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Old 21-10-2009, 16:35   #16
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Re: "red letter day ??"
"We are hoping to make an announcement in the next 48 hours.
People deserve to be reassured that everything is going to be okay."
" I,ve met clever buggers like you before "
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Old 21-10-2009, 20:00   #17
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Re: "red letter day ??"

Another potential Red-letter Day slips by....and can you still.....

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Old 23-10-2009, 21:14   #18
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Re: "red letter day ??"

A 'little Bird'...and not, as some would have it, the dark and mysterious Katie!!...has informed me that tomorrow may just well be.....


When ALL will be revealed to us !.....Will the Road to Rochdale prove to be our Road to Damascus ?....and with a blinding flash will we all understand the TRUTH about the survival of Accrington Stanley FC ??.....OR

Will it prove to be just another false dawn ??...which will stimulate me into wringing a certain 'Little Bird's' Neck!!

'WAIT AND SEE'.....and 'ON STANLEY!...ON!!'
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Old 23-10-2009, 21:31   #19
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Re: "red letter day ??"

Originally Posted by yonmon View Post
A 'little Bird'...and not, as some would have it, the dark and mysterious Katie!!.
You've not been talking to Marcie, the mobile phone lady, have you, Mr Y?

If it is tomorrow, it's the longest 48 hours I've ever known. I'll believe it when I hear it!
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Old 23-10-2009, 22:17   #20
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Re: "red letter day ??"

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
You've not been talking to Marcie, the mobile phone lady, have you, Mr Y?

If it is tomorrow, it's the longest 48 hours I've ever known. I'll believe it when I hear it!
Nope !....To paraphrase another 'bird' viz. Baroness Orczy..

"They seek her here..they seek her there...those fans they seek her everywhere.
Is she in Heaven ? she in Hell ?..That damned elusive M.Marcelle !."

(I've been dying to get that bit in for weeks Wyn!..thanks for the 'straight' line!!).
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Old 23-10-2009, 22:20   #21
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Re: "red letter day ??"

Originally Posted by yonmon View Post
A 'little Bird'...and not, as some would have it, the dark and mysterious Katie!!...has informed me that tomorrow may just well be.....


When ALL will be revealed to us !.....Will the Road to Rochdale prove to be our Road to Damascus ?....and with a blinding flash will we all understand the TRUTH about the survival of Accrington Stanley FC ??.....OR

Will it prove to be just another false dawn ??...which will stimulate me into wringing a certain 'Little Bird's' Neck!!
'WAIT AND SEE'.....and 'ON


there will be a statement but as i ve said before i dont think it will untll after the hearing on wed
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Old 23-10-2009, 22:59   #22
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Re: "red letter day ??"

Originally Posted by katei77 View Post
there will be a statement but as i ve said before i dont think it will untll after the hearing on wed
You've shattered my hopes before I've really begun to believe in them Katei!!...

And...go on !...tell us!... What, in your estimation, will this statement on Wednesday reveal to us ?...I'm longing for some reassurance !! are we all!!.

'ON STANLEY !!...ON!!....PLEASE !!'
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Old 24-10-2009, 00:01   #23
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Re: "red letter day ??"

Originally Posted by katei77 View Post
there will be a statement but as i ve said before i dont think it will untll after the hearing on wed
I fear you may well be right, but if there is a statement issued AFTER the hearing, then I expect it to be from HMRC and not DON and co.

The fact that DON refused to comment in this weeks paper re the current state of affairs, speaks volumes to me.............after all He has been at pains to tell us that He 'wont let Accrington Stanley fold again' often enough


Messrs Khan and Marsden I thank you

Thursday 31st. March 2011, a new dawn over the Crown ground.
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Old 24-10-2009, 00:24   #24
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Re: "red letter day ??"

The longer this "wall of silence" seems to be deployed by the club, the more frustrated and worried we as fans get. A simple statement to allay the fears of many, stating that the wolf at the door (i.e H.M.R.C..)has been sent on his merry way would more than galvanise the faithful to continue the hard work that is needed to move the club forward.

I've just nurtured ( nay press ganged, if to be properly correct) my 11 year old niece into following the Stanley. After the Shrewsbury game on Tuesday (and sitting in the main stand and after encouraging her along to several home games this season) she declared ......" next home game, I want to go on that end (Clayton End) where all the singing's at!! " Despite the awful, despairing and sickening feeling that has become to be an awful reminder of our current predicament, I could not have the heart to tell her that this was possibly the last time that we might enjoy her new found pleasure. I can't lecture the girl about '62, I was but a twinkle in my late father's eye then.

The only positive hope that I cling to as I sit here writing this whilst consuming a glass or three of Theakston's Old Pec, is that all will be revealed, in what probably will be the last hours before the deadline, that this particular threat of wiping out our beloved club has been revoked and the debt has been paid.

The only reasoning I have for this ( what I hope IS NOT ) ill founded optimism, Is the reasoning behind spurning Mr Khan's generous offer. Whatever the present board's reasons or agenda for turning his offer down, I only have ( maybe blindly) faith that the present Chairman/ co chair person, board, etc, etc, etc, have confidence in meeting the demands that have to be met on Wednesday.

If they do not, then these people, who I and we all trust with the running of our beloved ship Stanley, have all the foresight and attitude of the crew of the Titanic. As in, this iceberg can't sink us and keep the band / orchestra playing to avoid a panic.

I only hope the recent press releases by those concerned do not echo the aforementioned musicians of the Titanic, Lightening in our case does not strike twice and the big bad wolf is sent on his way.

Otherwise ,I have a lot of explaining to do to an 11 year old girl who I imagine will be quite upset if the brown stuff hits the fan on Wednesday.

I aim to e-mail the club with my own personal concerns immenently,( as somebody else on another thread has) however I don't expect (as I believe that person has not) honest and forthright answers. They could save me, and all fans the trouble,sleepless nights, worry, etc, etc, etc, IF THEY release a definative statement.......and in the next day or two, before the deadline......


A) The debt has been paid (and also reveal concrete plans of how the club moves on from this episode)

or, and I hope this is not the case...

B) The present Board, despite all best efforts cannot satisfy this debt, and seek help. ( and by help, I mean hold olive branches or whatever it takes to get Mr. Khan back onside)

I hope option B) is not necessary.....

Less than 100 hours to "save our Stanley".

High time for our present board et all to stand up and be counted.
"Once in a while you will stumble upon the truth, but most of us manage to pick ourselves up and hurry along as if nothing happened" -

Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill.
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Old 24-10-2009, 01:13   #25
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Re: "red letter day ??"

My worries for the safty of the club are turning to one of joy and a bright future to be had by all stanley fans..
ACCRINGTON STANLEY FC We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
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Old 24-10-2009, 01:35   #26
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Re: "red letter day ??"

Originally Posted by mab View Post
My worries for the safty of the club are turning to one of joy and a bright future to be had by all stanley fans..

Mab, you have a pm mate


Messrs Khan and Marsden I thank you

Thursday 31st. March 2011, a new dawn over the Crown ground.
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Old 24-10-2009, 07:00   #27
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Re: "red letter day ??"

[QUOTE=ukcowboy;755962]I fear you may well be right, but if there is a statement issued AFTER the hearing, then I expect it to be from HMRC and not DON and co.

The fact that DON refused to comment in this weeks paper re the current state of affairs, speaks volumes to me.............after all He has been at pains to tell us that He 'wont let Accrington Stanley fold again' often enough [/QUOTE

Today's revelation from my consultation with my Red-Coloured Crystal Ball (Read through my Red-Coloured Spectacles Cowboy!)...does little to reassure me that TODAY will be 'THE RED LETTER DAY' !!....
He didn't let the Club fold after all, but he will lead a fleet of 3 Cars to one of our future Away Games!!...and to Soccer oblivion !

Recognise this Future Venue Cowboy....?...Perish the thought!

ps. Alfred,E. is a Fan of 'The Blues' and thinks that this cynical allusion to their lowly status is most unwarranted !


Last edited by yonmon; 24-10-2009 at 07:02. Reason: It was getting to be a bit too cynical!!
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Old 24-10-2009, 08:23   #28


Re: "red letter day ??"

What are you poor buggers going to do after the weekend when all this will be history You'll be bored ****less the lot of ya......

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 24-10-2009, 09:22   #29
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Re: "red letter day ??"

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
What are you poor buggers going to do after the weekend when all this will be history You'll be bored ****less the lot of ya......
Hopefully, we'll be watching our club play in the football league! There's only one way I'm going to be really bored on a Saturday afternoon and I'm trying hard not to think about that at the moment!
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Old 24-10-2009, 09:38   #30
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Re: "red letter day ??"

Originally Posted by mab View Post
My worries for the safty of the club are turning to one of joy and a bright future to be had by all stanley fans..
Could you tell us what you're basing this sudden change of heart on, Mab?...or have you been sworn to secrecy?
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