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14-09-2009, 18:30
Full Member
Re: "Save Our Stanley"
Well if that's the case, there's no hope for us, with all those expenses hanging over our heads.
I thought with the measures taken place we should be breaking even +18k per month with an average attendence of approx 1500 fans.
Plus 35k from 5000 fans at the burnley match for a reasonably cheap ticket. In comparison to 14k or 18k from 3000 fans the the normal entrance fee.
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14-09-2009, 19:06
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Re: "Save Our Stanley"
Firstly I would say that B.F.C. and Mr. Kilby, have been very kind to us over "Expenses" at Turf Moor last Tuesday.  (5301 crowd)
Secondly of the 3228 at the Darlo match some were F.O.C. some were consessions £8. and some were ST holders again F.O.C. Whilst I know of ST holders paying again - some upto £40.  When you break it down and take into account heating, lighting, officials Etc. It would be foolish of the club to inflate the figure by taking less out (Like B.F.C. Have done) because we would only be robbing ourselves.
Did EW not say that the Free Torquay game lost him circa £15K??
It is another £14K in the S.O.S. Fund.. 
19 Years in the Football League
14-09-2009, 19:26
Full Member
Re: "Save Our Stanley"
Maybe they're holding some cash back for later. One last push!!! To keep up the momentum 
14-09-2009, 19:27
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Re: "Save Our Stanley"
Originally Posted by Mr Matthew
Maybe they're holding some cash back for later. One last push!!! To keep up the momentum 
Maybe, but would not think so, we will have to see 
19 Years in the Football League
14-09-2009, 19:38
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Re: "Save Our Stanley"
"All money recieved" on Friday was supposed to go into the fund.
I am very dissapointed that reciepts of just over £14k were collected like others on here. It seems £10k light going off season ticket numbers and the number of adults that were there.
The sums don't add up. I was working until 7pm, made the extra effort to rush back for the cause and feel let down.
The fans are doing their bit, but it is a one sided effort.
14-09-2009, 20:01
Coffin Dodger.
Re: "Save Our Stanley"
from what i heard tonight V.A.T. paid is a factor.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
14-09-2009, 20:30
God Member
Re: "Save Our Stanley"
Originally Posted by cashman
from what i heard tonight V.A.T. paid is a factor.
 You could be right cashy ,what ever the gate takings where they would have to pay V.A.T. my rough calculations ie att 3,228 a quick brake down ....700 ST .. 500 FBEES if all attended..800 under 16 and conssesions leaving 1228 at an av of £14=£17,192 less 15% V.A.T=£14,613,20 ac/amount £14,184,07p even by my figures the club do well to compleat in the league WLL DONE THE POWERS THAT BE   
ACCRINGTON STANLEY FC We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
Last edited by mab; 14-09-2009 at 20:36.
14-09-2009, 20:40
Coffin Dodger.
Re: "Save Our Stanley"
Originally Posted by mab
was not aware until i queried it, doubt if many folk are, think it would be a good thing if these factors "had been" explained? many, me included were expecting more dosh, i am happy now, but fact it was not clarified beforehand may possibly give ammo to some bad intentioned git.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
14-09-2009, 20:41
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Re: "Save Our Stanley"
So if the V.A.T. Comes into play, if we have raised £73K then we have raised nearer £90K... Before that tax chap has taken some cash from the fund raised to pay him off  What a great business idea...  I bet that tax chap is rubbing his hands with glee  Never mind only £235K to go, plus another £30Kish in taxes....... 
19 Years in the Football League
14-09-2009, 20:50
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Re: "Save Our Stanley"
Why 500 freebies? If that happened most games there would be no gate.
Plus the U16 and concessions still have to pay £8 and £5.
If I paid £20 to go in in,the extra £7 should not be subject VAT, it is a donation.
14-09-2009, 20:52
God Member
Re: "Save Our Stanley"
Originally Posted by VALAIRIAN
So if the V.A.T. Comes into play, if we have raised £73K then we have raised nearer £90K... Before that tax chap has taken some cash from the fund raised to pay him off  What a great business idea...  I bet that tax chap is rubbing his hands with glee  Never mind only £235K to go, plus another £30Kish in taxes....... 
 May be may be not may be the burnley game and darlo game but not the donations which are given freely as a GIFT to the club over to you MRT
ACCRINGTON STANLEY FC We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
14-09-2009, 20:59
Coffin Dodger.
Re: "Save Our Stanley"
Originally Posted by mab
 May be may be not may be the burnley game and darlo game but not the donations which are given freely as a GIFT to the club over to you MRT
thats the way things work donations are a gift,as fer the Freebies chewbacca, its called speculate to accumulate, ya get a good gate,good atmosphere, which there was both, its quite possible some would enjoy n return, better gates is what the club needs badly, well worth trying in my book.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
14-09-2009, 21:14
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Re: "Save Our Stanley"
In hindsight, free admission and a donation would have avoided the VAT, but then how many deadheads would have turned up and donated nowt 
14-09-2009, 21:15
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Re: "Save Our Stanley"
At this rate selling out every match will leave us well short.
That is why it is dissapointing.
The majority of people have already donated.
The club needs to come up with something else it can sell to save itself.
10 year season tickets (you times this years price by five both winners)
Stanley Debentures
A new SoS Third Shirt in blue
14-09-2009, 21:34
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Re: "Save Our Stanley"
i like idea 1
i dont know what idea 2 means
idea 3 looks decidedly dodgy bearing in mind that our solicitors are in contact with the current kit manufacturer for selling our shirt at half price for themselves.
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