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23-08-2005, 23:11
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Rory Prendergast
Went to watch el Rorio in action tonight. Played well, but still suffering from the 'don't get passed the ball enough syndrome.' Anyway, one topic of conversation on the way home from Cambridge at the weekend (other than Le goalkeeper le rubbish) was the possibilty of sponsoring Rory. At Blackpool, the players kits (both home and away) are available to sponsor. Rory's home shirt is already taken, but not his away shirt.
The general consensus among those on the coach was that it would be a good idea for us (all involved with Stanley) to put something towards sponsoring him - a goodwill, thank you gesture if you like.
I'm not sure on how much it is, but who would be interested? Say £10 each depending on numbers. I doubt it would more than £200 to do it.
I know some may think its a bad idea (ie giving money to another club) but Rory did take time out to talk to fans and was always held in very high esteem by all who got know him well and he liked the idea when I mentioned it to him tonight.
Last edited by Adam Cottier; 24-08-2005 at 11:24.
23-08-2005, 23:24
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Re: Rory Prendergast
Absoloutly ludicrous idea.. I have nothing against Rory.. In fact quite like him... But for crying out loud!!!
What about the players who are playing for stanley who dont have a sponsor... they talk to fans as well and are quite liked. How are they going to feel when they havent got a sponsor but fans clubbed together to sponsor an ex player instead of them ?
Crackpot idea IMHO ... But as always.. Just IMHO
24-08-2005, 06:56
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Re: Rory Prendergast
My thoughts exactly mr K, just doesn't make sense.
1st JULY 2004
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24-08-2005, 07:16
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Re: Rory Prendergast
We've got exactly five pledges on the pledges thread and we're talking about sponsoring a player from another club??
Madness...sheer madness.
Last edited by Wynonie Harris; 24-08-2005 at 08:37.
24-08-2005, 08:23
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Re: Rory Prendergast
£200 would buy one big flag that could read "Adam is a F-ing Twit!"
Anyone want to donate cash?
24-08-2005, 08:37
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Re: Rory Prendergast
How's about we sponser Evil at Wrexham, Jamo at Southport, Smithy at Barrow, Flickers at Barrow, Lutel at Alty, etc, etc, etc. That will only cost us about £1,000, what a good idea.
24-08-2005, 11:01
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Re: Rory Prendergast
stupid idea really
Just stick to wat ur best at adam..............proudly wearing your burnley shirt hehehe
The Voice of the Terrace
24-08-2005, 12:17
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Re: Rory Prendergast
Just stick to wat ur best at adam..............proudly wearing your burnley shirt hehehe
and why not organise sponsorship for Chaplow, Blake, Camara, Roche, CHRICTON and all the other ex-Clarets, especially Matty O'Niell and Paul Cook
24-08-2005, 12:19
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Re: Rory Prendergast
Originally Posted by JEFF
and why not organise sponsorship for Chaplow, Blake, Camara, Roche, CHRICTON and all the other ex-Clarets, especially Matty O'Niell and Paul Cook
24-08-2005, 12:41
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Re: Rory Prendergast
You are a Claret Mad! please keep up Adam 
24-08-2005, 13:04
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Re: Rory Prendergast
Adam does it again in the "good ideas Department" Get a hobby, boy... I know, what about working for the local radio (the one that few listen to!!) In the words of the immortal Del Boy... what a PLONKER!
24-08-2005, 13:51
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Re: Rory Prendergast
Is this poster a complete idiot - or is there a bit missing..?
24-08-2005, 14:14
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Re: Rory Prendergast
this was not my initial idea but I see the majority are jumping on the bandwagon. As usual, I get the flack. Rory says hello to all, for what it's worth.
24-08-2005, 14:23
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Re: Rory Prendergast
Originally Posted by Adam Cottier
this was not my initial idea but I see the majority are jumping on the bandwagon. As usual, I get the flack. Rory says hello to all, for what it's worth.
Whats with the hero worship of Rory? He was a very good player, but then I believe these people would be more deserving of hero worship....
Russell Payne
Karl Bell
Mark Shirley
Mark Brannan
Mike Marsh
Brett Ormerod
Jay Flannery
Reg Hollis
He's gone people, Accy Stanley are still here, all this lets go & see Rory in Blackpool etc What next "Tangerine" flags...... Far better things within the confines of ASFC to spend time, energy, thoughts, money on!
24-08-2005, 15:55
Resting In Peace
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Re: Rory Prendergast
He's gone people, Accy Stanley are still here, all this lets go & see Rory in Blackpool etc What next "Tangerine" flags...... Far better things within the confines of ASFC to spend time, energy, thoughts, money on!
Well said Willie Miller. We wish Rory and all of our ex players all the best, but if there is any spare money to be found let's use it for the good of Stanley.
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