the caps lock on and couldn't be arsed to edit SO UNSMILEY FACE RIGHT BACK AT YA
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Old 13-07-2006, 18:26   #22
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Re: Red and White Fortnight

yeagh it wasnt for you.. it was for visitors... just leave news of last months games night on then... thats what ya think is best..

oh just looked.. its changed to this motnhs games night... seems someone doesnt agree with you macca..
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Old 13-07-2006, 18:27   #23
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Re: Red and White Fortnight

To update you all on what is happening/happened already:

Leaflet drop around the town centre completed

Telegraph now on board. They have asked for anybody doing owt daft like painting their heads, houses car or whatever to let them or me know and we will get the LET photographer to take pix and then we can get them in the paper. We want to get something in every night so that is a potential 12 editions that need your mug in. I have asked for the sticker campaign to be re-run but from Broadway rather than the ground as we are targetting new fans rather than existing ones. I also expressed how good the red cover was on the title winning edition and said it would be nice if we can do that again.

Still waiting for a response from 2BR, Radio Lancs, The Bee, Rock FM, Granada Reports and The Accrington Observer. If you have an 'in' of any sorts with these people then please use it as it is rather disappointing that at least some of those have not responded. If you have any joy then please PM me and we can speak to them and liase it correctly.

Rob Heys has said that if the club can help they will, Fraser is available and if they can get the players out they will.

We need ideas and rapidly. I was thinking that Fraser should be out on Broadway with us lot handing out leaflets etc and I am going to speak with ASDA to see if they can do owt. Ideally they will put something on and then we can get the players down doing a bit of ball juggling, photo's, signings etc.
Have spoken to Sally Henfield at the LET and detailed what we want to and what we want them to do. She has also suggested that we ask people (fans) to do wacky things such as painting their hair red and white or their garage door or roof and they will get the photographer around. We need to get an article printed in every nightly edition, we can do quite a bit towards this and the club can also release whatever press they can in dribs and drabs.
ABSOLUTLEY ANY IDEA IS A GOOD ONE. Please contribute your ideas or what you propose to do towards the event. We need to get talking about it or else it could fall flat.

If you have contact numbers for ex-players then PM me with it (ask em first though and let em know I may be ringing) Newspapers always like to use quotes and anecdotes from ex-players. They need to recognised names though like Becky, Ash, Grimmy, Haggis.

We will get the recognised fan names like Jack Barrett to speak.

Kipax, can you host a page or two on the event such as faces painted and the window displays? Will you be available at some point for traipsing around town? I realise that you will be in Scotland on one of the saturdays.

Does anybody know any face painters that could donate their time and materials to sitting on Broadway for at least a sat morning?

Does anybody know of any kiddies rides or Bouncy Castles that could be utilised? Obviously a fee would need to be incurred on these but surely a nominal fee of 50p per go would cover their costs.

Have the official supporters club got any plans to climb aboard and help us out? Maybe you could be signing up new members or something?

Everybody can help with this by wearing your red and whitery at every given public moment (and the new shirts are due the day before I believe)

If anybody knows anything or anybody who could lend a hand then we need to know now. We have only 9 days before the start of this event that has the potential to be the single biggest Google Page Ranking stunt that the club or its fans has ever done.
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Old 13-07-2006, 19:07   #24
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Re: Red and White Fortnight

"Have the official supporters club got any plans to climb aboard and help us out? Maybe you could be signing up new members or something?"

Certainly mate, when do you all want to join?
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Old 13-07-2006, 19:11   #25
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Re: Red and White Fortnight

hahahahaha good one ossy

yes macca its on for whenever.. soon as theres summat to pictue i will be doing it.. taken as read really
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Old 13-07-2006, 19:24   #26
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Re: Red and White Fortnight

Theres a bit on the accy observer about it tonight...
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Old 13-07-2006, 19:48   #27
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Re: Red and White Fortnight

where am I looking Kipax?
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Old 13-07-2006, 19:51   #28
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Re: Red and White Fortnight

page 17 small paragraph on left half down
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Old 13-07-2006, 20:06   #29
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Re: Red and White Fortnight

cheers Kipax, I missed it the first two times I went through the paper

still, its a start.
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Old 17-07-2006, 08:41   #30
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Re: Red and White Fortnight

Telegraph just been on, they want to get a picture of a few of us all red and whited in readiness for publication this week.

I told em it will have to be an evening to get us together and wednesday will be favourite cos of the match. Anybody up for face painting/hair dying etc?

Also anybody doing owt wacky such as their car or house needs to pass me their details so as I can get a photographer round.

Jase is the only name forward so far with his house decorating (allegedly).

People have moaned on here before that it is the same people who keep getting in the press all the time and that they must be media whores or whatever. Now is your time. If you don't put yourself forward then it will be left to the same old faces.

Response so far has been poor and the whole idea is not catching on with people. Despite numerous requests (on here) the OSC is not interested. The radio stations have not come back to me. Accy Observer featured a 20 word paragraph but have not contacted me for any further details so I assume will not be running a feature.

All there is at the moment is the telegraph, Rob and Karen at the club have said they will do what they can, and then a handful of Ultras.

Do we want it?
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